I just subscribed to Crunchyroll to start watching anime. Right now I'm watching Cowboy Bebop. It's the first anime show I've ever watched. I think the next one I'll try is Berserk. What am I in for?
I just subscribed to Crunchyroll to start watching anime. Right now I'm watching Cowboy Bebop...
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Lurk more, newfag.
go for it
>streaming babbie's first animu
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.
That's a fine start there lad. I would recommend Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop is a great introduction, and it even has a really good dub if you'd prefer that. Berserk is a bad adaptation of the manga, you may enjoy it because the source material is so solid but everything about the anime except the music (which is great) does a disservice to the story. I think you have the right idea starting with more Western stuff first, you can slowly get used to the quirks of the medium and dive in to stranger stuff when you're ready.
>babbies first Animu
yes cbbb is dumb you should go watch k-on or some other pedo moeshit that all you fags dub as "real animu"
Don't watch Berserk 2016, go with the 97 version.
Pathetic, you newfags should be shot
If you're interested in anime that is less "anime" and closer to TV you may be used to, I recommend Monster. Good luck finding it though.
correction, don't watch berserk AT ALL. berserk should only be read. adaptations CAN NOT and DO NOT do it justice
Eh, watching the original anime then going straight to manga is fine for a newfag babby's first animu-tier viewer. As long as you ignore the """"""movies"""""" you're good.
how do you even know Sup Forums exists
You should watch the Dub
/r/Sup Forums
The original anime is ok at best. If he's one of those guys that absolutely can't read manga for some reason, then yeah, watch that.
do the honors faggot
Assuming this post isn't bait designed for Sup Forums's high power level autists:
You're in for a pretty good time. Bebop and Berserk are good introductions to anime for gaijin. Postpone going down the moeshit route as long as possible.
Look mom, I'm more senior than someone on my secret Thai Watercolor forum.
given the amount of actual animation in the original, it's not unlike reading manga
holy fuck my trap card worked
on a related note none of you fucks have recommended Boku no Pico and I'm disappointed
True, except for miura's missing artwork. There you go then, read the manga or don't touch the franchise at all. Glad we came to an agreement
Skip both and read the manga instead
An awful time.
They recommended the dub though. Not much of a difference.