Why is this so highly rated?
Why is this so highly rated?
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Because it actually was very good until it returned in 2015 with a new director and a lower budget
This new season has been pretty great though.
It's the greatest anime ever. That's why.
Even though the new season has been shit so far
It's just that good.
Does it work even If I don't get all the injokes from japan ?
because it is the most enjoyable anime ever created until this stupid cunt appeared and ruined it . seriously he doesn't fit with gintama couldn't the gorilla think of something else ?
I remember back when nobody knew what this was and people didn't like it. It was super obscure until it got better and became more enjoyable over time.
It's hard to see and believe something like this ended up getting scored higher than naruto and bleach back when those scored super high back in the day.
There is not a lot of strictly Japanese culture jokes.
References are mostly other shonen manga and videogames.
I watched some episodes and it was full of
It's really good, a bit of a long haul anime but incredably amazing once you get past the world/character building episodes.
The first 20 episodes are all about character building that is dry at first but you learn to appreciate after and later in the series.
What? are you talking about the Pop idol arcs? That's more of a joke on the culture than a paticular TV charater
I think it was the first 10 eps, it's been a few years since I watched it, may be remembering things wrong
Oh that's probably episode 6, that's just to set up the character for later jpop parodies and such/
I'm seriously not trolling or being ironic here, but I don't find Gintama funny at all. Whenever I mention my opinion on here everyone thinks I'm baiting but I'm not. Whatever.
Not everybody enjoys the same things.
you should complete it. gintama was meh tier for me even after 200 episode but after i started gintama 2011 it became my favourite anime . it's really one of these anime (if not the only one) you enjoy rewatching them more than the 1st time you watch them
Are there any episodes I can watch to see if I would like it? I know the first 20 episodes are mostly introduction.
This depend of the genre that you most like, overall gintama uses Comedy, SoL, and Action
Try episode 282
I really enjoyed.
maybe 25 . it wasn't a great episode but it sure was the first actually good episode from gintama
as someone who just recently started watching the show and caught up just when the new season started, you really can't use the first few episodes as any kind of measurement for Gintama.
As silly as it sound, the first 2 episodes are literal filler, so those should be skipped.
Even after that, the first ~20 or so episodes are all mostly character and world introduction material, with lightweight foreshadowing bits and pieces that you can easily dismiss as random nonsense. However, if the first "Recap episode" at around ep 25 doesn't sell the show for you, dunno what will.
I do however seriously consider the first year (49 eps) to be the series' weakest. The 2nd year really picks up the pace (and budget), with the late night airing slot clearly giving more freedoms to the show's makers. The first major "serious" arcs also take place at the beginning of the 2nd year, and after that the show starts to have something you can call a plot. Lots of 4th wall breaks and references to other shows, which can be hit or miss, together with re-occurring character tropes, but also some surprisingly emotional moments in-between.
Like said, that introduction will end up being surprisingly important. You will miss lots of the jokes and appeal if you do not form an emotional connection to the main cast and their shenanigas. It's totally worth marathoning the whole first year just to get to the "good stuff".
I generally like a mix of comedy and action, though in terms of comedy I really enjoyed excel saga and konosuba.
>that introduction will end up being surprisingly important.
I don't plan on skipping it, I'd just like to know if there are any episodes to watch to see if the show is for me before watching the first 20 episodes before it gets good.
>I'd just like to know if there are any episodes to watch to see if the show is for me before watching the first 20 episodes before it gets good.
Like said earlier, when and whether the show "gets good" is highly subjective matter. Just recently I saw a total rookie post that he'd been laughing his ass off to the first 15 eps, the starting filler included, saying that he's really looking forward to the "good" stuff if this had been the "worst" parts.
I personally tried watching the show already almost a decade ago, and the first 2 eps didn't catch my interest. Only much later heard that those were filler meant for the old fans (and the cast to make a fuzz about them being animated), together with random mentions of Gintama being one of people's favorite shows that don't start too strong. So I started marathoning it last fall, even more so since my backlog had diminished and I had lots of boring free time at hand. The start wasn't exactly "amazing", but not awful either. By the time I hit that legendary episode 25, the show had both grown on me, and it started to slowly show its true colors as well. Shit really got real at ep 58, with the beginning of the show's first longer "arc".
The real question is
when's madao
Japanese Futurama
I'd say its a bit like a tamer anime verison of It's Always Sunny; a lot of the humour is built on the characters degrading over time.
It used to manage the balance between humour and serious pretty well but this last season has been bad in that aspect. Some of the timing of the jokes have been off.
>though in terms of comedy I really enjoyed excel saga and konosuba
Gintama is like a bastard child of Excel Saga and Bleach, so take that as you may.
Sometimes it works brilliantly, sometimes not too well. It's still entertaining brains-off show for the most part, and totally worth slogging through the already mentioned starting season. Also, check through the OPs and EDs of all episodes.
>10/10 characters
>10/10 story
>10/10 ost
>10/10 artstyle
>10/10 fights
>10/10 humor
>10/10 drama
>10/10 worldbuilding
So, should I continue or what?
10/10 waifus
>gintama is like a bastard child of Excel Saga and Bleach
Sounds pretty good, I guess I'll give it a shot then.
>also, check through the OPs and EDs of all episodes.
Will do.
Enjoy your Jojo references -arc.
Was this arc before or after Sugita voiced Jonathan and Takasugi's VA voiced DIO?
Shit anime with an even worse fanbase.
>it has a jojo arc
Many years before the current jojo adaptations
10/10 husbandos
10/10 daughterus
10/10 seiyuufus
10/10 director (at least till 2015, in that note, who is the new season director? Cause it's fucking awesome, it feels like old school Gintama again.)
>I do however seriously consider the first year (49 eps) to be the series' weakest
Curiously that episodes have various changes compared to the manga version, for example the first ep. of Otsu, and the ep. when hasegawa and gintoki go to the casino
Sugita and the soundtrack are the best of gintama
Btw why Sunrise pick Gintama in the first place?
>tfw it has the best OST
speaking for the manga: because it's among the funniest manga out there.
Manga spoiler
I knew it
oh fug