Isn't it a bit burned out?
Why they don't do some sci-fi parodies instead?
Isn't it a bit burned out?
Why they don't do some sci-fi parodies instead?
Sci-fi needs some futuristic science theories which would probably burn the author's brain compared to the brain dead fantasy themed story where the fantasy setting is set on stone already by previous works and history.
You have to have a full understanding of tropes to make a parody everyone will be on board with.
JRPGs are pretty ubiquitous among mango readers.
You could theoretically do something with mecha. Maybe have a series set in the side-country ally of a big mecha-war space opera, and all the side-country people are trying to figure out how mechs work in actual physics and engineering and they keep trying to pitch more sensible military options to their ally but keep getting shut down for dumb reasons ("Yes but how would this 'tank' use a sword?")
Or they could just do a fantasy story that doesn't rely on JRPG mechanics.
I hate it so much when they ruin a nice fantasy setting by suddenly introducing experience levels, stats and skill points like in some retarded video game.
What happened to classic fantasy?
If Slayers was made today, would it begin with explaining how Lina is level 22, has 3 points in Dragon Slave and 4 points in Ragna Blade?
This. Levels in magic I can get, like, "that`s a level 8 spell!" and that sort of thing. Kind of makes sense.
But putting levels in people or giving them classes just makes it feel way too stiff and bureucratic. And don`t even mention XP.
I`m still waiting for a setting in which the Demon King secretly created and controls the Adventurers`s Guild and all that stats nonsense as a way to control and manipulate opposition against him.
>Or they could just do a fantasy story that doesn't rely on JRPG mechanics.
Fun thing is that rpg mechanics were born to depict fantasy concepts in the context of a game.
And now Japanese are doing it backwards, they are using fantasy to depic rpg mechanics.
Sci fi is more about thinly veiled garbage of hot politics issues and copying pages of imaginary turd from the latest journal for stupid nerds to fellatio over.
wish somone would do 80s scifi tropes before all that faggotry happened in the 90s.
Just great animation ova quality and awesome stories.
Could they repeat that with modern animation or do they have to go back to cels? Did redline come close?
>doesn't rely on JRPG mechanics
But that's boring and leads to power inconsistencies and asspulls.
Are you actually trying to argue that all those isekai stories with RPG mechanics don't have inconsistent power levels and asspulls?
SAO might the best example. Kirito is literally asspull - the character. I remember a scene where he suddenly pulles hacking skills out of his ass to download his "daughter" from that admin panel.
>SAO might the best example
This is perhaps the worst possible example you could have picked.
His random hacking skills have nothing to do with RPG mechanics, it reinforces the post you're quoting rather than your own point.
If that was true I would welcome our new rpg mechanics overlords, but the worst part of the rpg mechanics is that they completly ignore them when convinient. Or make the rpg rules so ridiculously overpowered that is as good as not having rules at all.
Overlord or Danmachi comes to mind.
And don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Overlord and Danmachi as I loved lot of other series with asspulls, but saying that series with RPG mechanics follow the rules they stablish is pure denial.
>SAO might the best example
I remember a part on the third arc, where people only is able to equip two weapons but someway he "borrows" a weapon from a fallen enemy player.
>it reinforces the post you're quoting
Nothing reinforces that post because it is pure bullshit.
Not relying on JRPG mechanics leads to asspulls? Please.
Being a terrible writer leads to asspulls. That and nothing else.
Most of the time the MC in those series doesn't even have to follow the rules because he is the epic exception, like being the only one who can dual wield.
Gungale arc.
>Energy weapons are shit for pvp because everyone has a shield
Kirito light saber causes damage
>You can equip two weapons
Conveniently Kirito could "borrow" other player weapon, a sniper rifle, DURING A GAME. No word of looting other players during the match was ever mentioned, even if you could, you are still locked into two equiped weapons.
>There is a satelitte that shows everyone location to prevent you from hidden for more than 15 minutes
Kirito hiddens underwater, there is suddenly a hidden rule that says that if you are underwater you are not detected.
Kirito hiddens in a cave and then again he pass undetected (other characters inside buildings were detected with ease just minutes before).
Villain uses a coat that also prevents detection, no one else in the fucking game has it.
I can actually accept the RPG mechanics in SAO because it is supposed to be a game. It makes sense in that case.
It only makes me mad in shows like DanMachi where the characters literally live in that world.
>leads to power inconsistencies and asspulls.
And RPG mechanis prevent that? In DanMachi the MC literally randomly learns an asspull-skill early on that only activates in special circumstances to give the author a way to get himself out when he writes himself into a corner.
Japanese love shitty weeb games for some reason. Makes sense their influence will leak onto other things.
>its just not practical to have a metal sword anymore since laser sword can cut right through it and there are numerous counter measures
Have we seen a JRPG parody where you fight the writers for a better ending yet?
>Energy weapons
More specifically, Energy guns. It's never really said if the "Photon Sword" falls into that category tho...
>No word of looting other players during the match was ever mentioned
The novel has mentioned that this was done in previous tournaments tho. There was an American player who joined on without a weapon, and basically CQC'd the Japanese players, and just took their weapons to kill his next target until he ran out of ammo and went back to CQC.
>you are still locked into two equiped weapons.
When was this ever implied? Just because people tend to only carry around a main weapon + a side-arm? When was it said this was an enforced mechanic?
The GGO spin-off series even has a character who fucking dual weilds Grenade Launchers (pic related)
>Kirito hiddens in a cave and then again he pass undetected
Even the anime mentions this was intended.
Is anything with prior set-up, that only the MC is *shown* to take advantage of, considered an asspull?
Because the trick is to do both
I wouldn't mind the rpg mechanics if they were actual rpg mechanics and not made up rules to emulate fantasy situations.
What kind of MMORPG allows a mage to use top tier warrior equipment in an efficient way, which mmorpg allows you to join your resources with other players to build a dungeon that not even 15000 other players at the same time can beat, which kind of MMORPG allows you to blackmail other players in cities by blocking their path, which kind of mmorpgs allows you to steal all the equipment of the player you kill which game has raids for 24 people at the same time
>a story with original MMORPG mechanics even if its kinda op
>story with unoriginal MMORPG game mechanic
>why would I read this when I could just play it
never change Sup Forums
I agree. That said, the Slayers RPG system was pretty cool.
There is already a isekai mecha series
>story with unoriginal MMORPG game mechanic
I still haven't seen one so I (or anyone) ever complained about that because is not exist yet.
When it exist and people complains about it you will be able to greentext as much as you like.
>Kirito light saber causes damage
This is explained, the energy shield is less effective in close ranges. Theoretically, you can use energy guns against shields if you're close enough.
>Conveniently Kirito could "borrow" other player weapon, a sniper rifle, DURING A GAME.
This one's a plothole, he also did it in ALO when he took Suguha's katana. I haven't read Squad Jam either, so I can't say too much about the mechanics in GGO.
>No word of looting other players during the match was ever mentioned
The capability of looting by other players does get mentioned later on in volume 9, which would be around the start of S3. Throughout the tournament, almost every player has an entirely different type of gun for their playstyle, which would need a specific build to compliment it. No need to burden yourself with equipment you won't use.
tl;dr you're right, nobody else in that match is mentioned looting.
>Kirito hiddens underwater, there is suddenly a hidden rule that says that if you are underwater you are not detected.
Caves and under the water are mentioned as the only places where you're hidden from the radar. From a gameplay perspective, you can see the balance in this.
Going underwater causes your health to drop, and you can't swim unless you unequip all your gear. If someone throws a grenade into your cave, you're guaranteed dead. Both of these examples are explicitly mentioned. That said, you don't receive radar updates when you're hidden from them either.
All of that aside, it mentioned the satellite scans come from overhead. You can use this to infer that being underwater and in a cave might hide you, but it doesn't explain how buildings don't escape the radar. Therefore, the gameplay balance perspective could explain it.
>Villain uses a coat that also prevents detection, no one else in the fucking game has it.
Sinon recognizes it, so other players must have it. But true, nobody else in the tournament has one.
>I hate freedom and variety in my mmorpg
Sorry poorfag, oh and the warrior gear thing is because of a spell that let's non warriors equip them.
>the warrior gear thing is because of a spell that let's non warriors equip them.
I enjoyed Overlord a lot, but isn't this exactly what an asspull is? The author can just make up a spell like that for any kind of situation as needed.