I miss him bros.
Haven't read the manga. Is it doing him justice?
I miss him bros.
Haven't read the manga. Is it doing him justice?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off
I forget, was Black Goku a fansubber or a pirater of fansubs?
in b4 Ken sama goes on an autistic rant about how anime is better than the manga because it's more popular.
>my edit
I like you, OP
Don't bring that shit here, you're worse than Anime vs Manga fags, you pathetic autists trying to get confirmation from anonymous shitposters
Art is good but manga black is kind of lame compared to anime black
It's beautiful.
>you're worse than Anime vs Manga fags
He's the definition of a Toeishill though and he literally will attack you for liking the manga more than the anime.
Hey I got a great idea, how about we take some hour and a half movies that already exist and stretch them out to 6 and a half hours worth of "new" episodes
Remember kids to not to reply to the brazilian falseflagger known as weeaboo Ken.
Reminder that personality counts
OP here.
How so? What did he lose?
Piccolo Namekian God when?
>Someone liked the version I don't like!
>Time to shitpost!
Fuck off.
HAHAHAHA OK user you try it
He is smug, but he doesn't have that faggot flamboyoancy we know and love.
Reminder that Black and Goku have yet to fight in the manga. Goku was taken out by Zamasu's cheap tactics.
I'm a fan of the manga, but that's kind of lame. Black could have finished Vegeta and went on to Goku.
Yes that's exactly how he ruined the last thread,
Hell yes.
Stop replying to him you autist, jesus christ
>No one in these threads screams about toeipedros and shitposts if someone doesn't prefer the manga
Fuck off.
the manga version is ............
He ruined the last thread because he couldn't accept that memes from tumblr are cancer
Can someone explain to me what the big deal with this brazilian toeishill is? I just woke up desu
>"Is it doing him justice?"
>manga Black-Zamasu
>Black: Shit, a Kaioshin discovered our plan
>Zamasu: If they report to Zeno we are fucked, better end this shit and go to another planet
>Black: Yeah, time to go serious
>when Shin and Gowasu react all remaining humans are already dead
>anime Black-Zamasu
>a fucking year trying to destroy the humanity seriously
>dozens of humans still alive and not only in the city (see #8 and more humans living in mountains)
>defeated by gas
>they need to fuse each other and with the entire universe to finally kill all humans
What do you think?
>mfw mangafags and animefags start fighting over which medium is superior
Pretty sure Ken sama is white but he spent the entire last thread raging about how anime is way better than the manga and just continued to trash it because it's not as popular as the anime.
Just your typical delusional toeicuck.
It's just the lack of voice. Masako really nailed Black.
>Pretty sure Ken sama is white
Doesnt stop him from being a brazilian spic
Goku can throw the fight and save every universe.
>one shots the wolf
Please let this happen!
>Taking his time to kill every human
He enjoys too much this shit
Incoming Toppo run in to save all Universes.
>Pretty sure Ken sama is white
Why are you lying ken?
This is so fake it hurts
dubs confirm. this will be great!
>Continue to advertise Goku wearing his FnF outfit
>We'll never see that outfit again in the series
Keep crying
Are you literally retarded? Hems translated them from the Yonkou leaks. Go back to facebook or wherever you came from, underage
>Universe 4
Anyone else mad they made him job to fucking Buu and basically made him the Raditz of the Wolf pack?
The yellow one should be the weakest.
It's a typo in the magazine, dumbass
Buu was just stronger dude
Indeed that is what is stated on the leaked poster.
It's even written numerically as "4" you can see for yourself.
>Goku vs. Bergamo
>If Bergamo wins, the universe erasure stipulation is removed.
>If Goku wins, it stays enforced.
So Goku's going to try to throw the match, only to have to get forced to fight for real due to Zeno getting bored, right?
I remember a few threads ago that people were memeing that loil angel's name will be Pop cause she's a loil and looks under age
>Raditz of the wolf pack
>Because he couldn't defeat the strongest monster from U7
>wearing Towa's outfit
He jobbed. It wasn't just the fact that Buu was stronger, they made it a point in the episode to keep saying Buu was playing with him and wasn't even trying.
>Zeno's BFF intentionally jobbing
Wouldn't that just piss Zeno off and make him erase Goku/U7?
no the madman is going to fight full strength cause he's a battle autist
I-is that Dabura + Towa?
> Goku doesn't care and one shots him in the middle of everyone talking about Goku losses to save everyone
>Goku try's to loss but accidentally one shots him with everyone thinking he did it on purpose
>both end with beerus making a oh crap face
Which is better
some times big bro wanna be like his sister too
Demon God Dabura
There, I made her cuter
nope its just dabura wearing his sister's outfit while she's being a demon goddess
>Towa will never give Dr. Gero Dabura, the Genyu Force and Supreme Kai's DNA and fight data for Cell.
I don't think Goku is so much of an asshole that he'd intentionally win and just say fuck you to the other universes, especially since he wanted to get Zeno to retract the stipulation in the first place. The second is likelier.
thanks user kun
it's Dabura being a demonic god
> Underestimating the madman
Did you draw this? The face reminds me of that pharao loli hentai
He has transcended being smug in the manga and reached "Beyond Smug" status.
>Time patrolling
>See this
What do?
Why is she so horny now?
literally can't wait for Xenoverse 3
hope we can play as demons and shinjins avatars too
nope I can't draw worth shit
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Implying that Goku will be able to successfully job and the whole thing isn't going to make him seem more evil. As he was just mocking Bergamo and the rest of U9.
Old Demon guy made her more powerful
this, was gonna post word for word.
I know Goku's crazy, but the way I see things happening.
>Goku and Bergamo come down to fight.
>Stipulation is put in place.
>The other universes are made aware of the rule.
>Bergamo takes advantage and starts talking to get the audience on his side.
>Goku does nothing for a bit to pad out the episode.
>Everyone on the U7 side reacts with shock that Goku is throwing, though Beerus or Whis says it's for the best.
>The Zenos start to get annoyed and threaten to erase Goku/U7. Or Bergamo plans to wish U7 destroyed with the Super Dragon Balls.
>Goku gets serious and beats Bergamo.
Okay cool, fair enough then. My only experience with her is in Xenoverse. Thanks user.
I was going to say back away and never speak of this again
>dat Black and Broly team up
Isn't "Dabra"? You know, as "abrakadabra"
>Broly teaming up with anyone
>Broly teaming up with a guy who looks like Goku
for what purpose
>That new semen demon avatar
I thought it was more like Devil Ray
ur welcome
the Jobber crew
Dabura got absorbed by Xeno Buu btw
Will you
A) like Super to stay within the EoZ era/time frame
B)Continue to press forth into GT era time frame?
Personally I want both, with multiple arcs RIGHT around the EoZ era but I would love to see Tori and Toyo's spin on GT's time frame.
Both have pros and cons, Super now is comfy with characters in their prime but the EoZ chapters kind of keep the tension stale because it's a happy ending we can expect. GT time frame however has the chance to return to the roots of a fresh adventure, but at the cost of aging the classic cast.
He looked better with hair.
Just make Goku Kaioken so Bergamo uses it and dies because of not knowing using it can kill you.
Why couldn't they just leave it at a handful of transformations?
That's an interesting way to mix things up.
If i can dubs i'll continue on adding more to this if not i shall continue on my procrastination.