You will be locked in a room for 5 years

You will be locked in a room for 5 years.

One of the rooms has every anime that you have ever watched. The other has every anime that you haven't watched yet (no future anime though).

Which do you choose?

Is there anything else? Like pen and paper? Can I rewatch anime in the room of animes I haven't watched, or are they removed once I see them?

Obviously the room with Anime I haven't seen. 5 years to go through my back-log sounds fucking nice.

Is there a room with no anime at all?

Things I haven't watched. Maybe then I'll actually watch shit.

Since I don't watch anime, I'll cum on the door knobs and then eat my penis

You can have a pen and paper, and all basic necessities to live your normal neet life.

Once you enter the room you can rematch every anime that was already in the room, so yes you can watch something multiple.

The ones I haven't watched obviously
I only rewatch a few of my favorites, and only once. Wouldn't want to rewatch all of the shows I preiously watched AGAIN. It's a waste of time.

Just lie about what you watched. How is OP supposed to know?

What quality are the shows in? What priorities did you take when choosing fansubs?
Are there subs to previously unsubbed shows?

What if I saw all anime? If I have a choice between anime and empty room I would choose the first one. I would choose the second room in case of learning some stuff

I'm tempted to pick the room with anime I've seen because there are a lot of shows I really like that I'd love to rewatch, but there are so many shows I haven't seen that I want to see, so I'd probably go with the room that has everything I haven't seen.

Whatever you want I suppose. Actually they have to be subs you've already seen before,.

I would re-watch the entirety of evangelion until I finally got it, then Gurren Lagann so I could rinse "get in the Fucking robot" out or my mind. Also
Is that anime Colin Mochrie?

I'm talking about the room with the shows I don't know yet though.

Go back wherever you came from.

I'll go to the room of animes I've already seen then.

Just admit that you'll spend the 5 years writing the most autistic fanfiction ever.


This will be my Walden.

You get horriblesubs.

That's an incredible upgrade.
I'll take it.

What do you think I'll be doing for the next 5 years?
>says the tripfag
If you're going to autistically chastise me, do it anonymously, and do it will quads, like that other guy.

>What if I saw all anime?
Clearly watching all anime hasn't made you any smarter.

Does either room have a rope? I've already seen over 1000 anime series having been a NEET for the past 9 years or so. Both rooms will be awful, while having a room full of shit I've watched most of it I wouldn't want to re-watch and having to do that for 5 years is awful. Being in the room with anime I haven't watched is also awful because there's a lot less to watch and I'm sure most of it wouldn't be interesting.

Choose one, break the door, leave.

I'll take the ones that I haven't watched. I've only watched Naruto, Bleach, TTGL, Samurai X, Death Note and Code Geass.

OP here, there is a rope, but it will only spawn after you watch 1241 episodes. And teekyuu length anime don't count.

>What if I saw all anime?
Have you? I mean, what happens when you do? Do you begin to see the Root of All Things? Are you granted audience with the gods? Is the truth of who "best girl" is at last revealed to you?

If you throw VNs in I'll gladly take the one with titles I haven't seen/read.

>Taking the room with the animes I've seen
>Watching non-non biyori for the rest of my life


>there's a lot less to watch
There are over 12000 anime entries on mal, so there's actually a lot more.

>1241 episodes
What if I've already watched 12,809 episodes before entering the room?

It has to be after you enter the room.

I would assume almost everybody here has watched at least that many episodes already.

99% of Sup Forums doesn't watch anime though.

Will the second option bring back lost anime? Could I use this to bring back anime that's lost forever?

Anyway, would do the second option. I love some of the anime I've seen, but so far I've gotten new favourites regularly, so I'd probably find some new ones as well.

Not everything on MAL is anime. They also list Korean and Chinese garbage.
On the other hand, a lot of anime isn't listed either. They don't list doujin stuff and web published indie stuff.

This isn't Sup Forums. Please lurk more.

I've been here for several years. I've only ever been to Sup Forums once.

Then you should know that the majority of us watch anime. There's a few people who mostly read manga, but they are a tiny minority.

whats the point of watching shows youve already seen

I was exaggerating. I know Sup Forums watches anime, but your average poster only watches a few shows a season, so I think it would be very likely for many people here to have not seen that many episodes.

>having to watch Naruto, Bleach and One Piece again

Can I just watch Gunbuster, Diebuster and TTGL over and over again until I break out of the room with pure spirit?

Which one has a gun so I can shoot myself?

Have you watched a gun before?

What if I've dropped an anime midway through? Is it split between the rooms?

Those are in the third room, that OP didn't tell you about.

What if you will be locked with the other people who have also watched what you have watched.
Same for the other room of anime you haven't watched, there will be other people who also haven't watched them.

Which would you choose now?

Where does the half finished anime fall under?

You can only watch the episodes you watched if you go to the former and you can only watch the episodes you haven't watched if you go to the latter.

The room with stuff I havent watched

Then 5 years later, I leave and go back in to catch up on what I missed and then kill myself after I finish it in a week

>(no future anime though).
Can I wait until Code Geass S3 finishes airing and then go in the room with anime I haven't watched?

why would i spend 5 years watching shit i've already seen.

The room with everything I haven't watched.
I'll be able to watch anime that have been lost and are totally impossible to find.

Am I allowed to upload the lost anime for other anons?

There's 1440 minutes in a day.
You need to sleep for 8 hours a day, so that gives us 960 minutes if we watch back to back.

Each episode is about 20 minutes, so that means you can finish 48 episodes per day.

Your typical anime has 12 episodes, so you can finish 4 anime series a day. This means we can finish around 1,344 anime series a year.

of course, this is greatly skewed by some series having 24 episodes or 100+, but roughly we'll need around 6,720 different anime series to keep us occupied.

Is there anything to do besides watching anime? I love this shit but even I'd get tired after 5 years of absolutely nothing but that.


The funny thing is he used anime as a plural in that exact sentence and then added s to it for the second one.

Eat and sleep. A true man needs nothing else.

>skipping OPs and EDs
Also at this moment there are 168343 episodes in 10125 anime (including scheduled but not aired yet episodes and bd/dvd specials but that's like 10% at most) so you won't even be able to finish everything.

I have watched a fuckton of anime and a lot of it was the cream of the crop. Considering I spent the last six years watching anime alone in my room I choose rewatch what I already have. I know it makes mathematical sense to choose the unwatched anime but I know the ones that I've watched that are good and which is trash and I think I can survive the next five years just based on what I already have watched. After those five years there's no reason to not binge watched what I missed in those five years. My answer would probably be different if there were more of a stipulation on the time like you will live a hundred years in that room. Five years is nothing.

My backlog is absurdly higher than my watched list.

I think for the past 10 years, for every season, there's anywhere between 4-9 series I'd like to watch, and I only end up watching 0-2 due to life restrictions.

Does hentai count as anime?
Because if it does, then I'm going to be entertained for a while

Of course it does

I haven't seen anything great in years so I doubt another 5 of stuff I haven't seen is going to be that enjoyable.

Better to just take what you loved.

I'll take door number two. After five years rewatching all of my favorite series is going to be awesome.