Super God Tien when?
Dragon Ball Super
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Never, he'll be the new Yamcha.
I don't get why Toriyama decided that human characters had to stay worthless. No one said they had to be equal to Goku but they should at least keep up a good fight, even damage their opponents more often.
The last thing Tien damaged was Nappa's cloths.
Cell had noticeable burn marks during his tri-beam beat down.
But yes, it's a fucking joke. I'd understand if toriyama didn't want humans to be as physically capable as other races but there should be no reason their strongest ki attacks are so worthless compared to generic sayian ki blasts.
Nappa was slightly scuffed to but all it did was slow them down a little.
Toriyama couldn't really write to begin with.
Well at least we can be rest assured that his cell-saga tier Tri-beam would have probably been able to actually kill Nappa.
It depends on if Nappa got back his midboss status. Because if that happened, Tien would be fucked.
>not Frieza's mooks from RoF
Counting Saibmen equivalents, next you'll start counting rocks.
>Humans (aside from Krillin) never got a power-up to stay relevant
>even Krillin fell off
Here is how Tien can get stronger
>Toriyama says Tien obtained his eye through enlightenment but lost his power due to being raised by Master Shen.
>Tien jobs incredibly hard
>reflects on all those times he jobbed
>reaches some sort of atonement for past sins and accepting his jobbing as punishment for his past
>redeems himself of the evil the clouds his past
>third eye powers return to their fullest
>third eye now grants him an elevated state and boosts his power to a point where he doesn't nearly job as hard as he used to and can actually hurt villains that have a higher ranking than worthless mook.
Fucking fixed.
>the only change is that his third eye becomes blue
Ten becomes worthless so fast in DBZ.
Poor guys was so strong in Dragon Ball
So can we work out wether Gohan jobs from the new episode previews?
Gohan Jobs so hard his fight only lasts ONE (1) episode. Will literally be the biggest jobbing in dragon ball history.
Thats not bad, would believe.
learn to read, it clearly implies that Gohan powers up and destroys lavender.
He starts jobbing, but then the garbage character tries to kill a main cast member
Tien should be given a limited power to channel the energy of the universe through enlightenment or some shit - also, as someone who loves the idea and aesthetic of Kaioken, Tien could one day be like "Yo I figured out a better version" and go 100x or 1000x for short bursts and wreck shit with badass red aura flames cutting through everything.
MC going blind and using his sixth sense to win is probably the most common martial arts movie trope of all time.
He's probably going to win.
Re-reading DBZ and I think Piccolo is actually stronger than 17 and 18.
>save the earth
Mystical Gohan is a human and is stronger than ssjb vegeta and goku since he has higher potential
I forgot Andriod 16 was stronger than 17 and 18.
I saw that yesterday this is SPAM
Universe 7's 10 fighters POWER ranking.
1: Goku
2. Vegetta
3. Gohan
4. Buu
5. Piccolo
6. 17/18
7. 17/18
8. Tenshin
9. Krillen
10. Roshi
krillin just got buffed, and we don't really know anything about tien
i would call tien and krillin interchangeable until we get more info
we also don't know for a fact that gohan is stronger than buu right now, and vegeta ended the black arc stronger than goku, but goku went to train with whis right after so it's yet to be seen
tldr 1/2, 3/4, 8/9 are interchangeable with our current info
Roshi he's the strongest
not even Jackie Chun can compete
i hate spics so much
vegeta just had a kid, that might power him up mentally
of course they already missed the opportunity to let vegeta see future bulma die, so I'm not optimistic
1/2.. sure they're interchangeable but Goku is MC and as shown by his battle vs Ayy Lmao in the opening.
3/4 Is Gohan not going mystic in the opening? Golden Freeza almost killing him was a saiyan power up to get him back on track
Krillen and Tenshin.. Tenshin was always the more talented fighter but Krillen found himself in the right place at the right time on constant occasions. You're right though.
meant for
Buu is stronger than Gohan
gohan is going mystic in the opening
Yeah 16 was almost as strong as semi perfect cell iirc. Or at least stronger than cell before semi and 17 was weaker than cell before semi
17 is stronger than 18 by a little and 16 is stronger than them by a good margin.
I don't know if Gohan is stronger than Buu. He lost a lot of power since Buu arc. We don't even know if he managed to regain his cell arc power yet. I mean he did back during Buu arc but he stopped training for years after Buu.
I can't remember tenshin ever being as strong as krillin since Namek.
Krillin is always there with the strong fighters while tenshin is training in the mountains with a pale boy
Is Tien even relevant anymore?
So with the summaries for upcoming episodes mentioning that if U7 wins the consolation match, all the loser universes are off the chopping block, what are the chances that Goku finally fucks things up enough that all his friends call him out on his bullshit?
Sand in your shoes.
yes but he clearly would go mystic if he could during this fight. that means that for now, he's gimped and can only barely do super saiyan. mystic likely training for the real tournament now that he knows he has to.
i just hope the bang comes back eventually.
No, not really.
So do any of you that aren't gay for him actually like zamasu?
Personally he ruined the arc for me, black was cool and interesting, then some green literally who edgelord is just also with black
He had a great VA though
Ten Shin Han is the only "human" who keeps actually being helpful. He is so UNDERRATED
He could make them goku-level without it being totally stupid.
>tien and master roshi killed by nappa
>everyone goes to train in other world
>both have mystical powers (roshi is immortal and related to baba, and tien has a third eye) so they train with a different kai instead
>instead of Ki tien and roshi use God Ki.
That's not fair, Krillin was far more helpful than Tien
Not to mention Satan
It's a little disappointing that Roshi and 17 are probably going to be the only dark horses getting much needed attention this arc, but at least it's something other than the Goku power hour.
>Future Trunks androids were pure killers
>normal timeline androids just wanted to activate there friend and go about their business and had no intentions of destroying anything.
Did they ever fugg?
Mangacuck trust a guy who've done this as a grown ass man.
Trunks is useless.
Ningen are useless.
Just an another DB fight without epicness as usual nothing new.
At least, he suck toriyama's dick very well.
Blue or Rose Sup Forums?
>implying Tenshinhan likes her
>implying he's even straight
Nah, Yancha is the lowest of the low
Wait, why is gokus hair blue? And why does evil goku have pink hair?
Tien doesn't need that roastie when he's got best girl.
Someobe should shop that scene saying cock instead of cook.
You can't be serious.
Currently Vegeta is stronger than Goku though. He had a day of training in the time chamber during Zamasu arc. Not like Vegeta will last too long in that position but hey, give the man a break, for once he's the most powerful.
Yeah but Kaioken Blue is stronger though we don't know if Goku's developed that for anything more than split second use.
How much time has passed since Zamasu?
He already retconned all power levels to make them plot based. Why do you think Roshi is in this tournament?
We dont know, perhaps couple months.
Because maybe for once DBZ can have a technical element that isn't just a race to see who can dish out the harder Ki blast .
God this is fucking hilarious.
Toriyama is legitimately in the top 10 of the most skilled shonen artist of all time. If you're a drawfag you'd understand just how good he is just by looking at this pic. Someone like murata should have done the manga and stuck to their own style instead of trying to copy, because it just comes off as embarrassing.
Got a guy who loves drawing machines in such detail why didn't he start a mecha series?
>implying Goku would let Roshi mafuba the strongest opponent
Tien got stronger than Krillian because he trained for over 100 days on king Kais planet then kept training when he was revived. Krillian has done nothing on the level of keeping Imperfect Cell pinned down or deflecting a blast from Buu
And yet Krillin is still according to canon, the strongest Earthling.
Because Toriyama is a fucking hack
Krillin is the strongest human, Tien is not human
You know his third eye was explained via the same reason why the third eye is so popular in Asian lore right? And this was by Toriyama himself when some kid asked if he was even human.
Even if he does have some alien ancestry, he's still an Earthling who's way more human than say, Pan. He's the second strongest Earthling, there's nothing wrong with that.
Did it take you that long to realize that?
the true ranking is:
1. Goku
2. Vegeta
3. Gohan
4. Piccolo
5. Buu
6. Tien
7. 18
8. 17
9. Krillin
10. Roshi
This was a good fight.
Chiaotzu was a girl?!
>chichi having sex with goku
her instructing him for the sole purpose of recreation
>bulma having sex with vegeta
probably after her interrupting his training and taunting him during
>gohan and videl
the most vanilla shit you can imagine
all 3 coax them into it with food
This blast battle was never topped.
When do the new character profiles go up?
Kid Buu really saved the Buu Arc.
Everyone can admit that Buu got shit tier once he started getting smart.
all 3 lured them in with words because saiyans are halftards, then they snatched their dicks.
Buu saga is perfect
excluding the high school eps nothing is bad
Gohan will job.
Roshi will not.
is he really struggling to pull him? I never noticed that
I hope i can blame Toei for that. Pathetic
I will riot if the reverse happens
Are you niggas forgetting about the time he saved Gohan's pitiable life? Buutenks was shitting his pants when Tien arrived.
you can't really show how much stronger the new villain is by making Roshi to lose him
>He didn't like human extinction attack
>He didn't like the Gotenks vs Super Buu looney tunes fight
>He didn't like "I was only pretending to be retarded"
>He didn't like Gohan getting absolutely blown the fuck out, and outsmarted by a literal retard
>He didn't like the battle of smug between Super Buu and Vegito
That piano makes everything better.
Buuhan was perfect. The strongest and smartest villain in the series. Kid Buu was the most dangerous but he just couldn't compare.
Regular Super Buu was fine, it was once he absorbed Piccolo, Gotenks and Jobber Supreme that he went to shit.
Even in the dub it was terrible, they had him go to increased vocabulary but still retarded to to basically Perfect Cell.
>smartest villain
>gets beaten up by candy