YOI thread. Last thread got archived.
Time for a new one with gay nendos.
YOI thread. Last thread got archived.
Time for a new one with gay nendos.
Other urls found in this thread:
Victor's hairline.
Reposting a few of the nendo pics from the other thread.
I want about 5 of each.
Preorders when?
12PM JST tomorrow (Friday) according to what was posted in the old thread. Ships in August, Yuuri's in late July.
They know how to sell it, huh
The things I would make them do to each other...
They sure do.
Is it possible for men to lactate in YOI
it's possible IRL if you put in the time and effort
Never ordered nendo before, how fast they sell out?
>sell out
they don't typically.
I think if you preorder them you should be fine.
I've never preordered any before myself, but I was able to preorder Yuuri's on Amazon a few hours ago.
Next season better feature pregnant Piggy
And then it turns out to be a fantasy and Piggy just has a bad case of gas.
this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
He probably ate too many katsudons.
Fairy will never get in the way of their love. It's too pure, too strong. He never stood a chance.
Fairy just wants to be left alone
He has his own boyfriend anyway, he doesn't need these two anymore.
>Victor giving the piggy flowers
My heart. Bald would be the type to surprise his spouse with flowers for no reason
Pregnant Piggy can.
Fairy has Bike
He still hangs out with Piglet, but Piglet happens to have Bigtoru following him around too.
At least he still got a Canadian bf to yell at instead of these two. It gets tiring.
Why would he need to?
>Canadian bf
>Canadian bf
>Not Kazakh
But that's wrong, user.
I bought the magazine just for this fucking image. Gay skaters own my wallet.
That's what he's been trying to do the entire season. Bring back his adoptive dad to Russia so he could take care of him.
>NTR'ing the purest girl in YOI
you disgust me.
>Canadian bf
What if Yurio was unable to tell Otabek and JJ apart from behind and went to give Otabek a friendly slap on the ass but it was JJ?
>the entire season
He fucks off back to Russia in the third episode
>JJ isn't Canadian
He dedicated his routine to the people of Canada.
JJ is much taller though.
JJ is way taller than Otabek, it would be hard to make this mistake
So are the male characters canonically homo-sexual?
I mean, it's becoming painfully obvious that there is more in here than friendship, which would mean that this show was not meant to be yaoibait but it's the real deal.
>that smile
I never pay attention to official heights unless characters are standing next to each other.
They're engaged but they're not. But basically yes, without saying so.
It was with this picture that I felt the dollars leaving my band account.
When will Piggy let go of his disgraceful impregnation fetish. Will it go away after Victor fucks him enough?
No lies detected.
Fairy doesn't give a fuck about old and busted slut Victor anymore watch the last episode
There are so many things wrong with this post.
There is nothing disgraceful about wanting a child with the man you've been faithful to the rest of your life.
This image warms my heart. BikeFairy a best. They are both dressed so comfy for once too
>old busted slut
Please stop mistaking Victor for Chris
I think they'd be really cute with a kid and if the YOI twists reality enough so that homophobia doesn't exist, why can't it twist it enough so that mpreg is real?
>Tfw daddy Victor will never be canon ;_;
It's not biologically possible right now, Piggy. Stop it.
Wow, I'm retarded. That was meant to be "the YOI universe".
>Otabek's "going on a date, gotta make a good impression" sweater
I wonder if he was introduced to Dedushka before the two of them headed to the cafe. He's dressed like such a good-boy type.
That just makes it worse.
I bet Piggy wants to singlehandedly solve the Japanese birthdate crisis with an entire house full of mini bigtorus.
Please stop pretending Victor isn't an old and busted slut just because he fell inlove with a fat autist
>why can't it twist it enough so that mpreg is real?
There comes a point where if you twist something enough, it breaks, and that right there is the precise point
I feel like Yurio would be excited to introduce Otabek to his grandfather but Otabek wouldn't be anywhere near as keen.
They'd probably get along, though.
last thread link please
Chris deserves a better fate ;_;
I don't actually want mpreg in the show, I was making a joke, user.
Why wouldn't Otabek be keen on meeting the most important person in Fairy's life? Kazakhs are family people to the core, I'm sure he'd be honored.
Piggy you need to stop. This is getting out of hand.
I meant in the sense that he'd be nervous about it, not that he actually wouldn't want to.
Calm down, user. Someday someone will love you like Baldfat love each other. Someday.
Sayokubo have to top the surprises of s1 somehow.
Nervousness I could see. It'd be cute as fuck too.
>Reads left to right
This meme needs to stop.
He'd probably be expecting some really stern old man and be pretty nervous about it, despite Yurio telling him that there's nothing to worry about.
I can see Yurio's grandfather being kind of nervous about it too, actually.
>"I-I really wasn't sure what kind of person Yuratchika found but you seem like a nice young man. Will you protect him with your life?"
>"I wouldn't settle for anything less, Sir."
>"Um, guys?"
I'm so fucking glad Sup Forums packs their pics in smaller size so I don't need to fully experience these abominations
How can someone break it to Piggy that his hunger for Victor's sperm can't rewrite the laws of biology, no matter how hard he tries?
So cute, what's going on here?
You don't break it to him. That way they keep trying.
Will SayoKubo go the realistic route and make Victor struggle, or will they keep him a skating genius who can easily get back to competitions in two fucking weeks after taking 9 months off?
Somehow I doubt they'll make it hard for him to recondition his body. The Japanese fanbase loves the Living Legend too much.
>Wanting baldfat to be parents
They would be terrible
You don't know unless you try it and Bigtoru was confirmed to have enough eros to make a man pregnant.
BaldFat a shit so no thanks.
They should stick to dogs desu
I can see him maybe barely making it to 3rd for whatever the first international event he'll be competing in is but after that he'll just keep winning everything again.
Fairy turned out okay.
How can you handle watching YOI if you dislike Baldfat? The only alternative is FatFairy and it remains one-sided
Euros? He was gonna do Russian Nationals right away, I wonder how he fared against Georgi and Fairy, and what routines he used. This would have been before the final scene.
It depends where they are since Dedushka lives in Moscow. I wonder why Fairy decided to dress down too. Maybe he didn't want Otabek to think he was a slut or they both just decided to do matching comfy outfits. Cute.
FatFairy isn't even real. It's just a fan pairing and Fairy disappeared a third of the way in. It's the BaldFat show.
That's fine by me, Japanese twitter and pixiv always deliver good stuff.
He could've won that, or at least came in second (with Yurio in 1st).
I doubt he struggled that much with the Nationals, but on an international scale he might have slightly more trouble at first.
I wasn't talking to you
Good then
>BaldFat are Fairy's two gay dads meme
It was a little funny at first, but it's just obnoxious and inaccurate now.
0 ≠ 1
Would you let him hug you?
If there is any justice in the world Georgi should win nationals.
I would. I would hug him back thightly and squeeze his ass.
Yuuri loves Victor unless you missed episode 5
Why are you answering for me? FatFairy has good fanart though, I'll give you that.
Thankfully there is more to the show than just BaldFat and I enjoy most of it. BikeFairy is pretty great too.
Yeah they kinda like him and want to support him but they're in their own world. Yakov and Lilia are his new guardians. They live and eat together and everything.
Fairy isn't inlove with Pig incase you missed the entire show.
I'm not usually into gay shit but goddamn this is too fucking cute to pass up.
You win this round, fujos.
>Preferring BikeFairy to BaldFat
Are you mentally damaged or something?
I know that. Children can't fall in love