>FLCL ep 5: masterpiece
>RE Cutie Honey ep 1: masterpiece
>Dead Leaves: masterpiece
>Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: masterpiece
>Panty & Stocking with Ganterbelt: masterpiece
>Kill la Kill: masterpiece
>Sex and Violence with Machspeed: masterpiece
>Space Patrol Luluco: masterpiece
Is he the single greatest living anime director?
Hiroyuki Imaishi
Other urls found in this thread:
he makes anime for reddit, so automatically a no.
He's a good animator but a terrible director.
All of those are reddit anime.
And what are some Sup Forums anime?
Gurren Lagann is the only masterpiece there. He needs to make more robot adventures anime.
Gundam, Macross and Galaxy Express 999.
He's a great animator and a fantastic director, one of the few true authors active in the industry today.
>reddit anime.
What the fuck does that even mean?
Calling something that's not made by kyoani reddit anime is the new thing in Sup Forums it seems
Trigger and Gainax is reddit anime. Of course since you're reddit users you don't realize this yourself.
Obvious bait
And here we have the triggered Reddit user in it's natural habitat.
Blame all the crossposters from Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Somehow those boards have become worse than Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Why are you trying so hard to fit in?
>Le epic reddit maymay XD
>le l*ddit spook
Fuck off.
Once again the Reddit user tries to defend his favorite Kill la Kill show and deflect his newfag status. We have a documentary in the making.
>le reddit reaction
Proof is in the fact that you can't argue against me. Nice joke you are.
Once again the Reddit user tries to deflect his newfag status. We have a documentary in the making.
Did reddit fucked your wife?
Great thread.
Muh /reddit/. Some anons are obsessed with tat site.
I don't care much for his recent work, starting from Kill la Kill, but he has done a lot of really cool stuff before. Right now, I think he's much better as an animator and an artist than a director. I'd like to see him take on character design duties for something, but he seems fairly committed to directing, so I doubt it'll happen.
I hope that his new mecha series ends up being Gunbuster 3.
you need to stop projecting so hard
I don't like the way he animates stuff.
To flashy, in a bad way.
What's wrong with KLK and Luluco?
This is bait right
>bad animation is so funny here's some randumb shit but we're being ironic so it's okay
Yes, that's Trigger's modus operandi.
So why aren't you complaining about PSG too? And what exactly would be "randumb" about them?
I haven't seen PDF.
>what exactly would be randumb
Are you serious Luluco was entirely fast-paced random shit being thrown together until they deus ex a solution, down to the characters. Or can you think of a purposeful reason to face an inferno cop clone who is permanently attached to his desk with fucking Lamina sunglasses? If some retard had drawn that and posted it here years ago, he would have been ridiculed endlessly. Not to mention self-referential humor is, in my opinion, one of the most unimaginative forms of comedy.
>Remember KLK? Here's a reference, so funneh right?
God damn, autocorrect fucked me hard.
Shame that his perfect record is tarnished by the shit show that is Evangelion
Anything his name is attached to I'm already welcoming it with open arms, He's clearly cut from a different cloth from most.
I'd cream myself if he came to Sup Forums.
TTGL itself was born as a collection of homages to 30 years of mecha animation and pretty much everything in it is a reference to more or less obscure older shows, from Kamina himself to the ending, so complaining about references in Luluco especially, that is for a good part a parody show akin to Abenobashi, doesn't make much sense.
It's been a while since I watched KLK (and I don't really want to rewatch it to be honest), so I'll be a little vague here. I thought it started off fairly promising, despite the relatively lackluster production, Honnouji was a cool setting, Sushio's character designs were appealling, some of the early eps were a lot of fun and then it just slowly petered out into something really tedious and somewhat incoherent. It just stopped being all that enjoyable for me and the production quality dropped too much to hold up the show.
Luluco was just plain bad. The core of it was an uninteresting romance, the comedy lacked energy and relied too much on being "ironically bad", the character art was rarely appealing to me and I couldn't stand how it turned out to be nothing more than self-referential Trigger wank by the end. There were some episodes I liked, but overall it felt like a huge waste of time. Kiznaiver was honestly a more satisfying show to watch and that was a mess of a story.
(maximum pleb)
MAL anime: Gintama, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach
Reddit anime: Kill la Kill, Clannad, Steins;Gate
Sup Forums anime: Code Geass, K-On, Eva
/m/ anime: Gundam, Gundam, Gundam
Jap anime: Doraemon, Anpanman, Sazae-san
Real otaku anime: Fight Pyuta!, Uchuu Senkan Yamato, Genshi Shounen Ryuu
(maximum patrician)
Sup Forums is barely better than Reddit desu and its superiority complex is retarded
KLK's second half certainly wasn't incoherent. The production quality got worse but the problem was mostly limited to 2-3 episodes.
>Kiznaiver was honestly a more satisfying show to watch
>You can't complain about self-referencing humor because TTGL was referencing older mecha anime
Did this make sense in your mind?
Japs sure have shit taste.
>not just calling it Space Battleship Yamato
Fucking weeaboos.
>self-referencing humor
You don't laugh for the referenced characters, you laugh for the situations that ensue. It's not self referential humor.
>It's not self-referential humor
>Lol inferno cop with kamina glasses so ebin
>Medabots Episode 1: Not a Masterpiece but still decent
But that's not the joke. The joke is how he keeps arresting and releasing Luluco. The joke is how easily his opinion is manipulated by Midori. The joke is his is speeches about justice. Etc.
Or when you saw Kamina you had an autistic fit going "Lol Roy Fokker/Gai with Sanson glasses so ebin" regardless of what he actually did?
Stop trying to fit it so much. You'll hurt yourself.
Don't reply.
>he doesn't know sage exists
>giving him those sweet (You)s
>it's popular, so I don't like it
Ignore retards who have no criticism of something without resorting to the reddit boogeyman.
>Panty & Stocking with Ganterbelt
>Sex and Violence with Machspeed
>Kill la Kill
PSG was a nice diversion. 8/10
SVM is a short so it's harder to rate it. It was one of the best Anime Expo ones anyway.
KLK is one of the few 10/10 of this decade.
The Dragon Dentist, the Patlabor Reboot, that other one that did homage to Daikon 5, were far better than Sex and Violence with Machspeed
I did love the animation in SVM but the humor was just not for me. It was way to random and ridiculous. But I like ridiculous things too, I laughed a lot watching Inferno Cop and Lulucolo, but SVM crossed the line to just trashy random humor. But it's as you said, to short to rate, but it's not in any way one of the best Anime Expo shorts.
Agreed. This is 100% factual.
I was thinking of Kanon, Nishi Ogikubo and maybe I Can Friday.
But yeah SVM is closer to Dead Leaves than to his more recent stuff, except maybe PSG.
Yeah, I liked his work on that one episode of Medabots, and that's because he was animating it and not messing up with the story making it a lolrandumb mess.
This fucking buzzword again.
>FLCL ep 5: masterpiece
>RE Cutie Honey ep 1: masterpiece
>Dead Leaves: masterpiece
Not even close
>Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: masterpiece
Great animation but nope
>Panty & Stocking with Ganterbelt: masterpiece
Are you serious?
>Kill la Kill: masterpiece
Is this a joke?
>Sex and Violence with Machspeed: masterpiece
Is there actually something wrong with your brain?
>Space Patrol Luluco: masterpiece
Haven't seen it.
Imaishi can animate like almost no one else, but his directorial talents lag far behind. While even mediocre directors can do good things, I would say his absolute inability to tell what makes a script good or not is my biggest issue with him. Poor writing plagues every Imaishi anime, and it kills me every time.
>poor writing
Found the retard.
>FLCL 5 and Dead Leaves not masterpieces
What kind of pleb are you if you can't recognize aesthetic perfection
Why did you include a bara image in your post?
To make clear he's a huge cocksucking faggot.
Not just episode 5, FLCL as a whole is the masterpiecest masterpiece of all anime. Nothing trumps it.
KLK 1 is on the same level, though he only storyboarded it.
>That's not the joke! It's just perfectly reasonable character design to throw kamina's glasses onto inferno cop and call it a day!
Don't ever reply to me again without contributing to the thread.
>Imaishi's shows
>Not being that
It's fact. Your fault for being triggered so easily.
That's our secret, user. We're always triggered.
t. retard
TTGL and KLK have the most dense and complex writing in the medium after only FLCL, Utena and a few others, and PSG and SPL despite being more simple are similarly on point.
>complex writing
You mean convoluted.
I don't think you know what convoluted means.
We can all agree that Panty & Stocking is his best work, right?
Difficult to follow. This is not a compliment. KLK's second half didn't know what to do with itself so we jumped around from plot point to plot point with little purpose and the "twists" were a boring mess.
>Dead Leaves: masterpiece
The second half on KLK was completely straightforward and consistent with the elements and themes introduced in the first.
Maybe you're just slow.
>completely straightforward
>Okay you need to avenge your dad but really you need to stop aliens from eating the earth also this lady is an alien and you're a test tube baby whose half sister was merely pretending to follow her mother's orders
I'm talking about the plot. You do know the difference right?
>meme director
Not even once.
How is any of that difficult to follow? Are you stupid?
And when writing something you have to keep thematic consistency, yes. It's the way you prevent the plot from wandering in unnecessary directions.
How the fuck do you even perform mental gymnastics this much? KLK is a fanservice show.
>How is any of that difficult to follow?
>How are meaningless twists piled on top of each other difficult to follow?
It's not some complex writing to understand, it's a needlessly convoluted path to arrive at the end where the detours only served to drag the series out to 24 episodes. Episodes 13-20 were a fucking bore.
Just like in TTGL, KLK's themes are spelled out to you in case you're too dumb to understand it. But even that is not enough it seems.
It is absolutely necessary. The first half of the series merely introduces the elements. The journey of self discovery, the choice of one's path and the convergence of opposites that are what the series is about all happen in the second part.
But you apparently missed the point(s).
Too CUUHHRAAAZYYY for liking desu
>It is absolutely necessary
It isn't.
>choice of path, self discovery, and convergence opposites
This is what your described as complex? I assumed you were reading more into the nudity as a proxy for nature against an inhuman state. That's some fucking Saturday morning cartoon shit. So deep.
people will read too deep into anything, i guess they saw a female lead that behaves like a man and people just jumped on the asumption it was a feminist anime
Not a masterpiece, but I give points for at least being creative.
Really good, but not masterpiece.
Not even close to be a masterpiece, pretty mediocre show.
Anyone who thinks that KLK is anything but mediocre needs to get the fuck out of Sup Forums, that shit is basically battle shonen 101
>The rest
Basically shit
Trigger is the most overrated studio in existence, the very definition of a meme.
That nudity rapresents an affirmation of individuality in a system that homogenize the individual depending on the clothes he wears is so obvious it shouldn't even be stated. It's clear after no more than 3 episodes.
But that's an extreme way of thinking, and just like TTGL, KLK is a series about extremes finding a middle ground.
So if in TTGL the youth first defeat the old, and then the two work together and find a compromise, KLK first introduces the opposites and put them against each others. Black against white, nudity vs clothes, chaos against order.
Then the second half is about putting everything in discussion. War IS peace, slavery IS freedom, ignorance IS strength. The sides switches and then merge, with Ryuko's blood flowing in Junketsu and Satsuki's blood flowing in Senketsu being the clearest symbol of the Ying and Yang duality that defones the series. Humans are clothing, clothings are humans, everything is everything else. The lesson is embracing contradiction and absurdity.
And this without even delving into Threads of Fate and all the considerations about identity and self determination. As I said, the writing is as dense as it can be and nothing is out of place.
I hate it when Sup Forums pretends to know about anything other than moeshit.
>Sup Forums anime: Code Geass, K-On, Eva
Plebshit, Digibro-tier trash, and babby's first anime. Try again in five years.
My favorite contemporary directors are Sokurov, Tarr, Kiarostami, Ruiz and Angelopoulos, what about yours?
>Sup Forums consists of exactly one elitist douche
He's alright
Atleast he's got the right aspirations
Why bother when he can make better anime just sliding a couple of drawings through the screen?