Since when it become moeblob show?
Though good news is:
>The film will also stream exclusively on Netflix worldwide on May 20.
Same day as Japan.
Since when it become moeblob show?
Though good news is:
>The film will also stream exclusively on Netflix worldwide on May 20.
Same day as Japan.
Other urls found in this thread:
How is netflix good news?
The ripping of it is not yet fully developed.
I don't see it.
Christ it's Amamiya Sora again.
At least we don't need to wait for BDrip this time.
Is this the one with the bear who bears arms?
Slightly moe.
Why does every adaptation of his manga have to have bad looking CG?
>Not popular among otaku who consume BDs
>Drawing it is too expensive
>CG offers a middle ground of mediocrity
Gee boss, I dunno
No, that's Biomega.
I'm slightly disappointed they don't have Nihei's weird eyes. The entire cast seems very cleaned up and attractive, I guess.
Using CGI isn't actually cheaper than drawing though.
Is this supposed to be the little electro-fisher waifu from volume 3, or the dumbass from the oneshot?
How does she stay balanced on those?
Why is Killy's name in kanji? Who's his CV anyway?
Takahiro Sakurai
Link in the op has full cast info
>Kana Hanazawa
They used the design from the new covers.
>more than five characters at once in promo art
>helmetless fishermen
>that shit lightning that makes the room look small
That's not blame.
It's an Holywood version of Blame!
Nice. I don't think the cg looks that bad. In during hipsters bitching about seiyuu who aren't even around that much.
I think the manga used the kanji, with furigana in katakana for the reading the first time it's used in a chapter, so kanji is like the proper way to write it in Japanese.
the fuck
should unsee switfly
I wonder how long this will keep the Master Editions in print for?
>about seiyuu who aren't even around that much
It's a story specifically written for the movie, so don;t expect the lack of dialogue from the manga.
>that pv
actually the "original form" is a backup after the netsphere experiment nukes the test facility. Her earliest incarnation had black hair.
Not cute, majestic.
>Sanakan confirmed
>tfw your first waifu is finally going to be in an anime
Nihei is super hyped about this so I'm interested too.
She is the only reason I am looking forward to this piece of shit. Her voicing of darker characters is really on spot and a great contrast to moe characters
Fuck, the more I hear about this the more uneasy I become. Is Japan actually putting in every possible effort to fucking ruin beloved manga that were held in such high regard at one point? Berserk 2016 was unspeakably bad, and with this the nightmare continues. What's next? Is Vagabond going to get a cgi movie that looks like a fucking ps1 game? Might as fucking well at this point. Leave no wonderful thing we were lucky enough to have untainted.
>Since when it become moeblob show?
since forever
BTW MOE is not "show that not edgy enough"
Japan can't animate CG for shit they don't have the talent or the budget.
A safeguard is a safeguard, even in a dream.
only Polygon have budget problem
>What is Kingsglaive
>What is Gantz
Japan can animate CG.
Skip to 0:47 in the trailer.
>Is Japan actually putting in every possible effort to fucking ruin beloved manga that were held in such high regard at one point?
Yes. Don't ask yourself that; know it in your heart to be true.
cool Gantz cosplay
Kingsglaive had a much larger budget than this project both had shit direction.
If they like the content whether it's cg or not doesn't matter to japan. Sidonia did well, Arpeggio did well and even Kemono is doing well.
Sidonia SS2 is a good example of how to butcher a shitty source material with little budget
CG is the worst meme
So? You were proven wrong. Japan can animate CG.
>HanaKana ruins everything
I never understood why she gets so much hype. She is the absolute generic female anime voice.
looks good except that I'm worried the safeguards movement looks a bit boring and repetitive
have you watched Binbougami?
then shut up
nice pleb
I hope we get to see seu again I wanna see what his armour actually looks like considering the colour pallete changes slightly each time he is drawn
and that armour design was awesome and that helmet
I did. My ears bled.
He has been on board since a teaser on a Sidonia episode.
They also bring Izana's and Smoogy's VAs back.
so your ears turned into vaginas?
What did they do to the poor girl?!
She looked fine and badass in the mango.
Her voice is cum stained so it's perfect.
Not moe enough.
Will it be shit like Knights of Sidonia?
The graviton beam emitter, some say type one variable critical arms, is my favourite weapon.
Grant us genes, grant us genes
Reminder that Tsumugi is rooting for Killy.
The 5th form is not Cibo
QUALITY Anime. Bear approves!
CG doesn't do art like this justice. It looks too clean.
get this filth away from here
You can't stop Tsumugi from rooting for Killy.
>CG looks too clean.
>darker characters
But Cibo is not like that, she's always worried for something
Guys, I need your help. long ago, whne I finished Blame, I came across a site that explained a shitton of stuff. It was kind of like a wiki, but with the author's comments about lots of stuff.
I remember it had black background.
Does anybody know of such a site?
Never mind. Found it.
no thanks
Truth be told, that won't quite adequately explain the series. There's a fair amount of holes. If you want to know anything specific, just ask in a Blame/Nihei thread.
I never read Blame nor know anything about this series but damn, trailer looks pretty nice! Definitely will give a try.
3rd, 5th, and 6th are best.
1/8, I was sort of mad for the first like five words.
>not mentioning the CGI Gon anime
I wasn't really baiting though.
And why would you get mad on internet user?
I want to explore the Blame! structures. Looks fun as fuck to trek around in.
Blame Soul game when??
You could trek your entire life and never see everything. Not just because it's the size of the solar system, but also because it's constantly destroying and rebuilding entire sections.
That's part of the fascination with it isn't it?
I don't know if that's what I'd really want but fuck if I'd take any good Blame! related content.
Gantz O looked a million times better.
What I hate the most about polygon is the fucking framerate.
I can't believe this thing fucking won.
>uses light colors
>the environment is well lit and compact
>more than 1 character in every scene
It's like they didn't even read the Manga
Looks great, I'm fucking hyped dude, tbqh.