>Sup Forums says this series is great
>It's shit
What's her name? Pic very related.
Sup Forums says this series is great
I read it recently and I didnt think it was shit but it did run out of steam 100 chapters ago and I kinda regret the time I put into it.
It went shit after Griffith defeat the emperor.
I'm decently certain that it's just for people who like brutal combat and edge. If that's not you, well...
All the same, I was somewhat happy with the Golden Age arc. Griffith is just interesting.
Ha, um sweetie, no.
You made the mistake of reading the manga, true patricians know to go straight to the anime.
Rurouni Kenshin OVAs
Anything by Urasawa.
Then again I just hate Urasawa style
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
Tomo Chan
As much as I disagree I fully understand where you're coming from
I'll try to watch it again but it just felt like a lot of dialogue about nothing with nice fan service
I think you are wrong, but I admit its not for everyone
This, Monogatari is worthless
Stupid ecchi harem where the guy is better than all girls combined
>op thinks his opinion matters
>he's a faggot
t. Miura
oh look it's /shittaste/ general
I have started watching it 3 times now and the last one I got to episode 7.
Still lost interest and forgor about it the next day.
Cowboy Bebop. Dropped after 4 episodes, and even those were hard to get through. It's boring as fuck.
What do people like about this one?
a brazilian times this
Its got a unique look to it, though its kinda "love it or hate it"
Honestly, that kinda applies to everything about it.
Get out of this site, you have no business here.
People like it for its aesthetics alone?
No, I should have said more.
People like the cast, they are all pretty quirky and interesting in their ways and the story itself is pretty humorous in a rather dark way.
Along with that, its just bizarre. Its a pretty unique manga overall.
Like I said, a lot of it is really Love it or Hate it. People rarely feel neutrally about it. And I feel the plot got kinda convoluted in the back half, but for the most part I think its pretty damn enjoyable.