Let's learn about electricity, together!
>Chapter 146: The Dark Arts
Let's learn about electricity, together!
>Chapter 146: The Dark Arts
>Narrator: A taser.
>N: A *non-lethal* stun gun weapon.
>N: By means of air pressure...
>N: A 6.3-meter cable is shot out.
>N: Piercing through up to 5 centimeters of clothes,
>N: 50,000 volts of electricity pass through.
>N: Holding down the trigger keeps the electric current flowing.
>N: Thus, the threat is contained.
Now, let's start at a basic level of learning. I'll lead you through this, so don't be afraid.
Electric shock is the physiological reaction or injury caused by electric current passing through the (human) body.[1]
This means that it's not the *voltage alone* that determines the damage.
>N: But, this time...
>N: The taser gun that Metropolitan Police Superintendent Iwama Tatsufumi had prepared was a special model.
>N: The enemy was none other than the master swordsman, Musashi.
How do we get 'current' from voltage, you ask? Well, it's confusing in technical terms, but easy in simple terms. Voltage divided by resistance (of the body) equals current (in amperes). Essentially, V/R = C
>N: The 6.3-meter cable extends by 10 meters.
>N: The standard 50,000 volts of electricity...
>N: Was modified to multiply tenfold, to 500,000 volts.
>N: This is no longer non-lethal...
At absolute driest - like in the desert or something - the human body will put up 100,000 units of resistance. We've just been told here that the voltage being used on Musashi is 500,000 units. So, we have 500,000/100,000 = C, or current.
The answer is, of course, 5. So this is 5 "amperes" of current coursing through Musashi's body. It seems like a small number, until you learn this: harmful current tends to be measured from milli-amperes (1/100 of an ampere) up.
>Cop 1: Whoa!
>Cop 2: His... bones are showing...
>Cop 3: How many volts...!?
But, as you have just learned, dear class and friends, the volts don't quite matter. Cop 3 is uneducated. Now you know!
Moving on:
While any amount of current over 10 milliamps (0.01 amp) is capable of producing painful to severe shock, currents between 100 and 200 mA (0.1 to 0.2 amp) are lethal. Currents above 200 milliamps (0.2 amp), while producing severe burns and unconsciousness, do not usually cause death if the victim is given immediate attention. Resuscitation, consisting of artificial respiration, will usually revive the victim.
>Cⁿ: Whoooaaaa...!
That is to say, 0.2 amperes will kill the average person if you just shock them and leave them alone. Musashi is being shocked by 25 times that, and the man with the taser is holding down the trigger!
>Cop 4: Huh?
>Cop 5: Wai-
>Cop 6: Captain! It's over!
>Cop 7: He's gonna die, Iwama-san!
>Cⁿ: He's frying...
>Cⁿ: I smell burning...
>Cⁿ: He's huge...
>Cⁿ: What a body...
>Cⁿ: Check his pulse! His pulse!
>Cⁿ: His face is intense...
>Cⁿ: Medical team!
>Cⁿ: Medical team coming through!
>Musashi: You are called "Iwama", yes...?
>Cⁿ: !
>Cⁿ: Huh?
>Cⁿ: HUH!!?
>M: As I recall.
>M: Was that lethal poison, Iwama?
>M: I have never been so badly poisoned before.
>M: When your arrow touched me, I was suddenly numb.
>M: Then, just as suddenly, I recovered.
>M: Iwama...
>M: I cannot ignore...
>M: The dark arts.
>M: Oh...
>M: What a lovely moon.
Character of the Week: Kanou Shuumei, Tokugawa's house guard or whatever.
End chapter.
I hope you also enjoyed learning about electricity and stuff! I certainly did!
racking up quite a bodycount eh
Musashi will win round 2 against yujiro before it gets interrupted again.
This has been prophesied.
Is the that kind of a crescent moon symbolic of something
It's literally just the cut of the guy's head. Or, rather, most cuts in general.
I see, thanks. It's quite the sharp crescent too which only emphasizes it more it seems.
Found the page I was looking for.