Is Konosuba the antithesis to KyoAni?
Is Konosuba the antithesis to KyoAni?
>hardly even try
>Still sell more than maid dragon
Konosuba is the ultimate DEEN.
Is this sakuga?
Looks like kyoanus just can't compete with DEEN.
I'm pretty sure Toei is the antithesis to KyoAni.
Is this a euphemism of DEEN slapping Kyoani?
because maid dragon i the dumbest shit kyoAni has put out in a while
And why's that?
Yes, it is.
yes, as it is reddit
Reddit loves kyoani, yuri and yuribait shows are huge there too.
Konosuba is an anime. KyoAni is a studio. What are you talking about user?!
Konosuba is the most popular show on reddit this season
Kyoani is the most popular studio on Sup Forums all time
It fits
How would you know whats popular on reddit?
Someone posted a list of reddit's favorite shows the other day and Konosuba was at the top
I don't think this particular scene is so bad. Rather than quality, it's more like how anime from 80-90 with limited technology trying to animate a character throwing tantrum. Actually at this point DEEN can even just resort to draw dust cloud with character faces and hands sticking out.
Source is what carried this show though. Not fucking DEEN and its QUALITY.
If KyoAni ever given chance to adapt Konosuba, Aqua won't look dumb, Darkness giggling face won't look funny, and Kazuma won't look creepy, at most he will be like that Kyokai no Kanata's male MC. Only Megumin will stay true but it's only because they can resort to make her a Takanashi Rikka 2.0.
reddit is allowed to be right sometimes.
I'm not going to not like something just because reddit likes it too.
>Reddit has decided Oxygen is just the greatest thing
Well shit, I better stop breathing! I don't want to be like Reddit!
You're right, you can like whatever you want. But we're in agreement Konosuba is reddit and Kyoani is Sup Forums
>I better stop breathing
Okay bye
>Sup Forums
>not Gabriel Dropout
>implying Maid Dragon still relevant
Why is she so annoying?
She's still in her anal phase.
>Implying Maid Dragon doesn't get multiple threads a day
This whole DEEN vs KyoAni shit is fucking stupid, and anyone who thinks one is an antithesis to the other should go back to eating paint chips like the dumbass, autistic children they are.
>scene with funny, well-animated acting full of good cartoony drawings
>this is somehow a bad thing or a throwback
There's something seriously wrong with you people.
DEEN is just the new irrelevant studio used by shitposters to troll Kyoani. Gainax, Shaft, Bones, Madhouse, we've seen this all before.
In a couple months it will be another studio, I wonder which
Kyoanus dicksuckers really think their moeshit studio is the end be all of studios even with all its almost seasnonal flops.
Let me know when shaft is relevant again, they were a fun opponent for Kyoani.
the whole studio war bullshit is retarded as fuck and this thread proves the point
DEEN is clearly the better one here, though.
Your baiting is just as bad as the KyoAnifags that use the studio to shit on others. Fuck off.
Yes, it was fun that Shaft created two of the best selling anime of the decade, Bakemonogatari and Madoka, beating Kyoani down to the bottom.
DEEN is kind of a sad story, they've been around for as long as Kyoani and both studios even worked on Akira together. Except Kyoani went on to become the best animation studio and independent while DEEN didn't and their animation still looks like shit.
Sorry but that argument died when we found out shaft has no money because Aniplex took it all.
Kyoani is kind of a sadder story, they've been around for as long as DEEN and both studios even worked on Akira together. Except DEEN went on to create 2 AOTS this season while Kyoani had to animate toddlers and kids sexually to save themselves from bankrupting.
Gabriel isn't as popular on Sup Forums to be honest. Shows like LWA or Maidragon get more threads, even Kemono Friends is picking up pace.
At least the Shaft brand made it big internationally.
The saddest story is that you two faggots don't realize that both studios are doing fine The worst part is that you think you're cleverly shitting on each other's posts, yet you just look like corporate cockriders to anyone with a functioning brain. Fuck off and don't come back.
>be lazy incompetent shitters and animate keyframes only
>your fans eat it up as "expressive animation" because the keyframes have silly faces sometimes
It's crazy what KyoAni hatred can do to some people.
It's just weird you know, some tiny studio manages to luck into a hit once in years and suddenly people act like they're on the level of Kyoani.
Is it KyoAni's fault that anime fans are retards who would watch something as bad as Konosuba?
They make more shows per year thus taking more risks.
Aqua is otaku waving their money, Kazuma is DEEN
If they aren't at the top of the committee they take zero risk
>Seasonal flops
>Half their shows get second seasons
user I think your new is showing, second seasons only happen if the first sold well
>Kazuma won't look creepy
They're perfectly capable of doing exaggerated creep faces when they want to.
>worst animators on average vs best animators on average in regards to production values.
Also probably a factor that Toei's works are 99% of the time aimed at little boys and little girls while KyoAni's is largely centered on adult otakus.
>worst animators on average
That's nice, what is that going to prove, that Toei can get the occasional decent looking sakuga sequence with some CGI? Did you watch Soul of Gold? It was a 1-cour ONA that had 2 weeks production for every episode and Toei still had it riddled with QUALITY and bad animation.
Or their fuck up with the second half of the Hades Chapter OVAs which literally turned into a low budget not-animated digital animation inserting shitty picture slide show.
The funny thing about the word average is that it means you have to take everything into account, not just some random clip of admittedly great animation.
How about half the episodes of the Future Trunks/Zamasu-Goku Black saga where everything that could go wrong was in terms of animation?
>tfw DEEN has more shows under 1k than over 10k
Yeah, Toei is pretty much the company that has multitudes of shows going on besides Aniplex who usually whore A-1. More shows running at the same time, the shittier and more strained the budget is.
Did you ever watch Digimon XROS Wars, PreCure, Saint Seiya, Majin Bone, etc...?
aniem is fukin dead
In other news, grass is green.
>Konosuba is the worst anime of the season
>KyoAni is the best anime studio
>bad animation but well written and entertaining
Now edit that shitty webm
Who is subbing this right now?
KyoAni is the best studio, so yes, it is.
>Konosuba is the worst anime of the season
How long have you been this much of a contrarian? How do you even survive?
I feel like this is one person trying to rile everyone possible up.
Unfortunately kyoani are just victims of their own past success.
They ushered in the cute girls doing cute things genre and now that every studio has done it to death and the market is oversaturated they just can't find a major success like they did before.
In an objective sense their shows are still fine though they're just getting fucked over by market forces.
Agreed, Kyoani are very talented, but they keep putting out garbage shows like KLK and Phantom World.
They're actually two person trying to rile each other up. Only similarity is that they used 'yes'.
I more meant that they posted back-to-back, but you're probably right.
This is a public service announcement.
Doesn't matter if the animation is bad when you have that much character.
Fuck the council, it's LWA
Sir, the council doesn't allow fucking your anime's way to the top.
Well i will say that the council is full of shit
>not LWA or Gabriel Dropout
The council is a bunch of sluts.
Gabdro isn't as good or as popular, LWA threads are crossboarder galore
> LWA threads are crossboarder galore
That doesn't disqualify it from being AOTS.
That's not Nyanko Days.
That just means LWA has mass appeal
Why don't you fuck off back to Sup Forums? I hear they really like company wars over there.
Exactly. Do you also think Naruto or SAO are good?
scene animated in a way that makes it unpleasant to watch, not animated well in the ways it needs to be
Aqua looks dead on the inside here
It's kinda hot
Aqua-sama will never humiliate you
>DEEN didn't and their animation still looks like shit.
It looks great.
What's the matter? To fast for you?
all fucking shit
Never watched them.
>It looks great.
But he is right. KonoSuba is a garbage from the very first season. The amount of stupidity is on similar level to No Game No Life. It's not that bad like NGNL, but it is just bad. Every fuckin character is retarded to the core, animation and art is a shit, comedy is unfunny (unless you are die hard mmo fan), soundtrack sucks, direction is awful.
This is not a bait. Just saying.
Dishonest post
So you can't prove me wrong. Glad we agree that Deen's animation is nice.
Delete thyself, Konosuba is the best anniemay of the season.
is very fake news
>treating studios as single entities
It only really makes any sense with studios that don't outsource to hell and back, like kyoani. Konosuba adaptation is as much a deen success as your computer case is to its technical specs
Nah mate, that's just your taste.