All right wise guys, listen up. University student here. I have long studied the negativity of this place, in order to write articles in my campus newspaper to expose you all for the filth that I find here.
As you can tell, I have a well produced piece with high production values that will illustrate the alt right and namely teach you Sup Forums nazis a lesson. Youre all getting called out for the hate filled worthless scum bags you all are , and yes, we certainly are using pic related , its over for you guys
>claims some form of education. >posts on pol Pick one.
Adam Green
Get raked, faggot.
Nathan Murphy
Liam Thomas
Oliver Morris
If it makes you feel better.
Blake Fisher
Fuck off nigger
Brody Sanders
You sound like you need a hug.
Ian Johnson
k, writing about the dark corners for your piece of shit wannabe media outlet. Original.
Ian Ross
this whole post
Brayden Peterson
The Day of the Rake can't come soon enough
Logan Williams
Rake thread
Leo Brooks
haha, youre all triggered because its over for your chad nazi movement, ive caught on to this whole chad nationalism thing, with the onions, ive perfectly framed you all for what you people are
Landon Sanchez
I have never seen a campus newspaper have any impact outside of the school. Good luck leaf.
Kayden Myers
Oh shit.
Charles Turner
Oh man
Brayden Morris
Thank you for this! My birthday is today and I've had a shitty day at work. You guys always bring a warm smile to my face. You're my family and friends forever.
Robert Ramirez
It does not stop with our campus newspaper. As you can tell with the quality of production we have, we have the capability of portraying you nazis as the chad thundercock onion losers that you are. We might even interview a true chad nazi nationalist. You all dont seem to think that the onion meme is real, however it is, and as you can tell, real people are buying into it, Onion chad Nazis are actually real, and this is all the fault of you Sup Forums nazis
Bentley Taylor
Did he died
Josiah Reyes
>its over for you guys Are serious? Well shit, what now?
Camden Walker
No. He walked it off.
Sebastian Cox
Is he okay?
Gavin Campbell
>write articles in my campus newspaper to expose you all thanks for spreading the redpills now take off hoser
Hunter Reyes
U FOCKING WUT M8? I BET YOU WONT!!!111!1!1!1!!1!!1
Ayden Williams
Caleb Harris
>ive caught on to this whole chad nationalism thing you're missing the part where the whole scam is 90% Indians hired by Soros to spread racist shit on the internet
you're too new, keep lurking
Matthew Harris
OP may be the biggest faggot of all time.
Zachary Price
Carter Clark
This has to be a troll, you CAN'T be this stupid
Dominic Ross
lol ok leaf
Cameron Phillips
You think anyone is really going to give a shit about your little article on Sup Forums? Sup Forums is old news and too nerdy for most people to even talk about.
Isaiah Turner
I'm racist and misogynistic but that pic is funny as fuck
Luis Rodriguez
That's right - and we caught you when we pranked you with trolls from India, suckers ! And as you can see, we now have evidence and proof, that the onion meme has now inspired real life chads to form white supremacy hate groups, using onions as their symbols.
For example, in some areas of the campus we had recently been observing suspiciously placed outer layers of WHITE onions - where the WHITE students often hang out. This is no coincidence , especially relative to the rise of the alt-right. We will finally connect All the toxic behavior of Sup Forums, the onion chad nazis, to real life people using onions as their hate symbol, and youre all shut down !
Blake Allen
lol ye go ahead, just remember that you're here forever
Nathan Wright
Looking forward for that. There's one thing self-righteous fags like OP can't possibly do, and that's laughing at yourself. Plus, there's one thing that slipped your leaflet brain: >If any of this "research" is well-sourced and legit, it will only further this shithole's agenda because "exposing" people who are already admitted losers and outcasts only humanizes them in the eyes of the reader.
Jeremiah Morgan
Is that pc principal?
Connor Gutierrez
How is this faggot any different from the soyboi who have the wide open mouth taking pictures in front of Luke shitwalker poster?
Oliver Parker
Begone leaf
John Wood
>University student >teach you Sup Forums nazis a lesson
Tyler Perry
whay a ridiculous troll you are not even smart
Julian Rivera
shills literally made up the onion thing, which still makes no sense, now the shills' own outlets are running with the onion meme. it's like what the hillary campaign did with pepe. She say's it's a racist frog, therefore it is a racist frog.... everyone agrees. ignore the fact that it has no basis in reality. nothing's real! there are 87 new genders because the original two were just oppressive social constructs!
Chase Morris
>not a selfie >not looking at the camera >no faked joy expression with dead tuna eyes
Chase Walker
not a joke, you cant deny that you people have been posting those "its okay to be white posters" - and we certainly can find photographic evidence of onions on campus. as we said - its over for you guys. no trolling !
Noah Howard
Juan Rogers
Isaac Peterson
we are all centrists.
Xavier Roberts
>Its over for the Alt-Right and the onion movement >All right wise guys, listen up. University student here. I have long studied the negativity of this place, in order to write articles in my campus >newspaper to expose you all for the filth that I find here.
>As you can tell, I have a well produced piece with high production values that will illustrate the alt right and namely teach you Sup Forums nazis a lesson. Youre all getting called out for the hate filled worthless scum bags you all are , and yes, we certainly are using pic related , its over for you guys
Brayden Hughes
Cameron Wright
We have a hardcore RP'er over here. Haha
Ryder Martinez
I know who jew are Nothing will stop me or my children from continuing the white race we will always be smarter than you we will always be ready for your tricks we will smite you at every opertunity
It's Okay to be white
And I wasn't kidding when I said I know who you are, I recognize your writing style.
Alexander Allen
>cucknada Even if you are serious, i must inform you that Sup Forums is unstoppable and that the alt right will only grow in size
Joseph Wright
Isaac Morgan
indeed as you can tell I have a master plan agenda to achieve goals that will once and for all put an end to the alt right
Christopher Thomas
80%+ of all leaf posters are college scum shrills and chinks.
The quality of the posts can only be, abhorent
Jason Cooper
Isaac Torres
Actually, the college educated are over-represented on Sup Forums.
Easton Roberts
So you’re a chink or a Somali. Day or rake can’t come soon enough
Landon Walker
yes he's my cousin, but he did died when he stubbed his toe a year later
Jordan Barnes
Please tell me this is real. Because I want to believe this level of retardation is actually possible.
Julian Miller
Who is that woman in the picture?
Evan Cruz
The alt right is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a nazi, racist, mysoginist, childless anime masturbator, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an onion eater and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”
Jacob Edwards
Happy birthday user.
Josiah Williams
Scramble the jets, we have alt-righters all onioned out and screaming like Shia Lebouf.
Andrew Richardson
ive never ate an onion ever what the fuck is this meme
Anthony Lopez
How exactly do you expect some newspaper article to be of any influence? How is merely "finding out" something supposed to put a stop to it?
Is that all of Sup Forums or just this part? After all, Sup Forums is the retarded underaged nephew of the rest of Sup Forums.
Caleb Robinson
>Not being able to see the bait You should try to LURK more
Christian Edwards
>mrw everything the """alt-right""" touches turns into a hate symbol
Alexander Anderson
>University student lol >Assumes everyone on Sup Forums are nazis lol >Also assumes adequate intelligence to teach some sort of lesson? lol >States nothing of value or intelligence. lol
Samuel Mitchell
I'm a lab tech by hobby and a senior software dev by trade, so at least one anecdote is available.
Parker Clark
yeah, have fun, I swear, this will be GROOOOOOOOOUNDBREAKING and everyone will care.
Anthony Butler
Happy birthday faggot, free game at humble bundle and uplay. Now go fap to lolis
Oliver Watson
A /fit/ meme. Supposedly eating an onion a day increases your testosterone. Opposite of being a soyboy.
Only a true lefty faggot would see this as an insult.
Ayden Barnes
Fucking Hell, that made me laugh. And there's the crux of the problem for the Left< They can't laugh at themselves anymore. Jon Stewart, Lefty though he was, would routinelly make fun of fellow leftists, which is why people though of him as "fair" when he was on the Daily Show. I think he got out when h realized what was happening to the Left. The the self deprecating humor wasn't going to be tolerated anymore. It was going to "Bash the Right" 24/7, 365. Making fun of me while also making fun of yourself? Yeah, that's funny. Making fun of me while holding yourself up as a moral paragon? No, fuck you. And that's where they went wrong and lost the cultural high ground they've been holding for decades.
Ethan King
A fake meme, started by some butthurt news reporter who wanted to publish some shit mocking Sup Forums, and made a fake thread saying how he tried drinking onion juice and how it made him feel like a man.
Zachary Garcia
Eli Bennett
Pathetic leaf, rping someone with pride in themselves.
Christian Nelson
>Thinking the Jewish Run alt right are legit Nazis Leaf boy got his head way up in his ass, the alt right is controlled opposition funded by jews, hell Richard Spencer married a Gook. The alt right is designed to get retards like you busy and distracted. Also their is like a million articles and documenteries about the alt faggot. What makes you so unique?