Say what you will of Kubo, but his female characters are among the most attractive in all of shonen manga. Oda and Kishimoto never drew anything near this good.
Say what you will of Kubo, but his female characters are among the most attractive in all of shonen manga...
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3 girls in this image have gotten dicked. Can you guess who? Also, one is effectively dead.
Why did milf captain have to die?
also dont remind me
bleach in general is /fa/ as fuck
How did we go from THIS... THIS?
his anekis and older woman are superb character wise.
>soi fon
or is he just good at making "yankee" thugs and ara aras?
A series full of semen demons. Too bad about the actual series.
I want Yoruichi to bully me.
Whose that carrying the shark? I can't tell.
Yup, 3, three of these girls are cock friendly now and 2 of them have kids.
Why do you keep making this thread?
It's Kukaku.
Who else besides Ori and Ruki?
All of those old hags.
I agree with kishimoto not oda
>ywn cum inside a genki tittymonster and sire a monstrously powerful son
why live
>ywn cum inside a retarded tittymonster and sire a monstrously retarded son
I like Orihime a lot, but you have to admit she's quite the retard, especially with food.
Did you hear Yoruichi-sensei was caught trying to take off Kira's clothes?
Yoruichi never came far though. She did something very naughty to Sui-feng though and kept photos of that.
The third person is Hinamori. She slept with Aizen in a flashback. It was apparently so obvious that the anime censored it.
In all of shonen, confirmed for underage. Better start reading pleb.
Yachiru, Adult Yuzu, and Rukia are all my waifus. All other waifus, go home.
Brainwashed by SP fag.
Canonically Orihime's food was never declared as "bad", only that she has strange taste, in fact the one person who was shown eating her food in the manga said it was great.
She's far from retarded considering she was in the top 3 academically in her class.
it's a simple formula. Give them barbie doll bodies with huge tits. The less physically attractive your character the more personality you have to give them. Thats why rukia is still considered hot even though she's flat and not actually sexy.
>not actually sexy.
Nigga I will fight you
Post time skip Rukia with slightly longer hair and a more mature look on her face?
God. Damn. Boner fuel.
She looks like an anorexic Japanese man with a shitty haircut. look at her fucking leg. it's like a chewed up slim jim.
You are incorrect, but that's still fine, because you will never ruin my waifu for me
I like Rukia as a character was, but she ain't sexy.
The only time she looked good was on the 'dance with snow white' cover because a) we see her face at an angle that doesn't look too bad - we didn't have to see her whole face. And b) aesthetically her ass is her only good asset.
I don't like her character design much, hate her eyebrows that look so short and too close together. And her God awful haircut, it makes her look bauble headed. I hate it when people cosplay her terrible haircut with terrible wigs, it makes me hate her haircut more.
Her daughter looks cute though, even though I can see Kubo drew her with Rukia's face, but she doesn't have those same eyebrows which makes her look cute.
The only bleach ladies I find pretty are Rangiku, except the oversized saggy tits, and Unohana without the front braid.
Whenever Kubo tries to go for a more sexier look with Rukia, he always seems to opt for drawing her backside, looking over her shoulder. I think that's the only angle for her that he considers sexy.
What the fuck i don't remember that, I can't find anything on the wiki or any forums that talk about it either. What chapter?
I'd fuck the shit out of Nanao and Rangiku.
you ignorant motherfucker. they're not specially attractive. we've got cowtits or dfc. nothing else. you can literally PS some boobs into your disgusting NEET body and you'll become a 10/10 semen demon
>Oda [...] never drew anything [...] good
The only thing good they have is the body. Their faces are practically no different than the males in the series.
The live-action movie is looking good.
Do you guys think Renji is the first person that Rukia has fucked? If so, when?
Remember that time Yoruchi came out of Urahara's house naked but wearing a nightie when the Arrancar first arrived?
Aizen didn't dick Hinamori but Urahara and Youruchi definitely have a sexual relationship and let's not forget the second in command of the quincys was his uncle's rape toy til the guy was killed. Oh, and how that one hollow wanted to have Orihime raped by the student body while Tatsuki watched then make her death look like a suicide, the anime didn't cover that either. They cut it out entirely
I think jus after the war was over, the feeling of being alavie after an almost sure death made ém fuck.
But they're already fucking dead
Oh, they definitely fucked after the war, then 3 years later Renji decided to put a ring on it. Meanwhile Ichigo's slow ass took three years to finally make a move on Orihime. On other notes his sisters apparently think of her like they think of their mom and something about Yuzu desiring a relationship like that. What?
fuck you nigguh
i came a little
I wish Kubo would do an updated beach spread so he could include Karin.
Kubo is great a drawing characters in general, but his girls are top notch.
Well desu Renji took 40 years
Because getting to lieutenant level (the appropriate status he needed to attain to 'talk to her again') is no walk in the park for most shinigami and understandably takes decades.
Definitely. She had that virgin vibe about her. Anyway she's been shown to be a bit of a loner since her academy days, I don't think she's the kind who'd be looking for a casual fuck.
They probably did the do back when they were training in the RR. Remember those panels where they were about to spar? The sexual tension bruh.
Never watched Bleach but delicious brown is delicious. Also Neliel. And Rangiku, but that's a given.
I think most attractive girls in all of shonen is a little too much though.
The Inuyasha girls are catered my taste. Nothing beats their long, dark, beautiful hair.
He fucks her in her sleep and she woke up, there's no scenario that will have rukia willingly accept monkey cock.
So is fairy tail not considered as a shonen?
I always wondered if this omake meant that they had had sex, or that, as Yoruichi didn't agree with Urahara's comment, they were just Urahara's delusions
He's seen parts of her that show her softer side.
which ones?
The one where Hitsugaya celebrated his birthday I think. Hitsugaya, Hinamori, Aizen and Rangiku watched fireworks. Something like that.
Halibel > all FT
Where's that series of posts where Kagome dominates the fuck out of Inuyasha?
Damn Shiba genes
Looking back, all the chopped off arms in that series point towards her nickname being "Keikaku Shiba"
Because Shonen Jump had to be assholes and cut Bleach down early. And Kubo had the last laugh rushing the ending to a nonsensical degree and trolled everyone up with the ending.
>this delusion
Drink bleach.
>Tfw we will never have Bleach beachside spinoffs
I finished it already
Rangiku is underrated.
I feel like since she's the most straight forward fan service girl and in the series everyone talks about how pretty she is it makes people more inclined to ignore her and go for more specialized girls.
I want Ichigo's semen. No homo.
I want Kukaku, Yuzu, Tatsuki, and Unagaiya to all drink together.
My waifu is in love with someone else. But I'm a cuck so it's OK.
>Breasts are perfect spheres
>Asses are flat
The ONLY thing Kubo can draw thats attractive are lips
>not karin
You messed up.
Can someone tell me the proper name of this sweater meme so I can look for more?
Because Kenpachi needed an excuse for a lame power-up that ended up doing shit.
Oh, and he got an underwhelming fight before that.
Well, agreed.
Fight me faggot she is my waifu
Kubo is the Hopsin of manga, dude needs a ghost writer so fucking badly.
What did she mean by that?
How about you condition me to become your waifu
I still wonder what Aizen was thinking of doing once he reached Royal Guard. Even if he somehow managed to defeat the others, Ichibei was too strong for him. He could just turn Kyouka Suigetsu into Kyouka Suirektsu
Virgin killer sweater, or VKS
Still mad as all fuck. I can't deal with the fact that my waifu get plummeted by a fucking baboon
But I think that's Ichigo's point of view in the first picture
I don't think that the monk had any chance against fully powered Aizen. In his fight with Ichigo he didn't used his sword and the Hyogoku was or is still inside him. So if Ichibei took his name off, Aizen was able to control the Hyogoku wis his heart
I've always assumed that meant Urahara was full of shit.