Grab your pannekoeken and poffertjes.
It's another /polder/draad!
Yesterday /ourguy/ Thierry won Dutch politician of the year and his party stands at 15 seats (10%) in the polls!
Grab your pannekoeken and poffertjes.
It's another /polder/draad!
Yesterday /ourguy/ Thierry won Dutch politician of the year and his party stands at 15 seats (10%) in the polls!
Meest recente peilingen.
>yfw FvD becomes the second biggest party within a month
He may not be perfect, but he sure is the best we have since a long time!
Are FvD /ourguys/
Seems like the only ones still wanting to represent voters-will in parliament are "far right nazis"
I still feel he's redpilled than he says he is.
Quote from Baudet "Europe is starting to look like places people immigrate from to come here. I want Europe to stay culturally and ethnically white"
FvD is more redpilled than AfD , but only Israel they're not that redpilled on.
Ah shit, I congratulate you guys.
Absolutely ebin.
And they are in existence how long?
Just a bit longer than 1 year. When they got in Parliament they only were 6 months old which is a miracle itself. Right they now they're polling at 10% of the voters , and they just surpassed Wilders.
I'm very afraid they will crumble under their succes...
Growing quicker than they can build up the party properly.
So just let RUTTE III be in power for a full term, not because of their great policies, but just so /ourguys/ can properly prepare
Best politician of the year.
I hope it will become more than Baudet's party.
Based poffertjesblad
>ooit accuraat.
FvD zal groeien, maar wees niet teleurgesteld wanneer het maar 5 zetels pakt.
thierry admitted israeli involvement in assisting isis a couple times. hope he becomes redpilled and stops being zionist
Too bad right wing parties have to pro israel or else everyone would call them nazi's
De absolute staat van Zweden
Skip to 35:32
Hoi broer, nice polderdraad here today...dankjewel!
Pic related when? :^)
assasination when?
> zweden
> ja(ik wil)
Wat is het toch een kanker land hopelijk zet het geen precedent voor andere landen.
Absolutely based, gas the sandniggers soon, based toothpasteanons.
Oh wow, daarom is alles zo kut.
Brothers across the borders.
Greater Germanic empire will rise soon.
I want a military that our country can be proud of goddamnit
Waarom? Het gaat geen negers stoppen met verkrachten.
Make a /polder/ Discord already.
Kek mit uns, Kamerad!
>tfw don't own a Kriegsmaschine
>tfw no awesome Panzermobil
Did someone say 'Best politician in the Netherlands'
Please let the Netherlands become redpilled. I'd like to work a job there for a couple years and maybe find a wife in the Bible Belt.
How much of his success has been because he's so fucking handsome? He's not actually getting the female vote is he? That would be insane.
I'm against legal prostitution aswell. But this woman has an anti male agenda.
Sweden is already lost. The Netherlands got twice as many white people.
did someone say "we'll support israel no matter how much degeneracy they force upon us!"?
I know some females that think he's hot and voted for him i don't know if his looks are the biggest factor for them voting though
Onze christelijke broeder. Puur coalitie materiaal.
Have you even read the old testament?
You can try, but for someone in the biblebelt to marry their daughter to a foreigner, is rare.
Still too many seats for cuck parties.
The Dutch military fought with courage and distinction alongside the Canadians in Afghanistan on several ops until the Dutch mission ended - there is noone else we would rather fight alongside with. A small bit of pride, to you mijn vriend.
feminists are fucking mad at him because he wrote a book in which he stated that women like to be dominated/taken advantage of.
>tfw you will never own a panzerwagen and cruise through the civil warfield
>You can try, but for someone in the biblebelt to marry their daughter to a foreigner, is rare.
I'm not hellbent on it, but I am Dutch Reformed so there's that. South Africa would probably be better if I were serious, because I can sponsor US citizenship.
I fixed the pic for you
>implying the cabinet will last till 2021
Why do you want to marry one from the bible-belt?
vote for their township coalitions if FvD doesn't play in your city.
Cuck every party out of your town for the love of god!
The Lavender revolution is upon us lads keep the spirit alive!
Ik spreek nu tot jou mijn vriend, 2019 gaat het al gebeuren.
Our military is doing what it can, naturally i am proud of our men, but I don't hear this often enough. There's not much willingness nor need for them. Our soldiers are fighting because of international interests. It's hard to be proud of that.
Besides that we lack the budget to have a well-functioning army.
True , one day our NatSoc agenda will finally be revealed and the country will be ok with it. National Socialism is a ladder , you started normal > Conservative > Civic nationalist > White nationalist > NatSoc/Fascist
I still have hope.
Less likely to be degenerate. The US Bible Belt is probably better though.
There is a Polder discord, or at least there was one during the elections way back. I'll see if I can find the link.
I can't disagree with anything you've said broer, in fact our military is much the same.
Ik hoop het niet.
Thierry moet mentaal groeien en de partij moet zich ontwikkelen.
It's fucking depressing seeing your couuntries military dwindle.
On the plus side, we will see militarized police kick sandniggers asses once they start screeching for seccession and genrally just nigging like the species they are.
Bedankt Bladmeneer.
/onze goy/
I pray to god he plays the goy act so he isn't labeled a nazi. Time will tell.
Waarom shill je nou? Moet je echt zo zijn?
4D ganzenbord
We don't have to go NatSoc since that doesn't rly work as well with the EU breathing down our necks.
The lavender revolution is probably more of a cultural revolution than anything else.
een potje begint altijd bij de kikker.
truly /ourgame/
You pretty much have to suck some circumcised cock to get anywhere in politics, so it's not really worrying.
Het is het zakje wat ons hier doorheen gaat helpen.
NatSoc is the endgame. As communism is on the rise , eventually the people on the right will keep getting closer to NatSoc.
1 day the EU will fall and Europe will be in chaos. NatSoc will put us back together.
inb4 Pim Fortuyn 2.0
haha ja zoals turmp toch? haha
waarheid doet pijn?
Did someone say polio?
Aftreden wanneer?
Ganzenbord symbolises the Hero's journey to a white ethnostate.
You start as a kekistani and through trial and error you end up with white children teaching other Ganzen te finish the journey aswell.
Wat is uw excuus om niet in dienst te treden bij de NATRES, /polder/?
Most dutch will never accept NatSoc anyway.
Guys what's a "Dutch Turk"?
Good people in this picture.
>ss uniform
You guys weren't Nazis, you fell to them.
Waarom is De Dagelijkse Standaard zo'n kanker site en waarom heeft niemand van ons een betere site opgezet?
Thierry Baudet: Kartel royale
Still here, broeder? discord ehCQhuH
Breitbart nederland.
Some may call me a fag for this, but I side with the scientific facts, that, while we do see differences inbetween races, the individuual genetic merit of the constituents of society/those that are encouraged to reproduce and aided in doing so by governent has to be tested.
Take me for example:
>Depression (may be genetic, may be a dud)
>Autism (may be misdiagnosed)
>Only 90,5 percentile intelligence
Now, I may be overly critical, and many anons in my position wouldn't be as honest as me, but, are my genes worth to continue? Clearly being white (or any other (((Color))) for that matter) isn't a sufficient marker. Neither is phenotype, as I have about a 6/10 face and a healthy body. Brown hair, blue eyes, my mother was blonde/blue, it's a tossup.
We need more scientific tests in order to determine the genetic merit of the individual.
Maybe it can be achieved without state intervention, by establishing a free market.
(see sperm donor market, it's proto-eugenics)
(I also recognize race-mixing to be counterproductive if one wants to create healthier, more intelligent humans)
And, to top it of; in implementation we are faced with one big problem:
Artificial gene-editing (so CRISPS-CAS etc.) has highly unforseeable risks.
This urges forth the classic model of "breeding", only enhanced perhaps by PID, generally arificial implantation and of course the gentic tests that can be done to examine the two mates.
However, the very first argument you hear then will be
>muh nazis
The only way to come forth, is to slowly shift the overtone window, and perhaps one day we will be on the path to a new human.
I think my endgame is eugenicist.
The true endgame of every society should be a right wing libertarian one. Only absolute economic freedom empowers all people to work hard, and keep the fruits of their labour.
This doesn't imply that there should be political freedom. Milton Friedman said so himself that political freedom will eventually destroy economic freedom.
The true perfect state is something that cannot be achieved because you can't have all the good things.
Hartelijk bedankt!
>another right wing meme party
>this time its going to work guys!!11
>In de put
>Mag alleen verder als iemand anders erin valt
Dit spel is wel hardcore
In fascism the weak will probably make less children that people with more money , so it's actually a form of eugenics.
I support the idea of the ethnostate because cultures clashing together is what creates conflict in the world , and most cultures are bound by race. The muslims we get won't become western , they will try to push islam on us.
I agree in a degree , but i believe if government doesn't control a bit we will fall into degeneracy. Economically the Reich worked perfectly.
Get out jew.
Jou zijn welkom!
This is no time to be precisian with genetics. Do you think the invaders care for their genes? They just ficki ficki without thought of consequence. They breed with our women and since they are a majority, they will be eventually be integrated back into the race.
Although i agree scientific progress on this front is essential to this century, currently we are in a political war and we have to cut losses.
I would be in favor of state intervention when it comes to DNA testing, and i would secure a job market for it as to encourage people to study for it.
You're too early, there's other things to be done first.
Freedom from government limitation is important, freedom from corporations having a monopoly is more important.
nooit eerder ganzenbord gespeeld?
government should keep out of business. I do agree that the government should control stuff like the military, police and judges. stuff like that. everything else can be done by the people but you do need some form of social cohesion. something similar to how churches filled that role. in the past you knew the people that went to your church and if someone fell ill or had other problems the people would help. faith-based charities are a very powerful thing. it's something we've kind of lost now the country has become more secular and I don't know what should fill that niche.
Practically all monopolies are created by governments. It's impossible for monopolies to form in a true free market economy.
Hmmm. It might be better to protect a country from a monopolies in a degree.
Holy shit that is a hot politician.
Also checked.
I hope the vaginas vote for him.
You know it satan
Companies in a true free market are often parasitical, like porn and gambling, soda, etc. You need a government to force them to make utilitarian products. Within that restricted space, they are free to come up with anything they want.
thanks for using my image
Lavendelmiem? Tijdens de verkiezingen het hele land naar lavendel laten ruiken, zeker in FvD gemeenten :D
Doesn't mean the government can't play too. By lack of work the government should step in to supply it.
I heard that Breitbart Dordrecht is in the making.
(vier plus vier chan has a /polder/ board by the way)
No problem. I like the image and will probably use it more often.
dit zijn de gebaseerde fvd bolwerken.
Brabant is disappointing, Limburg is surprising.
This is from the election right? They have 5 times the number of people now. Would be interested to see where they come from.
Zo'n beetje alles aan zee of IJsselmeer.
Zit hier een reden achter?
The youth everywhere.
veel ondernemers. ook veel vissers die te maken hebben met eu regelgeving.
ook was dit het gebied waar lpf de meeste stemmen haalde
it's not like you can stop people from wanting to watch porn or gamble. you're only making criminals out of them. the only way to truly stop them is a change in public opinion. for soda it would be research that shows that it's bad, less people will drink it probably.
for gambling and porn you need good values, most religions say those practices are bad.
there we go. government wouldn't have to ban anything if you have the right foundation. that's the important part which we lack at this time
>limburg is surprising
PVV is always big there, not much of a surprise really