What do you think we're some of the biggest missed opportunities with 3?
And why is the 2nd games cast infinitely more fuckable than the first's? Holy shit.
What do you think we're some of the biggest missed opportunities with 3?
And why is the 2nd games cast infinitely more fuckable than the first's? Holy shit.
would've appreciated less edgy hope/despair lectures from sword principal
The great tragedy could have been more tragic. Also a killing game between the survivors of DR 1 and 2 would have been nice.
would've been nice to see more of these freaks fucking shit up
>Hopes behind you
heh nothing personnel, dispare
not reviving the 78th class somehow. I don't care how - make up some bullshit. Not fucking fair the class that helped fuck the world gets a good ending
>Making Chiaki a real person was a huge mistake
>Making Chiaki's death the reason why Hajime turned was a huge mistake
>Brainwashing was a huge mistake
>Having only the new cast of characters die instead of any of the old characters while also doing TWO fakeout with them was a huge mistake while also
>Reviving DR2 character with no explanation was a mistake
>Having 24 episodes was a mistake
>The entire ending was a mistake
>Hell even now the "Ultimate talent" thing is starting to piss me off too.
The one good thing to come from this were the memes
Series should have just ended at 2
Not having a Ryoko episode in despair where she does forgetful baka things and runs into Munakata and chisa
just finished DR3 and boy was it shit
Don't forgot
>giving screentime to Izuru and not doing anything with him was a huge mistake
>Having the student council being 1 episode was a mistake
>Despair in itself was a mistake
>Teasing us with Hajimeme and not having him show up until the finale was a mistake
>Having the final antagonist be a faggot who gives up the moment people tell him to stop was a mistake
And a lot more I'm forgetting
Why didn't Munakata stab him with the katana in his back
>bringing back characters who were actually killed in the outside world
wasn't enough sacrificed in the name of dumb fanservice?
Naegi doing nothing on the last episode to stop Mitarai was retarded, should have at least had him working alongside Hajimeme to close the curtains on the "Hope vs Hope" theme that this series seemed to have going.
Honestly, everything to do with Mitarai was a horrible idea
you can't trust anyone
not even yourself
not enough Copyright Tanaka
I want to get into this, but I dont know anything about where to start. It's a game? Can I go full anime?
>Can I go full anime?
Not really. The 1st season is a weak, but functional replacement for the 1st game. There is no adaptation of the 2nd game at all, which is necessary for DR3.
2nd game is what made the series worth it and it wasn't animated so....
No Twintail Saionji
what was wrong with them?
They killed Seiko-chan.
They can all burn for all I care
Instead of seeing how they fall into despair, it would have been better to see them AS the RoD's.
Also I wanted to see more of Naegi's class when everything started going to shit after the School Council murders.
I thought I was the only one who thought this
That kind of shit was fun when delivered with the same level of camp you could only get from Hopeman or Despairbitch. From this guy it's just annoyingly pretentious.
Its sad that we never even got to hear Ryoko's voice and how she'd sound a little different from regular junko and Mukuro
Why was he so perfect?
His branch is the greatest outta the ff
>this is what Juzoboys really believe
She DIDNT EVEN NEED THE NORMIES TO BTFO him. She coulda did it herself but she'd end up killing him so the Normies were a self imposed handicap
Reminder that he helped destroy the world by not being man enough to speak out about Junko and confront his feelings.
>Reminder that he helped destroy the world by not being man
you said it
Junko has a thing for Outting people
beeeeeeeeeeeelown the fuck out
She indirectly saved the best girl though.
>introduce this weird ass motherfucker
>"Oh well I'm sure he'll be around for a while. Maybe just long enough to learn what his deal is"
>1st dead
well played
>And why is the 2nd games cast infinitely more fuckable than the first's? Holy shit.
Wackier designs without compromising cuteness
If you could choose 1 DR girl to futafuck you who would it be?
We can keep going:
>Having Naegi and Nagito together for only 30 seconds was a mistake
>Making Izuru a character who literally did nothing wrong was a mistake
>Giving Junko so much screentime was a mistake
>Making a new character become the very last boss of the trilogy was a mistake
>Trying to make people believe Ryota cared about the DR2 cast even though they never interacted was a mistake
>The whole Future Foundation was a mistake
>Killing the most interesting characters very early on without explaining anything about them was a mistake
>Not exploring the DR1 cast better was a mistake
>Teasing the DR2 cast for 11 episodes was a mistake
How did Naegi manage to capture them again?
And here am I, waiting for Danganronpa V1 and V2.
>The whole cast of DR2 was implied to be insanely cool when they were full despair
>The anime only showed 2 minutes of this
>>The whole Future Foundation was a mistake
Yep i'm still trying to figure out how they survived so far and didn't collapse the moment they ran into trouble
because unlike the first they weren't designed with the mindset that they'd all be killed off
>Despair arc is Class 77 as the ROD
>It explains what were they doing and how Izuru managed to convince them to go through with his plan
>didn't collapse the moment they ran into trouble
They did.
Their problem is that the interesting ones got killed of at the start while the ones who survived to the latter half were literally retarded
Also what's the explanation for Mitarai being a branch leader he literally lacks everything you want and need in a leader so who decided to make him one
>who decided to make him one
Wasn't it the old man? He wanted to watch the world burn.
But didn't they say Munakata was the real power in the FF so why the hell did he put a faggot in charge of the branch when literally anyone else would've been an improvement
2 isn't necessary at all. 3 completely nullifies the plot of that game.
>Their problem is that the interesting ones got killed of at the start
I'll never not be mad that they killed
Without at least doing anything with them
They don't even do anything to advance the plot
Fedoraman saved Kirigiri because he was besties with her father.
But yeah, it matters shit.
Is Tengan the shsl luck because i don't how theses ultra-specific codes could activate without him having hopeman-tier luck or knowing that there will come a time where Kirigiri is going to fall and Fedoraman has to save her
And that's why you ignore the anime. Just like with the Tsukihime anime, which doesn't exists.
Why does he look like Jeremiah Gottowald?
It makes no sense to say that 2 is necessary for 3 if you're not even going to watch 3 in the first place.
And the same can be said that you don't need to play 2 to watch 3 since the latter basically nullifies the former.