The dumbest power-ups/abilities in anime and manga. I'll start:
>"I'm twice as strong if I use BOTH hands!"
>said to the enemy with 6 hands
The dumbest power-ups/abilities in anime and manga. I'll start:
>"I'm twice as strong if I use BOTH hands!"
>said to the enemy with 6 hands
Not a power up.
He just likes to figt with a handicap.
shouting some shit making your giant robot energy beams more powerfull
I like Gohan but,
>You barely trained in 7 years? No problem. Sit here for a while.
>Now you're stronger than everyone.
Don't remember the title, but it goes something like this:
The MC is losing badly and eventually goes down, but out of sher will manages to stand up again.
Fine so far, but then the MC suddenly becomes more powerful with no explanation and defeats the opponent.
every shonen shit fight
>bleach is hard to understand
holy shit
Nnoitra had 6 hands but he was way weaker than Zaraki and he used one weapon in each arm. Using both hands improves strength, it even had a flashback to explain it to you if you can't see the logic.
Fuck off tripfag
I never said it was complicated, I said it was fucking stupid. If Kenpachi was weaker because he was only using one hand for his weapon, that same logic should apply to Nnoitra too, especially because his power is growing fucking arms.
He could have at least blocked it with multiple arms, but Kubo just wanted the fight to be over so he could move on to the next wave of bullshit fights. Who's was after that? The scientist with an endless amount of asspull victories? Are you going to tell me he was a complex character with well thought out combat moves too?
He never said it was complex just that it's a simple
2hand kenpachi>6 hand Nnoitra>1hand Kenpachi
Dude, that's almost every shounen. That's not an ability, that's a trope.
Yu Yu Hakusho? Naruto? Bleach?
6 > 2.
It's not like Nnoitra was using a sword, he had room for all those hands on his...staff/axe thing. So if the logic here is more hands = more attacj power, and 6 > 2, Nnoitra should have kept the advantage.
It had nothing to do with the number of arms he had, and everything to do with his proper Kendo training he learned from Yamamoto, dumbass.
And the entire point of Mayuri is that he embraces chaos on the battlefield; he didn't so much as defeat Syazel as he let Syazel defeat himself by taking an uncalculated risk.
See you speedreading fuck.
Start off with that argument you slow-typing fuck.
Okay... so I take it you have no rebuttal?
Are they green?
If they are, then it's Hajime no Ippo.
It's actually true in real life that shouts make your blows more powerful. That's why people in sports or martial arts yell or grunt to improve their performance.
They can even shake up your opponents for sounding intimidating. So shouting a retarded attack name in a street fight might make you look stupid, but you might get an advantage to throw off your opponent.
>Also, my loli was my sword spirit the entire time and-OOPS I was so powerful my arm blew off
>my loli was my sword spirit the entire time
Literally everyone who read Bleach saw that coming, nice try though.
>OOPS I was so powerful my arm blew off
This was even foreshadowed in the Gremmy fight- there's levels of strength that Kenpachi himself cannot yet handle, at least not until he learns how to properly control his Bankai.
Who said I was surprised?
The tone of your post implied that you were claiming that it was some sort of asspull when in reality both points were foreshadowed strongly. I don't know or care if you were surprised, I just wanted to make sure you knew that.
>he posted it again
I don't even read HxH but I've seen so many discussion about Gon-san that I can say for certain it wasn't an asspull.
You have no argument
I never said I did.
twohanded Kenpachi is stronger than six handed Noitra.
It's not hard to understand,
In other words, fuck off.
>replying to obvious bait
Kubo defenders are worse than Kubo himself.
No matter how much you claim he thought about what he was drawing, there's nothing to show he actually did. Almost every fight in the whole series was sidelined or won through asspull. Even the "good" ones in SS.
The super fast bankai method was an asspull
The mask was an asspull
The full hollow was an asspull
The final getsuga was an asspull
Every fight Mayuri won was an asspull
Most of Kenpachi's fights were won with an asspull
The arrow was an asspull
Ichigo's numerous swords were all asspulls
And finally, you yourselves are asspulls
Gr8 b8 m8
>final getsuga
>after they were clearly set up previously for Ichigo to use in his battle
Where's your argument?
>wave motion palm cannon!
Gon-san is perfectly reasonable considering the established rules in the HxH universe.
>One of the most talented individuals in the world
>Dad is top 5 fighter in the world.
>Restriction: Only kill one very specific individual
>Sacrifice: All of the user's power/life.
Now Alluka on the other hand is complete horseshit.
>"I need bankai!!"
>"oh there's actually this method to do that in a few days"
>"I need to defeat Aizen!!"
>"oh there's actually this method to do that in a few days, but we're also in a time hole so that's only like 3 minutes"
>>not asspulls
Keep going
>"I'm twice as strong if i use BOTH swords!"
>said in a universe where dual wielding is not possible
Burden of proof is on you amigo. Your argument is not self-evident just because you're too dumb to actually read the manga.
>Fuck off tripfag
funny, you're the one with the trips. chek em
Kendopachi was so fucking stupid. Worst "power up" in the series.
>burden of proof
I didn't realize I was on trial here. But even if I am, I don't have to prove shit to you. No matter how many panels I dig up you'll say something stupid again and tell me to find more.
Do you seriously read Bleach and say, "Oh! I love this manga! The fights are so fantastic and I feel so satisfied after reading it."
Tell me, do you think the bankai were balanced too?
You linked to the same post twice dumbass.
No it isn't dumbass, he can't prove that it's an asspull because an asspull is something that wasn't set up, the closest thing to proof he could provide is posting the entire manga. You need to post the pages that show how the things he calls asspulls were properly set up ahead of time you fucking fetus.