>***,*84位/***,*84位 (**5,836 pt) [*,264予約] 2017/03/24 Konosuba
>***,188位/***,200位 (**2,663 pt) [*,*70予約] 2017/04/26 Youjo Senki
>***,209位/***,209位 (**1,569 pt) [*,*19予約] 2017/03/24 Gabriel Dropout
>***,280位/***,288位 (***,994 pt) [*,*26予約] 2017/03/15 Maid Dragon
>***,339位/***,488位 (**1,057 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/19 Little Witch Academia
>***,510位/***,510位 (***,874 pt) [*,*15予約] 2017/05/26 One Room
>***,566位/***,533位 ○ (**1,047 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 Gintama
>***,698位/***,634位 (***,968 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/04/21 Acca13
>***,834位/***,780位 (***,974 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/03/22 Demi-chan
>***,987位/***,987位 (***,579 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/05/24 Bang Dream
***,*84位/***,*84位 (**5,836 pt) [*,264予約] 2017/03/24 Konosuba
>**1,473位/**1,473位 (***,346 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/29 Fuuka
>**1,521位/**1,521位 (***,603 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/03/08 Ao no Exorcist
>**2,200位/**2,065位 ◎ (***,311 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/07/28 Tales of Zestiria
>**2,418位/**2,418位 (***,450 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/03/22 Masamune-kun
>**3,302位/**3,087位 (***,375 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/03/24 Urara Meirochou
>**3,346位/**3,346位 ○ (***,*93 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/24 Hand Shakers
>**3,621位/**3,380位 (***,267 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/29 Kuzu no Honkai
>**4,801位/*18,898位 ◎ (***,*58 pt) [*,**8予約] 2017/04/04 Akiba Trip
>**5,272位/**4,899位 (***,464 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/05 Seiren
>**6,239位/**5,609位 (***,416 pt) [*,**3予約] 2017/04/26 Rewrite
>**6,465位/**5,790位 (***,305 pt) [*,**3予約] 2017/03/24 Chaos Child
>*16,854位/*16,854位 ○ (***,*89 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/22 Idol Jihen
>*17,009位/*17,009位 (***,179 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/29 Schoolgirl Strikers
>*22,760位/*21,937位 ○ (***,*87 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/12 Minami Kamakura
>*28,625位/*28,128位 ○ (***,*76 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/29 Eidlive
>>**3,621位/**3,380位 (***,267 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/29 Kuzu no Honkai
>>***,339位/***,488位 (**1,057 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/19 Little Witch Academia
Where are all the triggerfags saying trigger is saving anime?
>>***,834位/***,780位 (***,974 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/03/22 Demi-chan
>this entire post
You gotta lurk more kid
konoshitba was almost top 10 last season
lmao @ being 88
S3 confirmed?
>***,280位/***,288位 (***,994 pt) [*,*26予約] 2017/03/15 Maid Dragon
where did all the week-1 smacktalk go?
>>**3,346位/**3,346位 ○ (***,*93 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/24 Hand Shakers
>Hand Shakers getting ANY sales
>***,188位/***,200位 (**2,663 pt) [*,*70予約] 2017/04/26 Youjo Senki
Still selling better than all the other shows combined :^)
Stay mad and salty.
Always found it weird whenever a show getting popular on nico but still has shit sales.
I suggest that anime production should make a new business for the downloading on the laptop.
If they keep selling DVD yet, anime will be vanished from the earth.
it was conformed when they started to slow down after ep5
yea lmao enjoy your season 3
oh wait
Enjoy your season 2
oh wait
Where is the user that always post the website from where this comes from?.
sure i will (^:
>Not posting kemono friends or granblue because you want konosuba to be first
What does this mean, I don't read Japanese
>***,280位/***,288位 (***,994 pt) [*,*26予約] 2017/03/15 Maid Dragon
>**1,473位/**1,473位 (***,346 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/29 Fuuka
Sad, the girls are really cute and the music is good as well.
>**6,239位/**5,609位 (***,416 pt) [*,**3予約] 2017/04/26 Rewrite
Poor Maon
>**5,272位/**4,899位 (***,464 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/05 Seiren
>**6,465位/**5,790位 (***,305 pt) [*,**3予約] 2017/03/24 Chaos Child
>*22,760位/*21,937位 ○ (***,*87 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/12 Minami Kamakura
>*28,625位/*28,128位 ○ (***,*76 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/29 Eidlive
>Implying Granblue from this season
>Implying Granblue higher than konosuba
>***,228位/***,251位 (**5,918 pt) [*,*16予約] 2017/04/26
Kemono Friends can't be stalked since its in the amazon books section
I don't pay attention to these threads much
This is pre-orders of the blu ray on nip amazon right? Leftmost number is ranking amongst everything there?
kill yourself attentionwhoring peenoy
Yes, more or less.
>>***,*84位/***,*84位 (**5,836 pt) [*,264予約] 2017/03/24 Konosuba
>***,280位/***,288位 (***,994 pt) [*,*26予約] 2017/03/15 Maid Dragon
Kyoani find a way they said
>***,339位/***,488位 (**1,057 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/19 Little Witch Academia
Savior of anime they said
>***,987位/***,987位 (***,579 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/05/24 Bang Dream
Love Live killer they said
>**3,302位/**3,087位 (***,375 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/03/24 Urara Meirochou
Next Gochiusa they said
>**5,272位/**4,899位 (***,464 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/05 Seiren
Amagami killer they said
>**6,239位/**5,609位 (***,416 pt) [*,**3予約] 2017/04/26 Rewrite
Next Angel Beats they said
>**6,465位/**5,790位 (***,305 pt) [*,**3予約] 2017/03/24 Chaos Child
Next Steins Gate they said
>>***,339位/***,488位 (**1,057 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/19 Little Witch Academia
Wow, this is amazing. It truly is.
whoa there pardner, calm yer tiddies.
>>**3,621位/**3,380位 (***,267 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/03/29 Kuzu no Honkai
Saving anime doesn't necessarily entails selling lots of bluray copies
You should go back
Wtf are those runed you fucking pedo mongoloids.
only in stalker threads you can find these glorious posts
All the shows I like are selling pretty good for a change.
Hmm, LWA is doing better than expected. Pleasentely surprised
Don't people usually torrent bluray relases instead of buying?
(**5,836 pt) means total sales right?
LWA is pretty successful, considering how low the numbers are this season. You guys are just shitposting.
That's a lotta fake forces laughter just to get your points across. We get it, you hate lwa with a passion.
Yes, yes, Kyoani excessive lolicon pandering tactics is succesful, whooey, didnt see that one coming.
I'm still mystified by the anime business model, how does manage to profit from a system where over half the shows each season are flops? Surely the handful that don't flop can't possibly cover the costs of those that do.
well, most anime are just for boosting the manga/ln/whatever, many are also dirty cheap budget wise
>Kyoanus now resort to fanservice
How the mighty has fallen
You also have to take into account merchandies sales
Some properties are monsters merchandiser, but others are lucky if you get one neondroid to sell decently
LWA doesn't need or care about BDs. They've already got Netflix bucks.
Little Sales Academy HAHAHAHAHA
>>***,339位/***,488位 (**1,057 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/19 Little Witch Academia
>Savior of anime they said
>>>***,339位/***,488位 (**1,057 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/19 Little Witch Academia
You guys do realize LWA has been climbing up the rankings, right? That's a pretty big jump right there, and it was in 500s last week.
Is this the new KyoAni anime store excuse?
>Criticize LWA
>LWA faggot defenders crawl out of the woodwork to defend their precious little indie studio
Haha lol like clockwork every time
Not sure if bait or just seriously ignorant.
I want to meet a person that would buy Hand Shakers BD and ask him why
I know, it's pathetic.
Netflix pays em by original views, not just by being on netflix.
Being on netflix brings them barely any money. The nips only make money through expensive bd's, not by getting 0.000001$ per click.
Wait, how the fuck is that Kemomo piece of shit so successful? It's going to promote and encourage the creation of anime that looks like complete dogshit.
>>***,566位/***,533位 ○ (**1,047 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 Gintama
I'm happy with this.
Now Kyoanifags can have a taste of their own medicine with Triggerniggers' shitposting.
>Criticize LWA
You see "HAHAHAHA" as criticism?
How do I read these
>implying it hasn't always been the same few bunch rotating the shitposting and being shitposted at
Did you forget the old Shaft vs KyoAni crap?
That time Sunrise was BTFO everyone with Origin and Akito?
Or you know, the usual fujoshi stuff? Where storefront actually DOES matter?
None of this shit is new. The name changes but the shitposting has always been the same.
I'm honestly pretty happy that all those moe and sol faggots are getting btfo right now. As a semi-casual that likes isekai and all that stuff mixed with a bit of loli pandering, I am content with how my shows are doing.
LWA is pure shit and I'm glad it sells like shit. This gay fucking anime deserves everything bad it gets and so does the studio for producing this boring shit.
Who on earth want to spend money on that garbage?
Would you?
I won't.
how is LWA making money?
do they have some multimedia/merch push?
Is original stuff with good budget, if they rely on BD sales then this is fucking bad and no one can deny it
I guess it lacks something most soulless shit like LWA doesn't have.
The heart.
Streaming money, apparently.
Except it isn't flopping.
Netflix and China Netflixs money.
Both have millions of subscribers funding their popular stuff, of which LWA will sure to be one of it.
China market is hilariously bigger for Japanese vidyas, manga and animes which is they the top priority market after native for all Japanese creative industry
They take funds from Tattun's pocket money.
Idiots think it's making money through netflix but I can't imagine that they get enough money from there.
It is, and it is really fucking hard. At this rate, they won't even get to the last episode before the studio goes broke.
>TFW I paid 20 bucks to help LWA become a thing and to see how mad these guys are
good shit
Which is why the Chinese get all translation first for all their products before every other language.
And why they send their best to anime expos in China
What is it with innocuous series like LWA and Flip Flappers that sends some people into a hatred fueled autistic rage.
Not mad at all, considering how you wasted all of your money to support a failing show.
Literally shitposting from people that don't actually care.
No one likes sluts.
This is the designated shitposting thread, Pajeet.
>Flip Flappers
The fanbase.
Newfags that weren't here when Sup Forums single handedly funded the OVA and think they have to hate Trigger to fit in.
>came into a stalker thread
>why is there a lot of shitposting
Whatever helps you sleep at night. I really feel bad for you. You could have used the time to enjoy a thing you actually like, instead you'd rather just be angry about people liking a thing you don't and need to make up a bunch of narratives and being spiteful about the studio which has done nothing to affect your life.
>inb4 projection
Sorry, but it's pretty much what you're doing.
>seeking logic in people who can't into logic
The whole point of rage is that you are no longer capable of rational discourse.
>Ao no Exorcist still playing
Explain your dad.
Kyoani and Trigger are kill
Why the fuck is one room so popular?
>Whatever helps you sleep at night. I really feel bad for you. You could have used the time to enjoy a thing you actually like, instead you'd rather just be angry about people liking a thing you don't and need to make up a bunch of narratives and being spiteful about the studio which has done nothing to affect your life.
I do enjoy my time watching anime but seeing meme shows with little sales taking away precious resources from other animes that could be produced it disheartening.
>Sorry, but it's pretty much what you're doing.
You sure you're not just feeling bad about the fact that you spent 20 bucks of your meager pocket money to help a show that is now failing?
And no, neither the poor Chinese with their 3$ netflix subscriptions nor Western people where only a few 10k people that have netflix subscriptions watch this anime can save this show. The profit margins are just too small.
What's wrong with the fanbase?
Cheap animation
>Little Sales Academia
>Flop Floppers
"Us-against-the-world" mentality.
>***,339位/***,488位 (**1,057 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/19 Little Witch Academia
That's pretty good though. And it's jumped from previously
>***,*84位/***,*84位 (**5,836 pt) [*,264予約] 2017/03/24 Konosuba
>***,510位/***,510位 (***,874 pt) [*,*15予約] 2017/05/26 One Room
>***,834位/***,780位 (***,974 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/03/22 Demi-chan
>tfw my favorite shows this season are actually selling
Maybe I haven't posted in enough of those threads because I don't understand.
Not at all.
What, do stalker shitposters talk about how Fallout is better orsomethin?
>**5,272位/**4,899位 (***,464 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/04/05 Seiren
This anime was a mistake.
Ya, it is though
Not really. The anime was expected to sell at least thrice as much. These numbers should be concerning.