We're like 7 episodes in on both series
So at this point what is Sup Forums's consensus on which is the better show?
Maid Dragon vs Little Witch Academia
LWA. It isn't particularly good but since Maid Dragon is pure trash it ends up being the better one.
You just sound like a negative Nancy
Maidragon. LWA is boring.
cummy cummy in little witch cunny and little maid tummy!
Maid dragon has the better team working on it but the show itself is shit and only good for masturbating. I like it when my jap cartoons have the pretense of wanting to tell a story so LWA wins out.
Both are shit compared to ACCA and Onihei though.
>ACCA and Onihei
I enjoy both shows equally, because fun things are fun.
I really wish retards wouldn't make stupid threads like this.
Stop trying to encourage studio wars you shit stain.
LWA easily. Kyoani just keeps sinking lower and lower.
I thought they couldn't do worse than Phantom World, but they proved me wrong.
Mai is the sexiest though
Yeah PH despite being shit it was at least good for masturbation.
I have never actually watched phantom world, just fapped to the fanart and doujins.
Maidragon is comfy ELMA SOON, but KyoAni is ramping up the feels lately. LWA started boring as fuck and has been improving slowly since then.
For me, at the moment, Maidragon is slighty better however both shows are enjoyable.
You can say the same about Maiddragon that and it's /u/fag central. But Little Witch Academia threads are full of degenerates, futa posting, gun posting, bully posting, tattun posting, waifu wars, Sup Forumstards, crossboarders and despair posting. Those people have issues
I'm just saying ,
One studio which is very large and well established is making a show with a safe pandering formula that tends to work and the other is a small newcomer, taking a risk with an untapped demographic and trying to recapture the feel Disney had before it sold it soul to the cgi devil,
Kind of has a David and Goliath feel don't you think?
LWA is Trigger's best work and I'm enjoying the anime. It's a blessing
Too bad there are almost none. That last Takeda Hiromitsu one was a godsend.
The fanbase being degenerate has nothing to do with the show itself. You could show LWA to a 5 year old no problem.
>Takeda Hiromitsu
I really like his mind control and corruption stuff.
The first OVA was a masterpiece but the series is just okay. Trigger has done better.
yeah I love the show but threads are not so good, I think because of the ks and a trigger pr person being there that it attracted too much attention and drew and unsavory crowd.
>the series is just okay.
I tend to agree, but each episode for me its better than the last so im hoping its just building up.
LWA is at least more than just pandering, its not the most amazing show ever but I'm enjoying it. Maid dragon looks better, and is better if you want to masturbate to it, but doesn't offer much value outside of that, its just not very good, I can tell.
>I can tell
Did you watch it?
They wasted too much time before starting to develop Akko. Nobody wants to see a retard failing for 5 episodes without learning anything.
The last 2 episodes should have been the second and the third and all the shit about the dragon, Twilight, the race etc. should have been moved later.
Maid Dragon's only worth is porn.
someone should make a Tohru version of this picture
not him, but I do watched , its a nice comfy show to watch,
but I cant deny it is what it is.
I like both, Why would I choose between them two.
Both are shit.
I dunno
I feel like both shows fanbases should have a rivalry
I remember when we banned discussions of anime that were bad, like naruto, too.
This, both are good so why take out swords and shit for which is better?
If they keep to themselves why would you do that ?
Why tolerate the heathen when you can put them to the sword?
Maid Dragon is the higher quality show and is legitimately heart warming.
Maid Dragon will probably end in my top 10.
This is Sup Forums
I've seen threads derailed over an argument on whether to add condiments on certain food .
It doesn't matter. In the end, studiowarriors lose. Only this guy wins
Hard to compare them as they're two very different shows.
Maid Dragon is an anime people will still talk about 10 years from now.
Kemono friends is better.
On the surface it does seem that way
They both have dragons don't they ?
Why compare when they're two different things?
>Hurr durr, guis, what's better, a spark plug or a lawnchair?
Lawn chair master race
Ceiling fan>>>>>>both of these things
Please go back to causing wars in Youtube comments and Sup Forums.
Maidragon is bottom-tier KyoAni, I don't really get why people likes it.
LWA is a huge dissapointing, they picked Akko's character and make it lot more extreme and annoying, they picked Diana's character and made it lot more extreme.
And with that they filled 6 fucking episodes. That's it.
People is so focused on drooling for the whitch of their choice that seem torget it was 7 episodes of just Akko being dumb and annoying and Diana being perfect. The only episode that broke this dinamic was the one with Lotte and twilightharrypotter.
Maid dragon is a comfy show but that's pretty much all. Aside of that is mediocre, is not fun in any form way or shape, it is just cute...sometimes. We have to admit it has good animation, but honestly is kind of wasted here because you don't need so much animation for this kind of show.
Maid Dragon is better written with more emotional and complex themes, sincerity, great character development and best production of the season. LWA is terribly written with an awful MC with half-hearted thematic exploration, bad narrative structure and merely functional production that will implode in the 2nd half.
>more emotional and complex themes
name them.
Maid Dragon was the show no one expected much from even though it's Kyoani but ended up being AOTS.
LWA was the more hyped up show because of the OVAs but ended up being largely disappointing.
>Maid Dragon is better written with more emotional and complex themes
It's a mediocre /u/bait 4koma adaptation, what the fuck.
>Maid dragon
>no one expected much
What? I remember it being quite hyped. Not as hyped as witch academia, of course, but still was hyped a lot.
Everybody was calling it Kyoani's filler show between Hibike and VEG
>no one expected much
The moment the PV dropped people started calling it the second coming of Nichijou.
It's a metaphor for the immigrant experience. It's about alienation, accepting and understanding others, adapting to society, appreciating the little moments in life, capturing the shortsightedness or rather transience of human existence. It also has a consistent familial framework.
>Triggertrash or Kyoanus shit
Who would win in a fight Akko v. Tohru.
Akko knows magic and Tohru is a fucking dragon.
I remember the PV's D cuppu antics are being spammed on the board.
>Akko knows magic
Does she though
akko has killed a dragon before
They're both great in different ways.
This. No one would care about this show if it wasn't made by KyoAni.
I like maidragon more
>Catchy OP and ED
>Cute girls
>Caters to literally every fetish
Keep telling yourself that Triggernigger.
LWA at least set the bar high.
Maid dragon is just a SoL with a mix of service that Kyoani is known to constantly do.
Maid Dragon has more likable characters. Also TWA has all girl cast and I hate yurishit.
>everyone who complains about Flop Dragon must be a Triggernigger
Did Imaishi fucked your wife?
I didnt expect much out of Maid Dragon but it blew my expectations away
I expected a lot out of LWA and its alright I guess, not as good as I was hoping
>Maid Dragon was the show no one expected much from
Except from the Japanese expectation polls.
LWA has decent episodic storytelling, there's an actual goal or character that's followed and resolved by the time the credits roll.
Maidragon is just cute activity of the week.
Someone post Kannas "jei".wemb please.
LWA is literally every Trigger show so far.
>Genki cute underdog girl constantly vomiting confidence
>Has to prove herself to the establishment that doesn't believe in her
It's obvious you haven't seen it, see it has a lot of themes and development going on, LWA tries to do the same some times but fails.
the source material is by an he artist I really like so i would,
suprised he got a kyoani show
>all girl cast
he doesn't know
Yeah, and LWA is an animated essay about the nature of Nietzschean will, a statement about the current anime industry and a critique of japanese education.
You don't have to try and justify liking fanservice anime this way. It's embarrassing.
Did Luluco fit that criteria?
It's actually about having hot magical beings that are subservient to you and how it would be fun.
Yet they're able to make vastly different feeling shows by shifting the setting and tone.
I've seen up to the beginning of the beach episode. There is nothing meaningful about immigrant life because these people are able to integrate fine and fix any of their mistakes with magic.
>I can't even understand the surface level reading of a SOL anime
I wish every Trigger show didn't feel like the same thing.
the one on the right looks like my mom when she was younger
LWA has completely embraced the balls to the walls style over substance that makes episodes hit or miss depending on what they focus on. Maid Dragon on the other hand has been consistently good, managing a wonderful balance between comedy and serious issues without ever being awkward or heavy handed. Point goes to Maid Dragon.
LWA has been pretty disappointing so far. I suspect it will get better in the second cour when some semblance of a plot is thrown together and they ditch some of these terrible episodic ideas.
LWA is made by Trigger, so it begins with a handicap, whereas Maiddragon has an advantage due to being made by Kyoani.
Neither show has done much to change their respective positions since, but I got bored of LWA faster than I did Maiddragon, so I guess it wins by default.
Can I be your dad user.
>he didn't drop LWA after the first OVA
I'm honestly having a hard time which one is my AOTS.
I really don't like one better than the other, they're both about even.
Maybe LWA since it's not as wacky?
Outside of cute girls and nice animation, both series are different enough that whichever one is better is subjective.
But cute girl shows are trash by default. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is the AOTS
Ryuko isn't genki.
Luluco isn't cute.
>underdog girl
Ryuko is the "chosen one"
>constantly vomiting confidence
Luluco doesnt.
>Has to prove herself
Luluco really doest have to prove anything.
>to the establishment that doesn't believe in her
The establishment believes in Ryuko, that's why shes tested in the first place.
>Luluco isn't cute.
I expected something more out of LWA. I watched the OVA and liked it but thought there was going to be some serious world building in the show since it's 24 ep long. Most of the time that isn't the case and is just self contained episodic stuff. With Maid Dragon I thought it was going to be a simple fanservice SoL but they can get deep sometimes and the character development is very good. It's a very unique show as far as this season goes, no other comedy has this level of substance to it, except for Kemono Friends but for other reasons, not so much the characterization, they both have deeper themes underneath the soft exterior.
I dropped LWA by ep5, that's all I have to say.
>Luluco isn't cute
Stopped reading right there.
They're both shit