Do republicans realize that "snowflake" is a term coined by a liberal author to label people who are overly obsessed...

do republicans realize that "snowflake" is a term coined by a liberal author to label people who are overly obsessed with masculinity and consumerism?

Sort of like how Pepe the frog didn't start out as an alt-right nazi frog?

Like everything else gay tge left comes up with, we turn it against them and make it actually useful

>melts under pressure

I can see you melting OP

If that's true it's entirely unrelated to the "unique at any costs" definition that is popularly used.
I doubt anybody has actually heard of this author and has probably been dug up as a way to "own" the right.

you say that but i'm sure you've seen the movie fight club

Remember to report off topic and troll threads.


snowflake used to be a common way to describe any retard on the spectrum who couldn't keep his mouth shut
It wasn't politically oriented until trumptards started using it. Very ironically I should add since no one is more obnoxious than an oblivious trumptard

>Bill Nye

He isn't a liberal, and that isn't what the book is about

Except they have gotten butthurt enough about it to make it hatespeech. Its the reverse of what happened with the term "Politically Correct" it was originally a bad thing, then liberals tried to make it a good thing, now it swings back.

No, it is used because every snowflake is totally unique, just like liberals try to be. Except the differences are meaningless and really all snowflakes and liberals are effectively the same.

>that pseudo-science dude
Kill yourself, brainlet

>lefty criticizing people for appropriating and misusing words.

Libs just wish they could use this term against the right. It doesn't stick much, although to them it sticks like glue and they hate it.

>liberals literally dont know what snow is

Probably because you're all in commiefornia. Well, enjoy your fires.

it's funny the only people getting triggered nowadays and crying about non-echochamber opinions are alt right autists

The main left is against people on the spectrum and the main right is against people on the spectrum. Why?

You guys miss use
I guess were good to miss use one word

Do liberals realize that "nigger" was originally defined as someone who as excessively ignorant, and proper grammar until it was ruined by "racists"?

Do liberals know that the word "racist" was invented by a commie looking for a way to destroy the Russian Empire?

We could do this all day, reddit.

>Remember to report off topic and troll threads.
Stop snitching you faggot. It's fun to participate in troll threads. Only morons who take themselves too seriously don't like participating in slide threads.