Life really likes to fucking with the MC over and over and over again

Life really likes to fucking with the MC over and over and over again.

Two best friends play Metal Gear.

toaru majutsu no index?


Protagonist disrespects the Lord's law, gets punished for it. Now she must deal with self-righteous divine asshole while trying to end a really silly war in Europe of the past.

>likes to fucking


a retarded dude do shit with a microwave, get fucked by life, love, the universe, and everything.

Maria the virgin witch

>a retarded dude do shit with a microwave
El Psy Congroo

Pesudo science

I thought I had misled you better.

Faith moves a mountain named after the MC who's good at throwing homers and praising the dark lord.

No, I said MC no fag




A guy's father died, he made his best friend a demon and he turned out to be Satan.

The upside down world was actualy upside down


1. Kid gets punched by a horny clown
2. Guy gets his fucking spirit to fight for him
3. Children's card game
4. Big tits babe saves village from angry robot

Isn't this most anime?

>neo-tokyo cops

>i'm friends with the town's most notorious bully
>silly love triangles
>every character's poor decisions and behaviour is justified through "third-person omniscient"
>ive never played this type of music before but hey, i'm pretty good

>batman with superpowers
>at least the mask was cool
>smoking facts

Kid tries to date a girl, she doesn't put out, he fucks another girl, he gets beheaded.


How does this represent pokemon in any way shape or form?

How would I know?
You think I watched the show?

Then why would you just randomly answer with it?

Hey man, it's your question. You explain it. nevermind...

dude we so meta and critical of anime and shit.

>There's two worlds
>Constant attacks from the supernatural world
>Peace treaty to be signed
>by some old perverted guy
>A man from the normal world and a woman from the supernatural world team up
>movie becomes a buddy cop movie with horror and lots of rape
>man and woman eventually fuck
>woman becomes extremely powerful and annihalates main villain
>happily ever after ending

MC gets some bitch pregnant in the end and leaves her and is a manlet.

Book of Job?

fucking ghost i swear


Stereotype robots fight to rule the universe

Two troglodytes start a racewar.


cardfight? Yugioh?

Two generations of childhood friends who are also airplane pilots win.

Enforcement of Taxes and Tariffs saves the galaxy from 1% and overprotective kid of the protag.

A guy gets actual chuunibyou powers but is opposed by his moralfag friend who sold out to the white man


A kappa, a rabbit, a delinquent, and a twintails get into a love square

Code Geass

Gurren Lagan


Viewer's self-insert treating his imouto badly

A young man with white hair has gay sex. Later, he builds a metaphorical bridge out of corpses.

Wicked City

group of hooligans and ne'er-do-wells travel about on a cool ship
in space

A story of a pervert, many women and one girl with amazing weapon hiding abilities.

What did he mean by this


Ding ding ding we have a winner

>Europe of the past
so there were nations in Europe called Russy federation, Ildoa and legadonia.

A boy hangs out with a bunch of girls, but the girls turn out to be evil, but then it turns out the boy was evil, but then it turns out the whole village was evil, but then it turns out the Japanese government was evil, and the moral of the whole story is to not pass on responsibility for your sins.


mc's best friend is op but he takes a bullet now we may never know what could of been

I didn't think people would continue guessing incorrectly after the first answer had already been strongly implied to be correct.

Entry level shit.
1. See you space fridge
2. Proper adaptation when?
3. On motorcycles
4. Circumvent the inevitable

Guy makes out with chicks to solve a mystery

A pair of immortal lesbians plays cat and mouse with an hermaphrodite and a legion of flesh-eating angels.

Duels in the tower of J-rock


3. Too bad they only made 1 season.


RRRG did nothing wrong.


Was that hard? I'm trying to make them tough but not too impossibly vague

Nope. It's an older series, quite popular.

Vodka means "water" in Russian.

Heavy Object?

Remember to apply to. The answer and not your own thing. I got it the second I saw village.

Chibi furries?



>2. Proper adaptation when?
That could be lots of things.

Medieval merchant picks up a hitchhiker

1. Guy gets beaten by everyone despite them secretly lusting over him.
2. Everyone that gets the new flu either kill themselves or turn into X-Men
3. A harem where the cutest character ends up being a 30yo masochist
4. Everyone is a lesbian, everyone is thick, even the skinny goth guy.
5. Promising superpower story gets ruined by the overuse of fanservice.
6. Guy wants to kill everyone but almost die of starvation while trying to plant rice
7. A bird that is too much of a pussy.

Siblings fucks, both fat.

A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number.

Spice and Hobo


>Middle schoolers sign contracts without reading the fine print.

In the future, there is still no cure for autism, and now the police are getting involved.

Guy plays video game
gets trapped
joins group
is better than everyone
marries girl
wakes up
goes into other game
kills guy in that game
goes back to school
still with girl

Dirty pair.

Not Dirty Pair, but it IS sci-fi

An Italian immigrant does his utmost to ruin the life of his English benefactors through the generations and between different universes.


is this all the same show?

id like to know desu sounds like a right laugh


>Middle aged man have an interest in special middleschool girls.

No, each number is a different anime/manga.

Zettai karen children

King of the hill One Piece style

there's a war of swords so this guy is crazy good and ends it


I don't think any of these replies were serious to start with.

Seinfeld with lesbians

Full ahead.
Mugen no junin

School Days, too obvious.
2. Is Haruhi?
