He cares for nothing but eating and training/fighting

>he cares for nothing but eating and training/fighting
>he doesn't care about his family
>he doesn't care about earth, even he's its "protector"
>complete disregard for all forms of deities, even the ones who can kill him but won't because plot armor
>he's willing to put the universe(s?) at risk just so he fight strong opponents
>he could literally get rid of black goku but didn't because muh fights
Is there a bigger edgelord than him?

I used to love DB since DB but after the Cell saga, everything went downhill, just watching because nostalgia but I swear it keeps getting harder and harder to watch

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Also, ITT edgelords
Post other edgelords, discuss edgelords

He's not an Edgelord. He's retarded from hitting his head as a babby. How do you get any sense of an edgelord from him?

On the Cell saga

>he never took his medice
>explicitly told him he would die
>We should destroy the androids now
>nah, I wanna fight them for fun

On the Buu saga
>They're stealing his son's energy
>he does literally nothing

He also let Vegeta live out just for fun, but that turned out alright.

Good. Goku was always not a saint. He became more nice as an adult, but he's still the same brat he was in DB.

He was a brat in DB, but after Freeza, he was retarded AF.

>that turned out alright.

if you don't count all the killing done in namek.

Mostly disposable characters, but yeah, not to mention that Gohan, Krillin and Bulma could have killed by Vegeta.

And the time he went nuts and killed all those people in the Buu saga.

Didn't they get revived? Dead in DB so cheap. No wonder why everyone is nihilistic fuck

this is exactly why whis wants him to be the next god of destruction

he was nicer as a kid than he is now
he just doomed 11 universes and doesn't give a single fuck

pretty much any innocent person that dies in DBZ gets revived soon after

wasn't whis aiming for vegeta? And what does whis gains from anyone replacing beerus?

he gets to be rid of a moody cat who sleeps for decades at a time

Buu saga was easily DBZ's highest point though.

>shonenshit on my Sup Forums

Goku not taking his medicine is actually consistent behavior for some men in his age, especially one with a rural background.

I think it was mostly

Everyone had better roles other than supporting Goku
Everyone reading/watching knew it was coming to an end and DB/Z is huge

So Goku is basically a hillbilly with superpowers? Wonder if he also voted for Trump

>Best friends with multibillionaire

No, he is pure.

Pretty much, though Goku does have a side job as a farmer to pay the bills. ChiChi on the other hand is Peggy Hill.

Isn't this basically what the chinese legend of Sun Wukong is?

Sun Wukong would have been buddy-buddy with Gero once he understood what a cyborg is.

maximum pleb

goku was always retarded tho

Yep, that's pretty much Goku


He was better as a kid

>this is an actual commercial

I always thought this was some out of context shot from a Super episode I skipped.

>Dragon Ball KFC

He had no symptoms and thus no reason to take the medicine. This was clearly explained in the series.

It's medicine not a vaccine
Taking cold medicine before you get the cold isn't going to help anything

>he doesn't care about his family
>he doesn't care about earth, even he's its "protector"
>complete disregard for all forms of deities, even the ones who can kill him but won't because plot armor
He is carefree, that's all.

yeah they merchandised the heck out of DB


10/10 would eat.

Thats not edge. Thats just stupid what people do.

>>he doesn't care about earth, even he's its "protector"
Earth was literally destroyed by Freeza because his "let's retardily power up". Whis going back in time was a literal asspull just to not have Vegeta defeat Freeza.

>a literal fucking alien
>allowed to vote.

Not onky is goku a genuinely okay guy who would not like trump very much. (Because guess who frieza was inspired by) but he is not a us citizen. Or even a citizen of the planet

>guess who frieza was inspired by
Not Trump, that's for sure.

> but he is not a us citizen.
Dragon Ball doesn't take place in our earth.

>Or even a citizen of the planet
He wasn't meant to be an alien always so I doubt this matters.