Another time for Swimsuits, praise them all.
Masamune-kun no Revenge
>hiding cleavage
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Aki best girl. Remove Neko.
>swinsuit with frills
That's my fetish. I'd prone fuck the shit out of her.
what the fuck?
This is the face of evil
So the only adapted 1 chapter and put random filler on the 2nd half?
>I'd prone fuck the shit out of her.
As would I, best position for asserting dominance.
Nopan is best girl.
Glad she loses
why is aki always acting like she's on her period?
I mean she's always got her hands down near her belly as if it hurts her, she's always scowling, doesn't like people near her and usually has weird food fetishes. Combine all of that with being a total cunt.
She is literally on the rag 24/7
You know what? This one time I'm going to go with that.
This bitch is pure evil.
Nobody told me the real best girl appeared just recently. What the fuck, guys?
Original ending confirmed then.
Aki is so cute.
How does she do it?
>Yoshino in a swimsuit
So they're making up for last episode, when she didn't appear in one then.
Bakagaki Aki is ruining this show.
Reminder that you can't take the sperg out of the man, so no matter how much iron or pills you take, you're still gonna be the same ol' autist.
You can if you start early.
Anything past 16 and you're forever damaged, best you can do is fake it.
Count another face
So what did Masamune mean by that "I can't be with someone who's not serious"? How is Neko not serious
Rip in peace.
she may be a shit
but god damn she's cute
I'm animeonly but it's meido who said that out of jealousy right?
I'm assuming he means that Fujinomiya only likes him for what he is currently. But this is also the game guy that is confusing love for revenge.
Yeah. Yoshino was jealous of Masamune for taking so much of Aki's attention
Masamune is actually a god damn fucking moron.
Always the retard MC's who just ruin these shows.
So cute. Aki is the best.
dropping this series after this ep.
I'm dropping this show after this episode until next week.
>that pathetic push ups in the beginning
Step it up, Masamune.
Akitards BTFO.
But Neko gets flat out rejected
>that moronic Nekofag is here
>Neko is literally Marika from nisekoi
Oh wow.
But the anime finally is going somewhere.
I bet it was sweaty
>he doesn't know
Anime only nekofag tears will be sweet
There are no nekofags.
I'me guessing she's holding some grudge and will drop his ass.
Trap is "special"?
Yeh, somewhere I don't like.
So what's the deal with Neko?
She's just playing "romance game" with Masamune or something?
Jesus, isn't this pg rated?
She has cancer and want to fall in love before she dies. But then it turns out that she met MC when he was a fat fuck too or something. Nothing comes out of it.
Fuck you
Fucking piece of shit
Using cancer as an excuse, what a selfish cunt- no wonder she looses.
>Kissing the one guy she loves
Pick only one.
Do not reply to him, newfriend.
This was actually a good episode.
Yeh, because not wearing underwear in public is defiantly not something a slut would do.
Also, fuck you ill do what I want.
She had it coming.
Don't bother with "feelings"
How fucking high up are those cupboards
Man I hate Neko. Nothing I hate more than the girl who won't fuck off when she knows both people have feelings for each other
Is this episode where Neko gets BTFO?
>It's a hitler episode
wow very fun
What a slut
I tried feeling bad for her but I couldn't.
I'm on heavy anti-psychotic medication, where's my pity gf?
MC is pretty autistic so you could if blind(adolescent) enough figure that his fatass-chasing ways aren't completely sincere and that she can compete.
I hate her because she's such a generic cookie-cutter addition to the story.
>causes a lot of drama that could be easily avoided if the character behaved somewhat human [X]
>obviously written to not actually be competition with the main heroine [X]
>because it's a funny little romcom no character should actually be disliked by the other cast, so the character's actions are limited to fake drama [X]
She adds nothing and reveals how unimaginative the writing is.
I'm honestly only in it for taking screencaps like this at this point:
Yoshino has best tits.
Huh I didn't expect them to cover this little in this episode
Yoshino has best everything.
Me every week
The servant girl has some serious rack.
Too bad she has 0 chances of ending with the Mc.
Nopan is my fetish so I applaud the author for including Neko
Well I like everyone a bit more now. Neko for forcing Masamune into an ultimatum even though she knows his answer. Masamune for giving up a perfect waifu in pursuit of his autistic dedication. Yoshi for keeping Masaume focused.
Aki is becoming a shit though.
I'm a fan myself but we're obviously looking to take different things away from a show.
Imagine if a character which fit your fetish was actually a good character.
What if the writing developed her.
What if it actually used the nopan for more than one meme scene.
The saving grace of this boring Neko episode.
>able to resist his primal urges in this situation
I know it's not supposed to be realistic but come on.
>Imagine if a character which fit your fetish was actually a good character.
I've given up that hope for nopan a long time ago.
I seriously dont fucking get it. Why doesnt he just show her the picture of him(when he was fatter) and her when they were children.
His autistic revenge boner/actual boner for Aki is simply too strong
>stupid drama ultimatum on already decided topic
Wow neko did the stupid thing she was broadcast to do ever since she was revealed.
>in pursuit of his autistic dedication
watch the show before commenting
>character doesn't change, somehow depreciating in appreciation
How would that help him archieve his "goal"
>watch the show before commenting
At this point he still pretends that his boner is a revenge boner
If you ever had a goal you were working towards, you'd understand that some things are more important than bitches.
is "goal" is a farce and she actually loved the fat version of him.
Maybe he's just not a slut like you.
Yes but he doesn't know that.
Nor does he admit to himself that he like Aki.
From your post you look to be having a seizure yourself.
His goal IS bitches, with a twist.
Consciously, yeah. His subconscious shift has been thrown in our face for awhile now and the flashbacks were obviously framed positively rather than re-igniting his plot.
I wish I was Aki.
Makabe x Aki OTP is even more real.
End of Scene A:
Character A: [First half of declaration]...
Cut to Scene B
Flashback to Scene A
Character A: [First half of declaration]... [second half of declaration]
Why does best girl always lose?
Because you have shit taste