Uses Grindr app
Trump curse strikes again, now we witness his downfall.
Hope he doesn't catch AIDS, would be a shame if he died. The whole "NOTICE ME PLEASE DONALD" thing is hilariously pathetic. A bad case of syphilis or the clap would be funny though.
Look at the crowd he was running with. They're all on the downlow. He probably had to do it in order to succeed. Probably liked it.
Now he's bi (or gay).
A literal attention seeking fag. Color me surprised.
Its official.
Hes gone full SJW.
Goodbye childhood. The real slim shady can no longer stand up.
He's now known as Feminiem.
Oh lord here we go
This needs to go viral.
Imagine the fucking Eminem roasts with this.
what a faggot
He's always looked like a faggot twink.
Only a complete retard will fall for this publicity stunt. He just dropped an album and is looking to make headlines. This is all fake.
He bought Elton John a diamond encrusted Cock Ring.
Icp predicted this. Slim anus no more.
That's why he's so butthurt about Daddy Donnie not responding to him.
>I'll pander to leftists, surely that will equate to massive sales figures!
I don't disagree with you, but why anyone would actually still think this is a good idea is beyond me
Fake news. Click the links. He admitted no such thing. You know there's Grindr for straight people, right? All of this lying and butthurt because he doesn't like Trump? Pathetic.
Failing to see why we should give a shit about this one way or the other.
A Feminem fan? What are you, a faggot?
Without bending over. Heyoo
No, I hate rap, almost as much as I hate lying faggot Trumpanzees.
Oooh that'll hurt their fee fees
>t. Joe
Pic related.
Okay eminem
He started to look masculine and rocking a beard recently...
>bleaches his hair blond
>bends over to niggers
As if those weren't dead giveaways already
Where is the lie, faggot?
He says he uses Tinder and Grindr. Grindr is used by fags. No straight people use Grindr. Anybody telling you straight people use grindr is a lying homo.
>The real slim shady can no longer stand up.
Erectile dysfunction?
Trump curse strikes again. Confirmed.
Feminem needs to take a chill pill, my dude.
Prolapsed rectum
Thuggin love
LUL who knew a wanna be gangster from Detroit talking shit about women in half of his songs was a Pozzhole?
They use the straight version of Grindr. The title of the article says he admits to using it to date gay men, but when you click on the link he doesn't say that at all. It's just blatantly fake news from a dodgy clickbait source that should have been archived if you felt the need to shit up the board with it.
do you realize how many people you've loved as artists who have fucked dudes
hint: its way more than you think
i honestly couldnt care less hes a musician, its just kind of funny
uh can u make one with yoda as bill the pill cosby ?
i laffed
He probably meets black gays on the down low and gets railed like the poor little white boy movies. Hes a self hating fag and a wannabe nigger. Typical.
t. its not gay if you don't swallow
Eminem takes it up the ass? A prancing faggot LARPing thug? Color me shocked.
>straight version of grindr
Is that what you told your dad when he checked your phone, faggot?
Old wigger on a suicide watch.
Well everyone knows the rumors about dr Dre and that was his mentor/partner for a long time. Plus, all the stories about the rap music industry in general.
That's an awfully hot coffee pot on top of my gay cock.
I was sitting on dryer washing my shoes trying to fit them in my painus anus.
Freestyler cock in my microphone
I'm sorry man, but, really? The straight version of Grindr? There's no way even to say that he was lead to say this, because the interview went like this:
>When you were dating, how’d you meet people? Tinder?
>I mean, yeah.
>Are you being serious?
>Yeah, Tinder.
Then, without prompt he says?
>[Laughs] And Grindr. I also used to go to strip clubs.
Wigger loves teh BBC
Eminem gets gangbanged by his "d12" crew, they dump their hot sticky loads in his ass while he apologizes for being a white male
bravo, have a (you)
Grindr is open to all users now, just like any dating app. Are you faggots really too cumdrunk to simply look this up?
They're are called "D12" becuase they went 12 inches Deep into Feminem
A convenient excuse for faggots everywhere
I bet you think traps aren't gay too huh?
He always looks like he's on the verge of tears, feminem pls
and cus there's 12 dicks
Oh, that shit is gay as fuck. Just like when you get a train run on you by five black bulls. That doesn't change the fact that this thread is bullshit fake news.
grindr has a lot of trannies
maybe he just likes girlies with a penis
Roll doubles for the number of days until he ODs on cock.
All dating apps are open for all people. You really don't think it's just likely that Eminem is at least bisexual?
>Slim Shady
"Slim" is African slang for AIDS
What did he mean by this? Is that why he looks so skinny and dying recently?
Grindr being open to straight people doesn't make straight people use it. If you have grindr on your phone, I don't care if it's also full of pics of you banging loose skanks, you are still a faggot
This is going to make him lose a lot of the black audience who listens to rap music since blacks are the biggest group in the USA which hate gays
I'm a 110% straight male and I use grinder to suck cock.
It's certainly possible. But since Grindr only recently opened to all users, I think it's just as likely he was getting in on the hot new thing in hookup apps. Running with the narrative that he's clearly a cock smoker because he dislikes the president makes Trump supporters seem desperate and insecure, which to be fair they probably are.
>tfw you looked up to this faggot at elementary school
you'll be spared on the day of the rake, maplefag
no straight man would have grindr on his phone
Get a load of this leaf blower.
He will fall on his attacks. Check em!
>why won't daddy pay attention to me?
Have you (You), you earned it
All wiggers are probably on the down low.
Probably has AIDS. Look at him. He looks like dogshit.
This is old news you fucking retards. He already admitted he's gay in an interview like 3 years ago.
Hi! My name is (what?)
My name is (who?)
My name is Feminem
Hi! My name is (huh?)
My name is (what?)
My name is Feminem
Hi! My name is (what?)
My name is (who?)
My name is Feminem
Hi! My name is (huh?)
My name is (what?)
My name is Feminem
Hi boys! Do you like my bum? (yeah yeah)
Wanna see me stick nine inches of anal beads in it til' I cum? (uh-huh)
Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (yeah yeah)
Try grindr and get fucked up worse that my ass is? (huh)
My boyfriend's late, I'm tryin' to act straight
But I can't figure out which Jonas Brother picture I want to use to masturbate (oh)
And Dr.Dre said, "Slim Shady you give great head"
Uh-uh! "So why's your ass red? Man you wasted"
Well since age twelve, I've felt like I'm someone else
'Cause I hung myself from the top bunk with a belt
Got pissed off and pictured David Hasselhoff
Smacked it so hard I almost ripped my dick off
I smoke a fat pound of grass and beg Dre to cum in my ass
Faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast
C'mere slut (Shady, wait a minute, that's my brother dog)
I don't give a fuck, God sent me to blow your brother off.
My English teacher wanted to fuck me in Junior High
That's alright, my English teacher was a guy
He smacked me in the face with an eraser
Bent me over a stack of papers.
Busted in my ass then called his neighbor (wow)
He walked in the classroom, had a briefcase
Thanked the teacher, then proceeded to cum on my face
Homosexuals, parading in front of pedestrians
In gimp suits while they screamin'
"Let's just be friends"
Ninety-nine percent of my life I was lied to
I just found out my mom sucks more cock than I do (damn)
I told her I'd grow up to be a famous rapper
Make a record about doin' dudes and name it after her (oh)
You know you blew up when the women rush your stands
And try to touch your hands like don't touch me I wanna be fucked by a man (ah)
This guy at White Castle asked for my autograph
So I signed it,
"Dear Dave, thanks for the support, nice ass!"
Really? I want to get with a hot feminine trap, so grindr is the way to go? Hot traps are hotter than any real female, somehow.
The guy has bonafide aids face now. I thought it would be from injecting drugs, not beef.
He also looks feminine AF lately.
Dude cares deeply about his image, if you could get pozzed memes about him and #feminem trending you may help the trump curse along
>pol believing this
Some grindrfag would have sold this story a long time ago
die faggot
They were right
Even if he catches/has it, he will stick around for years.
No only the least passable traps go on grindr. Gay men actually hate traps because they can get non homosexual men that fell for the meme.
There's no face pics on grindr, it's all body shots. He could easily find a fag that he could just pay off.
What a retard. Niggers and rappers are some of the most anti-gay people out there, and this dumbfuck thinks he admit to using Grindr?
This faggot is going to be destroyed not only by the far-right, but by his own fans.
Guess who's BLACKED
By the Men
Guess who's BLACKED?
Guess who's BLACKED?
Guess who's BLACKED?
Guess who's BLACKED?
Guess who's BLACKED..
Guess who's BLACKED...
Guess who's BLACKED...
(Wah nah nah!)
Homies over hoes!
>They use the straight version of Grindr
the straight version of grindr is tinder. he said he uses both.
discord gg/m6merV
add a .
I never understood why anybody liked this faggot. Wasn't he living with his mom in a trailer when he was a grown ass man?
If you’re only gay-for-pay, you’re still a faggot
No wonder he’s angry. He wants Donald to fuck him in the ass and call him Sally.
Did they turn him gay with drugs?