Nicki Minaj

Why is she so popular ?

According to me, she has a massive audience of young girls, without distinction of race, and that's (one of her) biggest asset.

She appeals to both white and black girls, without mentioning horny teenage boys...

Btw, her music is garbage.


Why is she making herself look white in this picture

Because all niggers want to be white nigger, look at Sammy Sosa Jr.

Marketing. Probably a lot of people behind her popularity.

Because she sings about what modern girls aspire to be when they grow up.

>one wants to be black
>the other wants to be white


She encourages thottery

White girls are as trashy as nig girls now.

This is why I moved to asian girls

>her music is garbage
just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's garbage

kek is that nigger ape using skin whitening creams?

Being a mutt, she has a lot of appeal to a mutt audience.


She's trad though (I'd say like most nigger females)

you people i swear

I said asian not chinese chinks

A lot of Korean and Japanese women don't look like that

You think any of this is cringy about her? Then you must have not seen her when she goes in Europe. She did a few interviews in her latest Europe tour, and she actually puts on an English accent when she speaks to them. It's pretty fucking weird.

Near as I can figure girls listen to her because other girls listen to her. It probably started as ironic "oh my God you have to hear this it's so CRAZY, isn't she RIDICULOUS", but as Sup Forums demonstrates positions which are at first adopted ironically inevitably become unironic.


Shut up Mohammad or whatever your nigger name is. England should burn.

infatuation for BBC(Big British Cock,not shitcocks)

Good response Goldberg

You're right. He can't decide that but I can and I say her music is garbage.

That's a good meme. STIHL makes the greatest chainsaws and lawn care equipment in the world.

confirmed globalist shill

I dunno, but apparently everyone's pissed at her because she said that it's a great time to be a white rapper, and that she wants to sign one for her label. People chimped out and she told them to stop being bitches.
She's still a degenerate nigger though...

I would fuck her, just saying

She's a mixed looking slut. The epitome of American women.