She turns 20 this year.
Say something nice about this tall and sexy imouto
She turns 20 this year.
Say something nice about this tall and sexy imouto
Loving your sibling like that is a little disgusting isn't it
Ugh, never liked her design.
She is best girl after all
The tallest
The cutest.
April 8th 1996 is her birthday. Still a bit mad how it was released.
Well, she's not a total psychopath.
She is from 97, there is a pic of the PSP game with the year.
The PSP games are a shit source, the anime and merchandise have Kuroneko's birthday on the 20th of April 95 and she is a year older than Kirino.
What are you talking about? For society's eyes Kirino is a single beautiful woman taking care of the family heir. Are you asking about those kids in the house? Those are the children of the eldest son, where is their mother you say? She's working overseas, no need to worry about it.
Never ever use the PSP game as an actual argument, it simply doesn't hold any water, use it for funny references though.
In 2015 they released a 18y Kirino as the mascot for "Let them vote at 18" in Japan.
She is turning 20 this year
Hm seems like you are right, not sure why I was 100% certain it was 1996.
Old and busted
Pic related is the new hotness
At least she has cute friends
Would still hate rape in the ass.
She deserves to die :)
She lost all of her friends
This tho
Yet another Kirino hater who has no idea about the story/characters, as always.
i wonder how many legs her children have. And of course she gets no support from Kyousuke on account of him becoming a pariah and being banished from the family.
I want to rape her.
Fuck off
How tall is she?
She was 165 when she was 14, it's implied that she's 170 at the end of the series when she turns 16.
Wait, when is implied she is 170?
I read nothing like it
Wait for an LN fag to appear, Kyousuke mentions how much they have grown in stature. And I don't remember who said it, I think Saori said that Kyousuke was much more tall than when she first meet them.
Yeah it's said that especially Kyousuke grew a lot but there are no numbers so it's kinda pointless to claim something.
I thought she turned 18 in 2016?
Well, is just logical deduction, if you are 165 at 14 it wouldn't be weird to get a few cm more at 16 and so on. Same for Kyousuke being 175 at the beginning, if it's implied that he got taller than he was, then he must be 180 or more at the end of the series, also you have to keep in consideration that Daisuke is a big guy so it's kinda in their genes.
>She turns 20 this year.
Doesn't girls get to their peack height at 14?
tfw 167cm and Kirino might be taller than me
Well yes but you can't really say Kirino is 170 and Kyousuke 180, we don't know.
What no, I'm pretty sure it's at least 18.
Kirino might be a 172cm imouto at 20y
can you please use american (best) measurements thank you
165 = 5'5
167= 5'6
170= 5'7
which useless otaku imouto was better
Can we get this anywhere?
We could use Vol 12's cover to compare
Oops, wrong pic
Kirino is a miracle of the universe.
Umaru hands down
It's actually from the animated commentaries and those were written by Fushimi.
Ignore the Kira subs. I'm just too lazy to edit the image or screencap it again.
im sorry but that is the obviously incorrect answer
umaru was the worst character in her show
20 years old and pregnant. That's pretty young.
No. I don't like her. However, her and Kyosuke are meant for each other.
There's nothing wrong with hating Kirino.
>American youth is introduced to politics by Tumblr and TV propaganda
>Japs get cute incest imouto to get them to know the issue of voting age
Lucky shits
Still better than kirino
im sorry but kyousuke was clearly meant for manami
She was more of a sister to him than Kirino ever was
she was manipulating behind the scenes the whole time
but only because she was too much of a beta to just confess to kyousuke for 10 fucking years
This meme needs to stop
the whole reason kirino wants to fug her brother is because manami told her liking him was weird when she was like 6 and she started reading "i love my onii-chan" hentai doujins in secret
>she was like 6
Kirino was 12, Manami was 15
What meme? The only thing wrong in that image is the beginning, Manami doesn't plan things out as much as pick up the shattered pieces that Kyousuke became thanks to the incident in the school trip, she planned all out from that point onwards to keep Kyousuke "isolated" from the world to keep him for herself, the only thing disturbing Manami plan was Kirino, the only one that could drag Kyousuke back into "surface", so she came up with an excuse to keep Kirino away from Kyosuke, and the best thing she came up with was the incest excuse, there wasn't any incest to begin with, any excuse could have worked out but Manami choose that course of action. It's funny how that backfired into Manami that hard.
She was literally her grandma though.
>this summer it will be 4 years since the anime ended
hello eslfriend
What the fuck are you talking about? There is literally nothing in any adaption of the story which suggests that as her motive
the whole anime wasn't as bad as i initially thought it was at its halfpoint
What are you even talking about? Have you even read the LN? Her motive was simple, get rid of Kirino which was the only factor that could bring Super Kyousuke back after the whole mountain trip incident, the only thing you can argue about is if Manami actually thought there was incest going on(fucking stupid from my point of view) or there wasn't, that's all.
>mountain trip incident
was this only in LN and not anime
i dont recall watching anything about it
Yep, that is at least 170cm taking into account that Kyosuke is 175+
>Have you even read the LN
Have you? What actually happens in the story is
>Kyousuke cries in Manami's arms because he fucked up, made everyone hate him, and he can't console Kirino
>Manami tells him it's ok to make mistakes and he doesn't need to show off all the time
>Kirino later confronts her saying "give me back my aniki"
>Manami finds this creepy, tells her incest is wrong
>"You mustn't tell those feelings to anyone. Hurry up and forget them, and make up with your real onii-san. Please come back — and become a normal pair of siblings."
The rest of the bullshit you're spouting about her "evil plan" and wanting to "get rid of Kirino" is pure insane headcanon. You need to reread vol11 because clearly you completely missed the point
>kuroneko shares a birthday with hitler, anniversary of the columbine and le weed day
>people still doubt her status as best girl
Are the BD specials canon? I mean the after story is considered a canon right?
Fat ass
Her tits aren't that big
>bullshit headcanon
>putting Manami in a pedestal and then proceed to fill the blanks with his own headcanon
Nicely done but no, in a matter of fact you just left very clear that there wasn't any "weird" approach from Kirino's side, just she confronting Manami looking for an answer to what the fuck happened and Manami dropping this bomb out of nowhere to get rid of Kirino, well, thanks for clearing that up.
Not sure what you mean by "canon" but specifically speaking, the last BD specials are written by the same Fushimi, I guess he did to don't leave the ending in such an "open ending" kind of finale.
Just watched this over the last two days. It felt like every important episode / scene would've been so much better if it ended 5 minutes earlier. It's like in the last 5 minutes retarded stuff always happened.
She is 82, that is big by most standards
That is a tall 16y
t. manlet
I wanna see the incestuous offsprings soon
the number after the letter in bra sizes is the band size user
it's just the circumference of her chest
That's a main trait for a super model though.
Where are her clothes
I don't watch the show I just look at the cute girls
she is wearing a strappy dress
They're the perfect size.
dirty old hag
Kirino is old and busted.
Pic related is the new hotness.
Sagiri will save anime soon, Sup Forums. I hope you're ready.
who is
Sagiri Izumi: An imouto that even Kirino loves and worships. If she's good enough for Kirino, she's good enough for you.
>Not blood related
Who cares for strangers
Kirino is the best mom
Doesn't EMS start on her birthday?
I bet she's already planning for all the dick she's going to get on her birthday
NBR trash
Fuck off dutchguy
You missed the point dumbass
NBR trash
Kirino only likes Saigiri because she is a lolicon
This is 20 year old Kirino