It's got all the horrible tropes and cliches of a harem series without being particularly funny. It plays character archetypes completely straight and its """""""""humour""""""""" relies on excessive misunderstandings and >OH NO I WALKED INTO YOU WHILE YOU'RE CHANGING... AGAIN
Hudson Brown
It's only decent. Shiina being cute is the only saving grace of this show.
Ended up skipping through the last arc.
Cooper Torres
Honestly I connected with the "you'll always be a failure" message
Jonathan Cooper
>""""""""" Fuck off.
Charles Perry
It gets good when you hear days of dash for the first time.
Robert Jackson
Daniel Clark
The anime also peaks when you get to hear the extended/full version of days of dash. It's kinda funny how this song improved the show so much.
Mason Baker
Mashiro a shit though. But yeah, the music was the best thing about the show.
Dylan Myers
>Mashiro a shit What is the point of watching this outside of the autism moe? Aoyama is just your token "boohoo woe is me I should have won please like me!" waifubait.
Logan Fisher
Season 2 when?
Jason Jones
That would never happen because that would mean ending things on a sad note. At least season 1 ended things happily, sorta.
Jackson Allen
The only half decent arc is the one when they make the game for the school, everything else is shit. The MC does get punched in the face latter on, so there is that to look forward. Also, Ryuunosuke best girl.
Ethan Collins
so much shit taste in one thread, how absymal
>mashiro a cute >show a best >mc a fag >your opinion a shit
Carter Flores
I'd respond seriously if you didn't type like a retard so you'd best just fuck off and kill yourself.
Robert Fisher
This show is garbage, but for some reason it's highly regarded among newfags
Levi Gonzalez
>harem what did he mean by this
Aaron Sanders
This is really sad. A lot of you guys have to hide the fact you enjoy something or even convince yourself your taste is wrong and fix it only to fit with the Sup Forums hivemind.
Jace Adams
What's more sad is someone who assume people hate something just because it's popular.
Mason Watson
Good thing nobody has mentioned that.
Nicholas Johnson
Just watch until the episode where you get to see Nanami's belly button.
Kevin Baker
Yeah, you sure weren't implying that me saying "it's garbage, but popular" means I just want to fit in with Sup Forums hivemind.
Camden Walker
I didn't enjoy this show though, I hated Shiina as a character and watched it hoping Nanami would get her time to shine.
Mason Jenkins
I didn't say you wanted to fit in because it's popular. It's only because Sup Forums hates it. The reason doesn't matter. If Sup Forums hates it you have to hate it or you're a newfag. That's what I got from your post. And that's sad.
Hunter Reyes
You were wrong, I've always disliked this show and its popularity with newfags has nothing to do with it. I just mentioned it because I wondered why's it so highly regarded among them.
Brandon Ramirez
Do autists understand love?
Noah Adams
Not sure, do you?
Elijah Hughes
Not really, no
Henry Williams
I dont think i've ever felt amorous love, sexual attraction sure but not love.
Christopher Jones
You have a pretty shit taste, OP.
Elijah Lee
I really got inspired to take up drawing again, so I liked it.
Joseph Flores
Jack Anderson
Retards fall in love all the time.
Wyatt Williams
Never have I dropped something so fast before. That autistic blonde girl fucking killed this show.
Jaxson Ross
It doesn't.
There's an mildly interesting conversation to be had here but it gets bogged down by all the other crap going on.
Joshua Phillips
It never gets good and the MC becomes an even bigger faggot later on. Listen to the OPs/EDs and drop the show. It's a better experience.
Easton Lewis
>its """""""""humour""""""""" relies on excessive misunderstandings and OH NO I WALKED INTO YOU WHILE YOU'RE CHANGING... AGAIN This, but you really should've known it was that kind of show when this was from the very first minute of the show.
Nathaniel Sanchez
The show, in my opinion, would have been better without Aoyama "No Fun Allowed" Nanami
That being said, I particularly liked the dormitory shenanigans and Mashiro, and can completely relate to the "I'll never be good enough" thing it had going on.
I recognize, outside of that, it's kind of mediocre though
Adam Cooper
it's highly rated on MAL but it's very average. 6/10 at most
Jason Kelly
She's a good girl
Zachary Lee
Ratings are always messed up, but MAL's is REALLY bad. I've learned to never trust ratings especially MAL's.
Colton Harris
That's literally all the series is
music is good and girls are pretty good but the rest of the show is shit
Later on the show just gets melodramatic, see: at one point misaki is literally throwing herself at jin and jin blows her off "because he loves her" and then jin and sorata LITERALLY GET INTO AN ACTUAL FISTFIGHT ON THE ROOF
Adrian Powell
it's clear that you've seen like two episodes, tops.
While the show was funny for the most part, it was the game development "arc" that really made the show. Some hard to swallow pills on real life in that one.
Tyler Garcia
Wasn't there a massive boycott of this show by a bunch of angry nips because it has gook references or some shit?
Cooper Sullivan
This, but the show would have been a lot better if it was literally just shiina and sorata, minus the melodrama and harem bullshit with nanami
Joseph Rivera
When best girl is introduced
James Gray
It doesn't. Also
>Success through mere talent is considered superior that success through hard work >CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT >Mashirotard wins >Godawful cheesy ending episode(s)
Just drop it, you can thank me later.
James Adams
If you're not enjoying it early on, you probably never will.
The show was my AotS at the time, but the second half fell off hard, most of it just rehashing Sorata's character development in a very annoying to watch way.