What's the show that came out between 2000 and 2009 that perfectly encapsulates the decade in both its popularity and quality? The show from that era that a vast part of Sup Forums can agree was excellent and inspired many more shows to come?
What's the show that came out between 2000 and 2009 that perfectly encapsulates the decade in both its popularity and...
What else could it be?
>inspired many more shows to come
Maybe in a better world
>7 posts in
>The actual answer is not mentioned
I'm disappointed in you, Sup Forums
or maybe Love Hina, but that was the manga as much as the anime. Extremely influential.
Fuck me, these are all excellent answers. I have no idea which one between these three represents the decade the best.
Any Key show
Is this up for contention?
Pretty much those + K-on.
K-On is too different, and happened too late with many modern developments to properly represent the 2000s. Also not very influential, at least not for 00s anime.
Plus I'd argue that it was influenced by Haruhi.
This show
New Mai-series when
code geass
gurren lagann
>Glorified fanfic
Love Hina or Haruhi. They both had enormous influence.
There's no way Death Note isn't the answer
I think the 2000s is actually the decade with the biggest change in art style when comparing the beginning to the end. 2000 anime and 2009 don't look much alike at all, whereas 1990 and 1999 anime (for example) are recognizable as being cut from the same cloth even though the art style changed and the technology matured.
gundam 00
Code Geass
There's no way Code Geass makes it to the Top 5, let alone the Top 1. Not with Death Note and Haruhi in the running.
though is a good shout