[Uehara Ayaka] Machio-san was with a girl? [Souryuuin Akemi]
Yeah. I could only see her back, though. Perhaps his girlfriend?
D'ya think you mistook him for someone else? It's hard imagining the guy having any interests besides muscles. Ayaka......that's just mean......
How 'bout this, who else is a handsome-pervert-macho-guy doin' muscle stuff in tiny briefs?[TL: Emphasize second sentence] Ah. Yeah, that's Machio-san.
>Around that time elsewhere >Tachibana Satomi was on overtime, forced to take a break from the gym.
Dominic Ortiz
(Hibiki)Still, never expected Machio-san to have a girl. (Akemi)Well, it's not so unbelievable. (Ayaka)We only know him as our trainer, after all.
"Clothed Machio" is a normal, good-looking guy. True. "Machio in clothes" is an unrivaled hunk.
But, recently, you know, "Naked Machio" is possible, too, I guess. The curves of his Gluteus Maximus are 'specially spectacular.TL: Emphasize second sentence It's unquestionably his Pectoralis Major for me! Unequivocally~ Hibiki. Akemi's started her corruption.
Hoh? Talking about me?
Wyatt Cooper
Hello there! Let's have a high-spirited training session today! [Machio Naruzou] He's chargin' in like from a battle manga!!!?
You guys. Our little conversation is a secret.
Machio-san has his privacy, too.
Ah! Maybe you've noticed? I've been focusing on expanding my Biceps Brachii recently!! No, it's completely different. It's so big! What powerful flexing!!!
William Walker
Okay. So what sort of training should we do today?
I'd like to train my back.
>He taught us lat pull-downs before, but that machine is surprisingly popular... *See Chapter 6
I'd like somethin' else to do while waitin' for it to open up. I see! I understand!
So for today, let's do some chin ups!
TN: They call it 'Chinnings'. Up to you. QC: It is a real term used in gymnastics, mostly, but I agree about the hesitation in using it since it's far from the norm. However some Engrish, even unpopular sorts, can bring discussion so I say go for it. If people don't like "chinnings" they'll probably talk about it. Feel free if it to say something if it sounds too out-of-place to call it "chinnings" and just prefer "pull-ups" instead. We'll go with TL's "chinnings" instead.
Carter Sanders
CHINNINGS The so-called "pull up." It's a simple exercise one can easily do anywhere, even outside the gym, if there's a place to hang a bar. *Make sure the area itself is safe
There are multiple variations of chinnings, so the muscles [trained] will also vary depending on method. *Supine Grip (Overhand) *Pronate Grip (Underhand) *Narrow *Wide This time, we'll introduce you to the orthodox chinning method.
Grasp the bar overhanded and suspend yourself. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width.
Cross your ankles behind your buttocks.
Michael Long
Clockwise from top Eyesight upwards Lift your body slowly Keep your back straight (A bent back = X) When your chin hovers over the bar, hold there a bit.
Slowly lower yourself down. Never just suddenly go limp!
What's important for the exercise is to "lift your body with your back strength, not arm strength."TL: Emphasize quote "Bringing the bar to your scapula" is an easy way to sense those muscles.TL: Emphasize quote
There are people who who use their muscles' recoil to "kip" themselves upwards during chinnings, doing as many as they can, but this method tends to exert effort over the entire body rather than target training muscles. If you are training your muscles, make it a rule to do it without kipping.TL: Emphasize "without kipping."
Josiah Gomez
During chinnings, you're training your Latissimus Dorsi muscle and the Biceps Brachii muscle [Lower Trapezius Muscle]
Gavin Morales
And that's how they're done. Okay then, let's try giving it a shot right away!
Ok, I'll go first!
Austin Martinez
>I couldn't lift my body at all...... Yeah, they're tough to do at first.
Chinnings are a great exercise, but they're also a very taxing one.
The heavier you are, the more difficult they become. Machio-san, did you just diss me, there?
But it's fine!
We have a "chinning machine" here in Silverman's Gym!!!
Ryan James
Ah, I can do it here, somehow! The weights are connected to the machine's seat via pulley, so you can decrease the burden by adding weight.
Souryuuin-san, Uehara-san, you'll be fine with standard chinnings as well.
Sakura-san, there's another way to assist chinnings. Let's do some "slanted chinnings." TL: Emphasize quoted part
Without the machine for control, you can take a more direct approach, just be safe. >Body is straight >The further out your feet, the more weight you add Whoa! Looks like I can do this, too!
Eli Ramirez
Okay, let's go over it one more time. Ah, there you are...
Machio-kun, you have a moment now? Sure do! Chinning training is almost over, so hang on a bit.
Isaiah Torres
The girl Machio-san was with before! That was Ayaka's sister!!! Ahh, that's what it was.
Machio-kun and I have known each other from elementary through high school. The other day was our middle school reunion. So that was it! Aneki, you and Machio-san were classmates! The world is such a small place
[No one mentioned the half-naked Machio flexing poses in the middle of town in barely his underwear.] [No one noticed how far their corruption had spread.]
Christopher Gutierrez
Bike Ride
Road bikes are awesome. They've gone from fad to mainstream.
I'm hooked on biking, too! Would you like to pedal together after school?
...stationary bikes, huh...
Ayden Murphy
And that's Chapter 15!
And what's this??? Why it's chapter 16! It's basically back to back!
I unironically liked this club traxxx, thanks Zyzz RIP
Austin Cooper
Jason James
I'm going make it for her, I promise.
Ayden Evans
Henry Williams
>when you have a bad deadlifting session and worry all week if you can do better on the next one Help me, cute hairball.
Leo Jones
This is exactly what that prancing prick danced to, isn't it?
Cameron Allen
Thomas Moore
Just about to leave for my first gym session in over 5 years lads, how do I keep myself motivated knowing there will be no pure gyarus or delicious brown tomboys there?
Ethan Fisher
Lift for you're waifu.
Luke Ramirez
Oh shit brah, she gone die.
Christian Phillips
Is sauna good for your muscles?
Adam Howard
Intense heat decompresses muscle tension. I think they're there as a detox-spa, though.
Jonathan Edwards
Brandon Reyes
Lift knowing you'll be coming home to them
Colton Harris
Lincoln Miller
Asher Green
Luke Perry
Jordan Gomez
Easton Roberts
Camden Hall
Josiah Jackson
Jackson Johnson
I wish there was a little Hibiki inside of me. I don't eat nearly enough.
Cooper Rivera
>lifting for girls of any dimension
Samuel Walker
Jose Hernandez
2D girls are worth lifting for, even if you primarily lift for yourself.
Thomas Nelson
Elijah Carter
Kayden Adams
Samuel Allen
>lifting for guys
Ayden Perez
You don't need to give me something like that, I can give you mine, though.
Matthew Perez
Michael Martinez
Chase Russell
Sebastian Parker
>dying Say goodbye to your gains.
Jayden Cooper
Ryder Gutierrez
Just gettin' rid of some water weight, bra, gettin' shredded like a sicc cunt, bra
Christian Torres
Colton Long
Anthony Lewis
Christian Rogers
Welp time to jerk to some gyaru.
Austin Green
Jordan Baker
glad I checked for a thread~
Carson Gutierrez
Does Volume 2 have a release date yet?
Daniel White
holy moley
Joseph James
Benjamin Jackson
No. We can guess, though. Volume 1 came out after 10 chapters were release, roughly 3 months after it began. We're currently on Chapter 16, so 4 more chapters, which is 2 months from now (and roughly 4 months since the last volume). If volumes come out as regularly as chapters, Vol. 2 should probably be released mid-April.
They enjoy relaxing in towels.
Liam Evans
Parker Jackson
Oliver Brown
Cake-sensei looks especially hot in this page pun partially intended
Benjamin Sullivan
Chapter 15 here somehow
Ian Allen
The confidence of a older woman with a burning passion.
Well, anywhere is fine, I suppose!
Joshua Myers
Dumping English typeset (and some QC that occurred in this thread alongside in the hopes of correction if there's time.)
Lucas Bennett
QC: Hibiki's dialogue doesn't have quotations. The emphasis is on >who else is a handsome-pervert-macho-guy doin' muscle stuff in tiny briefs?