Tell me why you like Autismo Girl and think she's better than the other Azudais (especially Koyomi)
Tomo thread
Dunno why someone would prefer any other girl. Tomo is a miracle of the universe.
she's a bully
With a heart of gold.
Tomo seems like the Kramer of the series. Someone so off the wall in spontaneous that it seems like they were included to make shit hilarious if all else fails.
Not only did it work, but she's also sexy.
Osaka's the autistic one. Tomo's just a brat.
so ADHD then?
Tomo or not Tomo? That is the question.
While I might not necessarily like Tomo, her actions are really what give Azumanga Daioh its needed spunk. No. Not that kind of spunk.
She set the genki standard for later characters like Takino Tomo who made their shows come to life with their uniquely energetic randomness.
I meant to say later characters like Tainaka Ritsu.
Brain fart.
Because comic relief.
I want to rape the genki out of Tomo
sounds about right
Why is Tomo so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
I like Tomo so much. Some find her annoying but i think she's cute and entertaining.
She ruins everything, it's why she's great.
Kagura ruins everything as well, but she has the decency to apologize.
good taste
I honestly hated Tomo so fucking much.
Why have Tomo when you can have Osaka (AKA best girl) instead?
suck a chinsukou
Oh, a TL note. I miss those.
ukoncha taste
Tomo a shit!
I wonder if Nyamo is even able to insult someone while sober.
She knows better since she's just a lowly gym teacher
I love the scene where she got owned by Yukari at the beach house.
I've always found Tomo quite attractive but has never been able to put my finger on why exactly. 15 years later and she still is almost an instant turn on.
Be real with me, is she too dumb to have a shot at her dream
>Tomo will never decide that you're suspicious and "manhandle" you
>she will never give you a very thorough pat down to make sure you're not hiding anything on you
>Tomo being allowed to hold a gun
She's definitely not ICPO/Interpol material but she could do fine as a female officer.
What is Osaka thinking about?
>Tomo thread
So Shit thread?
If your favorite azumanga isn't Osaka, Nyamo, Kagura, or Sakaki you need to reevaluate your life.
>not loving them both
Fucking normies, ruining my Sup Forums.
Osaka is worried by the lack of Osaka in this thread.
Nyamo is perfect. There's nothing wrong with loving her.
I know right? Post more Tomo
long hair>short hair but both are good
The original OST song -> ringtone
Fuck off Koyomi you dumb fatty
I want to impregnate Tomo
fucking delete this right now
I'd fuck Tomo because of her looks, but I hate her as a person
What did Tomo ever do to you?
She is a jerk to her friends
I'd rather fuck Osaka though
I'd enjoy a mutual sexual relationship with Tomo and do all sorts of lazy fun stuff with her.
also provide update on this plz
Tomo seems like the kind of gf that would grab your attention with a wet-willy (both kinds)
is it sociopathy?
No, it's funny
Nyamo has a big butt
So does Yukari-sensei, alongside her larger bust
Nyamo loses again.
>canonically not just used goods, but a slut as well
Yukari's a bitch
Back off, mate. She's got a wonderful heart and would make a perfect wife.
The only truly assinine thing that Tomo did was throw the key. Other than that she mostly just bickered with her secret lover Yomi.
She was literally a whore. She's already been fucked everywhere there's a hole by the Nippon equivalent of Chad and is going to settle with a beta.
She also bullies Chiyo
She's a well adjusted, sexually active woman. Not a whore.
You people make everything about sex, it's unnecessary.
But Sakaki and Osaka are the autistic girls.
Don't try to reason with a purity fag. They're too intimated by even the slightest competition because they're dicks are so small.
Does anyone know the music that plays during the Sakaki flash?
which one
You just described a whore.
So you'd be okay with being the 27th dick?
Dont you 404 on me
>So you'd be okay with being the 27th dick?
I wouldn't care as long as I'm in Nyamo
>gym teacher
If you want tits, go to Yukari. If you want ass, go to Nyamo.
If you want both, check out Proto-Yukari in Inma no Ranbu.
I want sakaki san to hunt me down, drag me to her hut and hit me because i dared to run away.
This will forever be my ringtone
traffic officer or pcso, maybe
At least they're not talking about sniffing buttholes or farts or whatever bullshit they usually do.
Sup Forums is like a madhouse, everything is hypersexualized.
She attracts me sexually.
Sakaki is the cutest and the strongest!
My nigga.
azumanga daioh seiyuu