
I want to commit a crime

Literally a semen demon.

If a loli rapes you, are you still considered a criminal?
Or is she send to loli jail?

Cheek kisses are OK.

I want to poke her cheeks.
It must be super soft.

Try her lips.

What crime? Murder?

It's just a shot away.

T-thats too lewd

How do we know that Mimika didn't want to poke her other lips?

I want to poke her cervix.




Do you think it is soft?


>it's welling up
>mimika is actually a futanari

>it's welling up
How hard is Mimika pinching Yuzumori's lips? Yuzumori must be in a lot of pain.
No wonder she bite her at the end.

I wish I was Yuzumori.

Is rubbing my dick in her tummy OK?

I fear that Mimika will suffer a heart attack if she ever gets close to having sex with Yuzumori-san

I'd rather be Mimika and have a Yuzumori

If your dick is kissing her tummy cheek, yes.

Yuzumori is like a cat. You can't be too sure what she's thinking and you have to move at her pace. If you force things too fast, you'll never know when she'll just get up and disappear.

But Mimika is more like a stupid loyal dog that's unaware of her surroundings and will always come home no matter what you say or do to her.

I'd rather have a Mimika than a Yuzumori.

>mfw I am a cat person
You are only making me love Yuzumori even more.
Dogs are stupid and annoying.

My dog could beat up your cat.

My cat would claw off the eyes of your dog in a heartbeat

lolidom doujins where