so he is gonna get the byakugan later r-right?
So he is gonna get the byakugan later r-right?
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Yes, half
How fucking strong is Kawaki? Not even Nardo and Sauce could defeat him.
Boruto will become a missing-nin then come back to avenge his father
Is it just me or Momo looks much like Neji now?
You mean sauce?
They can. Just fucking plot to get people hyped. Naruto will fuck the nigger without even going s6op mode. Thing is, they will just make naruto sacrifice himself and people will assume he's dead. His Big Rasengan in Boruto shot the nigger to space, what the fuck is Kawaki gonna do?
They'll gonna fuck sooner or later. Basically the wet dream of the author on the sons. Jeebus.
Boruto turning into Punished Snake quite fast
why is this so funny,it should not be this funny
Just the fucking fact that fucking NARUTO has called his son BORUTO is fucking funny.
Back in the days i called naruto boruto just cause i tought it was a idiotic name... well the joke is on me.
going by that advertisement for the anime, thank fuck they aren't using the shitty new artstyle and character redesigns.
now please. just animate scarlet spring BEFORE jumping head-on into the boruto shit. i wanna see anime-only fags freak out over the mother-daughter issue.
because Boruto name reference to both Minato and Neji ones
In what way?
in kanji afaik
I see....
"Boruto" (ボルト) is the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "bolt". His name is a reference to his cousin Neji, whose name means "screw" (捻子).
And Minato because of "Yellow Flash" and bolt, like a thunderbolt. And Jiraya because of "Young Thunder" because thunder comes before the lightning bolt.
But it's mostly Neji.
What is that from?
first chapter of Boruto manga
I'm guessing that scar means he lost his original eye and got a Byakugan implant. I wonder who it was from. um,are hinata or himawari gonna die? or does he still them from good ol' grandpa?
Neji gonna pull Obito and give his Byakugan to him
>And Jiraya because of "Young Thunder" because thunder comes before the lightning bolt.
What sort of crazy ass weather they got in Japan that their sound travels faster than light?
What? It's called thunder and lightning for a reason.
The other anons are misleading you.
Boruto is the loan word for bolt, referencing Neji, which means "screw," itself a reference to Neji's rotation. Boruto also continues the lineage of Jiraiya's pupils: Nagato, Minato, and Naruto.
Is that going to be equal to the Hagoromo seals?
And whatever that reason is, it still doesn't mean thunder comes before lighting. There lightning flash is always seen first, what with it being light. Then the thunder clap comes after, being sound. One of the classic vague ways to estimate the distance from where lightning struck is to count the time between when you see the bolt and hear the crack. The shorter it is, the closer it was.
Have you read the chapter? All the shit about his eyes being so blue? He has a byakugan. Probably some special Kaguya-like byakugan.
Do we know who's directing the anime yet?
Then why do you see the bolt only after the thunder?
His blue eyes are referred to as being a curse or something that will bring him misfortune in the future.
Maybe. Seems more like your traditional Curse Seal though. The Sun/Moon were only useful for sealing Kaguya, they didn't have any additional powers.
If I had to guess I'd say it's similar to the Byakuygou. It starts out small, then spreads across the body when activated.
I think it just means he's Aryan as fuck.
>His blue eyes are referred to as being a curse or something that will bring him misfortune in the future.
And? Doesn't mean they aren't related to the byakugan and Kaguya.
It could be hereditary, but the scar makes me think it's an implant. He has a scar over it like Kakashi does. But instead of a Sharingan implant, he has a byakugan implant. This would explain why he only has one. It looks like he has strength of a hundred seal on his palm too. I'm guess they're giving Boruto a little bit of everyone's trait.
I've blundered into some sort of meme, haven't I?
I think what Momo is implying that his human side (i.e. his blue eyes) are holding him back from achieving his true potential. That or Momo's just fucking with him.
Anyway, they aren't special in the sense that they contain hidden powers, since Boruto gets a Byakugan eye in place of a seemingly damaged one, judging by the wicked scar.
Am I insane? I remember since I was a child that thunder came before lightning. You'd hear the clap, and lightning would strike shortly thereafter.
You are insane and not really smart.
completely backwards
perhaps you were hearing the thunder from the first lightning bolt that you werent looking at and then you would see a 2nd lightning bolt now that you were focused on the sky?
Light is faster than sound. This video is a good example. It's not silent, you just have to wait.
Light travels fast than sound, so it first light and than thunder.
Welp, fuck me I guess. But I just learned they actually happen simultaneously, you just see lightning first because light > sound when it comes to speed.
>special eyes
>facial scarring
>special tattoos
Thats a lot of snowflake on one character.
Aren't scars usually an anti-snowflake trait? Since they involve some kind of physical deformity?
No, any snowflake that is a hardened snowflake will have scars.
Or his original eye got cut Kakashi style but got regenerated soemhow and regened into a byakugan.
it's feels like trying to hard to make him cool and that much turns the character design cheesy
Misato scars are neither snowflake nor anti, they're just flavor.
Badass scars (FMA Scar, any guy with a scar over the eye) are snowflake
Scars that should be really hard to live with due to impairment but somehow have no effects (scar over the lip deforming the mouth) are super snowflake
What are they teaching kids these days? Sure, realistic huge and deforming scars are out, but shallow, basically only a line, scars have been snowflake warning signs since they first started sprouting up in modern fiction. It's a way to make a character distinctive and imply some sort of violent background, without actually needing to give them more covering or disgusting looking consequences of fighting.
I dunno, snowflakes are usually too perfect to ever get injured in a significant way.
Besides, you don't see many protags repping a wicked eye scar these days. Especially not in shounen.
I just think the definition has changed recently. Nobody seems to do scars for protagonists anymore, therefore they're not as snowflake as they used to be.
I mean, just look at all the cookie-cutter MCs nowadays.
Can't wait for him to get a skateboard.
Nah, they're the "cool" kind of physical deformity that show you've been in some badass fight or something similar.
You forgot
>stud implants
They used to be, but now even doing that seems too far for most creatively bankrupt mangaka out there.