Does this get any better?
Just finished ep 3 and it's a real struggle.
>uninteresting, unengaging and repetitive characters
>non-existent plot
>the cinematography is borderline unpleasant to watch
Does this get any better?
Just finished ep 3 and it's a real struggle.
>uninteresting, unengaging and repetitive characters
>non-existent plot
>the cinematography is borderline unpleasant to watch
Other urls found in this thread:
No. Try Konosuba, Rezero or Sao.
Honestly, if you don't enjoy it by episode 3 you likely wont like the rest of the series.
Have to agree.
I tried really hard to get into this series.
Doesn't help it having texts appearing for 1 frame.
If you still don't like it after episode 12, drop it completely. It's the pinnacle of the whole series.
It's a part of the trinity of Sup Forums memecore included with jojo and samurai champloo
>>non-existent plot
not my fault you can't pay attention and keep track of things
>>the cinematography is borderline unpleasant to watch
it's art is one of my 2 main reason I watch this, the other being the banter
>>uninteresting, unengaging and repetitive characters
so is Sup Forums, yet we keep coming here
If you dont like it after 3 episodes stop watching it.
>my fault
It's your fault
>All this post
>being too dim-witted to read actual books, so you need a minimalistic power point summary split into 20-minute segments suited for your attention span
Spoilers crab loses to loli dragon
get a load of this guy
i watched it and i liked the first episode but i read something about a lot of the humor and stuff being based on japanese wordplay and things around japanese culture and i felt like i would be missing out if i watched it so i didnt watch past episode 1. i will get back to it at some point i guess
its a matter of tastes
after watching everything and reading a few LNs, i think its the best anime ever made
as for your points, it is uninteresting only to you, characters are unique, even the "tsundere" of the series does not really act like one, i would love for you to show me someone like yotsugi in different anime,
for you to understand plot, you need to see the bigger picture, 3 episodes is nothing, even 20 is nothing compared to everything else, cinematography is also amazing, if you are used to casual repeated camera shots like in ever second anime you may not like it
i love the characters, the plot and the cinematography, its unique, thats true, having some thoughts displayed by panels & the weird shots they are using, different parts made by different characters and their perspective, the sometimes unreliable narrator, you wont find that elsewhere, its great
>admits its shit still defends it
>need to watch 20 episodes before you can judge the quality of the plot
>series is 15 episodes long
But the series is 87 episodes and 3 thirds of a movie long, for now.
>a lot of the humor and stuff being based on japanese wordplay and things around japanese culture
No thats SZS.
Monogatari is perfectly enjoyable thanks to the vofan character design, visuals and nisio isins writing.
The editing is trying too hard to give me a seizure.
Bake is one of the weakest points in the series. Only Neko and Nise are worse.
Couldn't tell you, I dropped it after episode 6 or 7.
>what monogatari series looks like to people who have not watched it in one AMV
If you didn't enjoy the 3rd episode, you won't enjoy the series. Let it go user, it's not for you.
That ninja re bang bang AMV was the best thing ever.
who judges 90 episode, 3 movies anime after 5 episodes ?? especially monogatari which is unique in its style ?
You can easily judge monogatari after 2-3 episodes, if you hate dialogue/visuals just drop it
But the characters are the main pull of the series.
It gets better as you get more invested, Araragi is one of the best male mcs ever, Shinobu is one of the best lolis ever and you dont even hear her voice in first 3 episodes.
>you have to watch multiple seasons before it gets good
Hey its better than Gintama where you have to watch 300 episodes before it gets going.
I didn't say that there, just pointed out that there are more than 15 episodes. 20 episodes would get you in karen bee, which you'd dislike even more if you don't like pointless dialogues.
that was the point made about the plot, which is not so apparent after only few episodes, not about the quality of the material, if you dont like it after few episodes then drop it and be done with it
>It gets better as you get more invested
Impossible for OP. The show failed to maintain his interest at this point. If he continues, he'll just be forcing himself through. Episode 3 was basically the bread and butter of Monogatari. If you don't enjoy that episode, you can't enjoy the series. It's 85% dialogue, 15% action, not everyone can enjoy that.
You have to respect that not everyone will enjoy everything under the sun. It's not a matter of shit taste or not, it's just different people having different tastes.
It's not for everyone so don't watch it. You missing the point isn't the show's fault, faggot.
>lumping in KonoSuba with those other 2
that is not fair user
Being 85% dialogue is not a dealbreaker, I've watched series which are almost all dialogue. It's just the dialogue has no real purpose (nor is interesting) and is exchanged between characters which seem to have no real personality (ie. boring characters) in a series that has yet to seemingly develop a plot, hence the request to see whether it got better later on.
Whenever I hear people praise Monogatari I feel like I'm being rused.
Whenever I hear people writing what you just wrote I feel like I'm being rused.
well, they would not have made so many episodes/lns/movies if people would not like them
why do people not understand
>not everyone likes every anime/manga/lns
paste this to any thread and its still relevant
go back to Sup Forums
It's a show that children who watch nothing but ecchi cling to so they feel like they have good taste because in their mind lots of words = good.
Its the same with asking why do people like some "super popular media"
>Godfather movie was 85% dialogue, whenever people praise it I feel like im taking crazy pills
The only real response to people saying that is "go fuck yourself".
My problem is not that is popular, is that people praise it like it was some deep elitist anime, and the fact is this isn't said by facebook tier users, its said by actual fags of reddit and Sup Forums.
Reminder: deconstructed haremshit is still haremshit.
Shinobu, Hanekawa, and Araragi are the only things worth watching
If you didn't like the show by episode 1, then it's not for you.
Get over it and move on.
SAO is garbo, Re:zero left me feeling "hey, that was alright. Not alright enough to pursue the LNs or really hope for another season, but there were some interesting ideas at play," and Kono Suba is god's gift to this wonderful world.
>Kono Suba is god's gift to this wonderful world.
>This whole post
but muh self-aware parody
muh wordplay too sublime for plebs to understand
muh abandoned LN because the author saw Kyokai no Kanata and went to write a show with notMirai as main character
memegatarifags in a nutshell
read a real book for change, user
and get some taste
>show has fanservice
are are fucking kidding me, i have never seen an anime that does that, what the fuck is wrong with the world, lock those crazy fucker up
>its up to you if you take advice of fellow faggots, watch it and judge for yourself
Not sure if the way it's directed is a product of the LN's style or SHAFT being their usual lunatic selves, but the slow pans into head-tilts EVERY TWELVE SECONDS and constant split-second titlecard abuse (that apparently contains important context a lot of the time) and schizophrenic shifts in animation style and tone every episode just make the whole thing a headache to watch.
I had to step back and admit to myself that the only reason I was trying as hard as I was to like it was the waifus, and let go.
Love it desu
give me something for reference, i read everything from history books, fiction, manuals, philosophies
It's garbage and pretentious, don't bother
Basically this, it's something that makes underages think they're mature.
no, it's actually fucking garbage. The only impressive thing is the fact that they've managed to make a generic harem plot actually a fucking chore to follow through its retarded 1 camera cut per millisecond """""style""""""".
Nice bait.
Why are you forcing yourself to do something you don't enjoy?
It's not like Monogatari is some consensus masterpiece everyone has to see.
Not everyone has to enjoy everything user.
Watch the superior NisiO anime Katanagatari.
And read Medaka.
>repetitive characters
i think you mixed up your adjectives there bud.
YOU FUCKING SAVAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>gatarifags only capable of responding in memes
Math got my interest in the series to an all time peak after hana and tsuki brought it to the lowest.
how to respond to an opinion unsupported by anything if valid discussion doesnt work, you ignore it or feed trolls with a meme
>careful with the chewing this time
Reading from her perspective in Oroka is the most and fastest I've ever fallen in love with a character.
I was intrigued by formula, and loved her after lost part 2. And then each appearance added to her.
I just hope there is even more of her now, or at least Nisio could fill what happened immediately after Fiasco (though it might be another "riddle" like the letter). And I also need any official art of Office Lady Sodachi
Wut. I agree that neko was bad
No. It's shit.
I think some Sup Forumsnons just like to bait newfags into watching this meme of an anime, so they praise it like the second coming of the Christ
>too autistic to sit still long enough to enjoy a show about people talking about nothing
>too stupid to grasp basic plot points
>hating on Shinbo cinimatography
OK, so go back to K-on!, Maid-Dragon and Euphonium so you can watch cute girls not kiss each-other. Or if you aren't old enough for that neck beard bullshit watch some One Piece or Naruto.
For me it isn't directly the story that is interesting but the mood, it's really quiet and vacant. I love the aesthetic as well, if you get through episode 8 and you still don't like it the series isn't for you.
I would say the end of Mayoi Snail would be the end point for people to decide if they like it or not.
>Monogatari is perfectly enjoyable thanks to the vofan character design, visuals and nisio isins writing.
hmm ok, thanks. i will return to it at some point after i finish the couple of series i'm on. i really remember liking the visuals of the first ep
Probably for the overall feel of the series. But the scene in 8 is probably my favorite piece of animation of all time, so I think people should at least see that.
Monogatari LN is still going on, you autist. Also, Kyoko isn't based off of Mirai at all and it's a logical reasoning novel or what plebians refer as 'mystery'. Kyoko looks closer to Hanekawa than your dumb Mirai.
Maybe if you have shit taste.
No, monogatari series should've stop at Bake.
Sounds like a bad case of the plebeian. Bakemonogatari is kino as fuck. God bless Oishi.
you're mean
It took me pretty much the entire first season to get used to how the show works, but now it's one of my favorites.
I don't agree with any of those statements. Each arc clearly has a plot, but the other two just come down to personal taste. I assume you were either taken aback by the presentation and couldn't focus on what was being said (which does develop the characters very well), or despite being able to focus you lost interest based on the admittedly weird, roundabout dialogue. I love Monigatari, however this series just isn't for everyone, so if you don't like it, drop it. There's no harm in doing so.
Exactly, everyone i introduced was confused after three first episodes
My main problem with the Monogatari series is just the way it's directed and the editing.
Yeah the visuals look nice, but an insane amount of cuts isn't good direction, and it's plain irritating when you're reading subs at the same time.
a show isn't bad because you're autistic and get distracted easily
But Bake and the rest of the TV series have different directors, even if Itamura took a little while to stup just trying to copycat oishi style. There is barely any cut to text/black/red later.
This, I just kept watching cause I had nothing better to do and it was 2nd season which blew my mind.
It´s good from the beginning.
Why is everyone so mad?
Why can't he people who like the series stay in the thread and the people who don't like the series leave?
Why do we still come to this cancerous site?
Why do we deal with this everyday?
Fuck off
We want to hear opinions, even if we don't agree with each other. It gives perspective, and the people that come to places like this like to jab each other. At the end of the day, nobody cares. Just watch what tickles your fancy.
muh safe space
posting the best AMV :
Same for me.
That's probably it.