What kind of doujin would you write if you had the artistic skills to make your fantasies into Manga ?
What kind of doujin would you write if you had the artistic skills to make your fantasies into Manga ?
Kobayashi MUST impregnate Tooru.
Any specific way you imagine it?
A whole lot more vaginal denial/anal only.
Maybe some gentle femdom too on a different project.
I can't decide to be honest, too much stuff makes me hard
Alternate Universe where Goku became a respectable farmer, while Gohan and Videl as little kids get sent to Roshi to train to become martial artists in the style of Early Toriyama.
Cake harem.
Cake prositution.
Cake cheating.
Cake public toilets.
Cake shota.
Cake lesbian.
Cake rape.
Basically cute slutty cakes.
Lots of loli vampire femdom. Mostly with these semen demons.
impeccable taste as usual, Lelouch
Okay get this.
A robot shota wakes up in the year 10,000 after mankind has destroyed itself via genetic manipulation and increasing isolation of individuals from society. The shotabot wanders from the ruins of its capsule and into the decaying cityscape where it comes across a brothel of onee-chan prostitutes who have been lonely since human customers stopped passing by centuries ago.
This first arc is a slice of life telling the story of shotabot living and playing with the onee-chan bots. Constant fucking and tender loving is abundant and the onee-chans also act as his mentor teaching him several useful skills like how to recharge himself, how to acquire nutrients and how to defend himself from strangers. There is also a bit of a healing arc where the shotabot's innocence and purity redeems the blackened soul of a onee-chan bot who had been on the verge of committing robo-suicide.
When all is said and done shota is prepared to spend the rest of his existence with the onee-chans, but one day while wandering the streets the pavement gives out beneath him and plunges him into the dark tunnels of the city. Here he discovers a group of elf-like snake women. In fact these are the remnants of a human group who played with their genes to the point of losing their humanity and being reduced to a state of tribal existence.
He can't bring himself to abandon them and slowly but surely reintroduces the concepts of civilization between bouts of tender shotadom. The elf-snake women come to worship him as a god and he leads them out from the tunnels and into the light of day after wandering for several months.
He leads them back to the onee-chan prostitutes and establishes a big happy family of monstergirls and robo-sluts for him to fuck and hopefully serve as the beginning of a new civilization that will spread out from the ruins of old mankind.
Confident tomboy fucks confident guy and they have a struggle for dominance that ends in cuddling and teasing.
Hardcore Vanillawith atleast 3 pages with handholding
Sounds like something more for an eroge
>spats and sweater
What's the point? It's clothing for two different situations
How long would it take to become proficient at drawing if you practiced it everyday?
silly video games guides
Tooru makes another rash comment about how she is Kobayashi's personal and eternal sex slave.
Angered by this derelict, uncouth impression of her beloved maid traditions, Kobayashi finally devotes a day off to drilling Tooru on a single maid duty (something simple like serving tea, ect)
Over the course of a couple pages, Kobayashi grows increasingly impressed by Tooru's deliberate and heartfelt if not clumsy efforts.
The feeling culminates in a big panel blush as Tooru asks if her master would be needing anything else.
Yada yada dragon magic and Bosshi proportions. It's not like I have this fully fleshed out. I just want frantic lovemaking.
If I said I was going to right something right now at this very moment, would you all wait patiently and keep the thread alive long enough for me to pump out all the pages?
I won't make any promises but I'll try.
I'm gonna' need some examples.
I'd take slutties characters and gradually turns them into pure-hearted wifes using the power of the dick from a non-bald man.
Self-insert wankfiction
more dark skinned futa on male
Trailer Trash Whores yelling "Cash me ouside, how bou dat", while being ruined by giant dicks.
What should it be called?
Tooru approaches Kobayashi.
>I returned from your errand to that Takiya's house. I had a question.
From under her skirt, she produces a giant dragon dildo with vibrant coloration. Kobayashi gives a choked, annoyed gasp.
>What is this? It looks like mine. Why would that weasel have this? May I destroy him?
Thus it follows
Human male x kemono female vanilla
I am not even furry but this shit is the best
Damn, that's hot.
Anything Yozakura Quartet.
Maid dragons?
No worries if it's not.
I have a femdom fetish, but if I were to make something myself, I'd rather it be something cute and heartwarming.
But then I guess those aren't mutually exclusive things.
I'd read it. And feel ashamed all the way though.
I would make vanilla so sickeningly sweet people would vomit on the first page
Angle Futanari with balls who goes around fucking and impregnating demon/human/monster women eventually leading to her impregnating he demonlord (Female)
Angle builds her party with an Orc paladin, who helps her impregnate the women, a cat girl big boobed mage who only goes after he shotas they find and a a trap priest who also helps impregnate the girls while trying o avoid being raped by the groups mage.
Sickeningly sweet vanilla between a married couple going at it like rabbits.
I would make a book for the best girl in every series I enjoy.
Exclusively self-insert vanilla with my waifu
I would never have to risk looking at degenerate garbage ever again.
Yandere stuff.
I would take literally any kind of romantic interest form any character and spin it into absolute obsession, at no point in the day could MCs dick rest kinda stuff.
Lots of scenarios to work with too.
Sister stuff.
Imouto and Nee-san
Nothing like a good old incestfest.
Side note:
I like Lovydovy shit so fuck NTR
Not against rape tho
Ashmed of what? I read them for cute stories and and hhhnng moments and they always deliver.
More Belldandy NTR.
Human farm hand with a bunch of minotaurs and cowgirls.
Mizuryu Kei-land but with even more hard fetish areas.
Sera love fucking Conan
Giantess anally inserting tiny men. Because holy fuck not only is it rare, the times people do it is awful.
And into the filter we go
Basically tons of this:
Do people think these filter posts mean anything?
I'd draw loads of elf vanilla.
Elf vanilla with human men, elf vanilla with human women, elf vanilla with elven men, elf vanilla with elven women.
Elf christmas cakes, elf milfs, elf adventurers, high elf + dark elf/drow yuri.
I'd spend all of my free time drawing elf vanilla of all kinds except elf + orc, unless it's elf woman with orc woman.
Orc women for sure, making them similar to that recent chapter. As long as they're all thick.
a manga about Sup Forums users as cute girls doing cute things on this cute board
i always wanted to make a doujin about tonari no kaibutsu kun and ntr the main guy
>the girl(forgot the name) is her father sex toy because her mother is in another country and she has to deal with her father
>mc realizes it and wants to help her but she is a slut and gets mindbroken
>then she decides to stay with her father and starts having sex with his younger brother too
I remember i tought this shit because my sister loved that anime and was always forcing me to see it fuck that whore.
A giantess harem
Most of my works would be /ss/
If they're not /ss/, they'd still be about thick females sexually assaulting someone. Also lots of impregnation. And I'd make a series about a thick yandere and her adventures conquering the man she loves.
I'd call this guy to make a collaboration. Something like a band of thick elves of all types going around raping shotas.
>loli orc bullied by other orcs for not being thick enough
I want ara ara orc mothers. And for them to come in the rainbow of colors.
a manga where someone actually beats the dick
A NTR doujin where the cuck has a body transfer with someone and that someone fucks his girlfriend from his body. The cuck tries to convince his girlfriend of what's happening but she won't hear of it since she's faithful.
I want it.
I hope you degenerates feel ashamed.
not possible
That's not such a bad idea for NTR garbage
Ends in happy marriage and pregnancy, for her.
Hey, this might work. I could be kinda cute.
Hmm interesting.
Giantess isn't my thing though, but tiny people and/or fairies are.
Is there a term for that? Like the opposite of giantess fetish?
Nothing but loli gyaru, specifically this style
Same, but it still feels like a guilty pleasure.
Some "eyes wide shut" kind of shit.
>elf vanilla with human women
>elf vanilla with elven women.
>Elf christmas cakes, elf milfs, elf adventurers, high elf + dark elf/drow yuri
Why hasn't anyone done all this yet?
pretty much this
because nips are unoriginal trashy scum
>Hypnosis Story about a guy switching the family position of a Mother and Daughter
>Milfy Mother takes on the role of the new girl at a high school and the Daughter as the newlywed mother
>First night as the new family, Husband and Wife are banging Honeymoon style while the mother peeks/schlicks
>When she gets to school a mix of being so developed, already knowing the curriculum, and her size make her stand out
>Good time to show her off in too small Gym shorts, bathing suit, short uniform skirts, etc
>quickly becomes the queen of the school, boys confessing to her all over
>previous queen and her posse are pissed and confront her, intent of beating her or something
>one of the boys who confessed earlier saves her and scares the girls off
>they become as item, lots of sex going on around the school. On the roof, behind the school, in empty classrooms, etc.
>Finally, her 'parents' go off on a proper honeymoon trip leaving the house to her
>brings her BF over and they have some real lovey dovey leg lock stuff going on
Alternate Route
>no one saves her
>Bully girl turns it into a sex thing and starts dominating her with her friends
>forcing her to eat them out, 'accidentally' exposing her breasts to everyone, playing hide and seek with her clothes around the school
>Finally culminating in the House to herself situation from before, except now its the Bully Domming her and eventually just accepting he role as her sex doll, giving in to the pleasure
Tales of Berseria.
Velvet gets a demonic futa cock upon her demon transformation and, rather than consume, she must fuck.
I would illustrate her fucking the daylights out of all her party members, emphasizing what a cockslut Eizen is, a time when she must reclucantly mount Laphicet, and when she obliterates Eleanor's purity.
It ends with Velvet impregnating Eleanor.
Something about a girl who grows a little bit every time she has an orgasm
I'm surprised I haven't found anything like this already desu
If there's a tag for it I want to have it
Minigirl, it's as simple as that.
that's some lewd shit
Futa on male cuddle femdom, with leglocking and kissing, after she cums inside him, she gets on top of him and rides him, until he gets her pregnant.
Working on a book about vampires hiring a hunter (who is actually some amateur replacing the guy who is already dead) and has to protect their queen. Not going into too much detail. I guess if I could draw or hire a decent artist it'd be that or just chronological story of King Arthur and his knights, that might actually do better as a manga than a novel
>you will never find a literal semen demon in a jar
ntr your favorite character after installing more fire detectors
To add to the problem, I'm pretty turned on by stomach bulges. A minigirl that's large enough to get fucked with simple stomach bulges (so maybe a bit smaller than a loli) and a minigirl that's small enough to have a penis expand and contort their body is both fine.
The slightly smaller than loli size is very hard to find content for.
You read the one with the fox girl and raccoon girl? Up your alley since you liked those two and I did too
The thing I like about kemono and monstergirl is that it usually involves healthy amounts of vanilla. Because it's the idea of accepting someone despite inhuman or monsterous traits, that's some of the appeal in the first place.
Having sex with my Waifu
>Loli gyaru
well it's Vanilla so you'll like it.
Can anyone sauce me up? Image search does nothing.
Have you tried using Saucenao?
>All the vanillabros in this thread
I love all of you
He's right, SauceNao doesn't find it either.
>Hypnosis Guy starts an all girls private school
>Aside from the usual classes, there are some on Ass Shaking, Dick Sucking, Riding Cock, Tittyfucking, etc.
>Clubs about Cock Appreciation, Porn Watching, an A/V club that does Camgirl stuff, Nipple Play, Ass Play, and pole dancing
>Students and parents don't see anything wrong with this
>Uniforms start simple but get more slutty as they go
>Start out as a typical schoolgirl uniform, except extremely short skirt, cleavage and midriff showing.
>progresses to Tube Top/MiniSkirt/fishnet stocking/NoPan, then to Thongs and Bras, finally Pasties on nipples and pussies.
>Graduation Day
>Graduation clothing looks like White wedding night lingerie
>Ceremony starts with valedictorian giving a speech on how she's proud to be part the school, that she's gonna make everyone proud and show everyone what women are worth in this world
>immediately kneels down and starts sucking principal's (the Hypno Guy) Cock
>rest of the class comes up one by one, he hands them a dildo (molded after him), raises their veil and kisses them deeply
>after they sit down and start fucking themselves while the ceremony goes on, Valedictorian still sucking him underneath the podium
>ceremony ends with all of them cumming on his command to the cheers of everyone
Nice! Thanks user!
loving gentle vanilla sex between people of similar height - with very little dialogue, no excessive moaning, just panting and kissing, closeups of lips, and occasionally some light spanking and nipple biting
and on top of that make it NTR
I have a number of ideas, but don't know what characters I would draw them with.
-Doujin that has no nudity or sexual element and is just a girl beating up a guy for 20-30 pages.
-Doujin in which girl character makes male character have sex with her used bike shorts. Contains no nudity.
-Doujin in which girl character makes male character have sex with her used pantyhose. Contains no nudity.
-Doujin in which girl character makes male character have sex with her used socks. Contains no nudity.
-Doujin in which girl character alternates between sitting on a male characters face and making him sniff her butt while standing freely. Girl character is wearing bike shorts and is sweaty.
-Doujin in which girl character rapes a male character through her bike shorts. Male is naked. No clothing tearing.
-Masturbation doujins that contain a single female character and no other characters.
-Doujin in which female character abuses a male character in various ways such as sitting in his mouth and making him swallow it or kicking him. Ends with the female character stomping on the male characters balls and no ejaculation.
-A longer doujin in which male character psychs himself up to ask female character something scary, and is met with the perfect opportunity after a class they share and are all alone. He asks her to beat the shit out of him and she accepts. After that they secretly become girlfriend and boyfriend, but she still lightly bullies him in public.
i feel like ive seen that somewhere before
Vanilla maledom and rape or type C NTR, with my favorite pairings who are all cute teen boys/young men x lolis/petite girls (height difference is a must). There are entirely too few of these.
please tell