>yuri pairing
>yaoi pairing
>straight shota pairing
>lesbian loli pairing
God damn, why is KyoAni so progressive?
>yuri pairing
>yaoi pairing
>straight shota pairing
>lesbian loli pairing
God damn, why is KyoAni so progressive?
What's "progressive" about a fetish show?
For something like that, it's pretty soccermom-tier conservative with loli.
>cut everything lewd out
>don't have a single service scene in beach episode
But that's lead anti-lolicon studio for you.
Studio filled with women.
>the leading pro-lolicon studio
it's pretty lewd for kyoani
You never saw a loli show, right?
Kanna is basically a loli for people that hates loli.
That scene was also censored to family friendly with that gravity defying skirt.
There's nothing explicitly lewd with Kanna.
Holy fuck just fuck off already lolisRdead
Maybe if you have shit taste.
Dumb lolihater.
>people taking OP seriously
For real though this shows pretty gay
Don't get me wrong, I like Kanna, but she's basically a loli for people that never liked loli before.
>There's nothing explicitly lewd with Kanna.
Saikawa would disagree with you
/ss/ isn't progressive, it's degenerate garbage. Doubly so because it features cowtits.
>DFC /ss/
Could such a thing exist?
Now that would be progressive and actually watchable, unlike cowtits.
>yaoi pairing
did they ruin takiya and fafnir's bro-relationship?
they`re just japanese perverts
I already masturbated to /ss/ yesterday, so where are all the /ll/ doujins?
Does fanservice only means sexual and lewd cuts for you?
If so, go fucking neck yourself already.
I seriously cannot believe someone wouldn't find desirable every frame Kanna is in.
You know what? Kanna doing silly stuff like eating crabs or opening her mouth wide out to eat a cicada is fanservice, is fanservice for my heart. It makes my heart go doki-doki, and you know pretty well I'm not the only one that feels like this.
I won't judge you if you can see lolis only in a sexual way, that's your fucking problem, but stop shitting every single thread about KyoAni, and ultimately stop watching KyoAni shit if it doesn't fits your needs.
Kill yourself retard.
Kanna isn't a loli newfags. She's shaped liked a midget.
/size/ content when?
Yes, but she's a crazy larval dyke.
>wanting to give (you)s to LRD
Come on now.
Aren't we all?
Why is kanna so thick
Dragons tend to be thick.
Don't forget
>Heartfelt moments
I burst into laughter when Kanna ate the bug.
Do I have to explain why I use @?
I could've used his post number with a single >, but you know what? I do whatever I want to do, if that triggers you, that's your problem, not mine.
why are manga translations dead?
I want to hug a kanna
Surely you mean the rabbit hippo with a /ss/ fetish.
Fuck off, there are different kind of fanservices, but we all knwo what we're talking about, and when the manga has lewd loli service, and an episode is full of lewdness of everyone BUT the loli, it's just plain old anti-lolicon and loli shaming soccermom approved, normalfag smirking shit.
Stop replying to LRD jesus fuck.
Don't worry about that, I was just implying how much of a cancer you are by using @ only because you're a kid that doesn't want to give a (You) to someone you don't agree with, the (You) really were a big mistake.
Fucking end yourself; you're the cancer killing Sup Forums.
>doesn't want to give a (You) to someone you don't agree with,
More like doesn't want to give a (You) to someone who's fishing for (You)s.
Also, what's killing Sup Forums clearly isn't someone using @, it's people like that guy that the only thing he always do is shitposting in every KyoAni thread.
By extension, people like you who defend shitters like him are also killing Sup Forums.
He was right about this week's episode, so whatever.
Gotta give credits where it belongs dont you think?
I'd rather not seeing as his presence is nothing but a negative to every thread involving lolis ever.
>someone likes loli and doesn't approve of KyoAni's anti-lolicon bullshit
I want you, and all of your arrogant kind of non-lolicons to kindly fuck off with all your meta shitposting about users.
Then ignore the bait instead of replying using @ which is to me, one of the most cancer thing to do, way more than those baits.
There's nothing wrong with fucking your dragon-bro when he goes into heat.
Fuck off, LRD.
It is true that there was not one (1) Kanna fanservice shot of the whole beach segment, in the whole so called fanservice episode.
is this show yuri
Because you should know moon by now.
this. Everyone who unironically enjoys this shit can go back to tumblr and rot.
I want to fuck Kanna
Who's elma's pair?
Why do you not enjoy it?
I don't understand what is the appeal of turning cute shit into lewd shit. Like Kanna is insanely cute and I appreciate every scene with her, I sincerely can't imagine what benefit would sexualizing her character make.
I bet you think sexualizing a character is a bad or evil thing too.
For me it is the peak form of appreciation for their figure, and when everyone gets it but the loli, it's like saying "Kanna is unappealing shit nobody should like".
Kanna is sexy too though, not just cute.
The guy that goes in black which name i don't remember is voiced by Jotaro isn't he?
Degenerate shit
Translation group got some other mangas to do like Demi-chan and Ojojojo
Hopefully they'll do a chapter or two next month
It's not progressive if it's a privileged Japanese male jerking it to the sexuality
Like if I went into a transgendered bathroom and started jacking it in the stall next over
Daisuke Ono, yes.
yes, now get back to Sup Forums and let me enjoy my mongolian cartoons
this is what i've been waiting for most of all