Literally the big bang theory of anime
Literally the big bang theory of anime
Ive heard bretty gud things about steins gate. Is it worth watching?
but there's no laugh track
>Hey assistant
[raugh track]
>Don't call me assistant! and what?!
[raughs rouder]
>Do you want a Dk Pepper?
[Roaring and raughter starts shaking the stage]
>eto... ok
[Raughter causes the studio to start to corrapse, audience starts dying from rack of oxygen and farring concrete]
Yes, it's good.
Because it's not funny?
>the big bang theory of anime
That's jojo
>the big bang theory of anime
That's Lucky Star
i like this meme
not this
big bang theory is just nerd blackface and a "comedy" so the two don't really match up on that level
Play the VN. It's even better than the anime.
we don't get to just selectively give credence to anime review rags here
You've obviously never watched it
that's no game no life
Can we just have a Maho thread instead?
nah, let the thread die and we can have a Maho thread in a week when we haven't drained all the content so soon
Autismo scientist his autismo friends get a machine that can change time, by sending notes or something through a microwave or something i forgot how. Halfway through shit goes bad and some organization tries to get the tech and they kill one of his autsimo girls. Every girl in his group wants his dick at some point except the autismo girl. No one dies permanently, and they live happily ever after.
I remembered, he's not a real scientist, just a spergy college student.
maybe not in terms of content/humorous sensibilities, but the nu-Jojo fanbase is hands down just as awful as Big Bang Theory fans
No that's Bobobo