McGillis Fareed

I'm not sure if I hate or love this guy.

He's a filthy traitor who sold out his friends. He could have his own motives and be in the right about shit but that doesn't excuse him killing them both.

wasn'`t he raped by a pedo and turned into a pedo himself?

Mackie did nothing wrong, he needed to do that for the greater good.
He will make Gjallarhorn great again for he his chosen by the very soul of the founder himself, Agnika kaeru.
Any argument you have against him is invalid now.

No one builds Gjallarhorns as good as his.

It seemed like a little boy brothel in the flashback, so he probably took a phat stack 'o cocks.

He didn't have to kill Gaelio or Carta though. THey probably would've have sided with him in the end anyways. Glad to see that's at least proving to be a thorn in his side now.

Carta and Gaelio would never agree with destroying that shitty nepotism they have going on.
He needed to get rid of them before they would become a thorn in his side.
Also they would never aprove of the love between him and his beloved fiance.

He was an homeless kid picked up by a shota brothel and sold off to papa fareed. Then after getting dicked a whole lot Fareed formerly adopted him but not the other half dozen boys he was keeping around. Hg graze schwalbe manual says something about him being skilled and talented which is why he was made fareeds heir which the child prostitute thing throws a whole other context to.

So basically yes.

What the fuck Okada

Glad I dropped this during S1

He's delusional and tragic. It actually makes a refreshing change to see he things that have happened late in this show.

The heroes and villain teamed up to go beat the supporting characters together and now their plan has failed they're forced into a suicide attack together. What show has ever done this before?

Sadly I'm sure Mcgillis will eventually try to bite the orphans, it's just a matter of time


At this point I think it's going to be a mutual destruction between gaelio and mcgillis with Tekkadan left to finish the battle somehow.

Of course Bael and kimaris vidar are going to both kill a bunch of grunts in the process in order to shill the kits coming out.

Reminder that the midgets are now officially a couple!

But why would he betray the iron blooded orphans now that he is one himself?

God speed, Fareed.

this made me cum

Dog fuceee. He's a dog fuker

Because choco is crazy, crazy I Tell you!

Isn't he trying to kill his fiance's brother?

Well “try” is a small word, he did it once but failed to confirm the kill and the last time they meet he send Tekkadan killer dog after Gaelio

Gaelio pretty much flat out DID do exactly that until he got backstabbed and got the "I CARE ABOUT NOTHING ALL THAT MATTERS IS POWER, MUH BAEL!" answer when questioning that.

Hell, Gaelio actually held off with his murderboner just to verify that McGillis really was a Sociopath despite you know, being "killed".

Not that Gjallarhorn wasn't decadent or anything, but McGillis IS a Teamkilling Manchild and reforms were a excuse for him to get MORE POWER, that's pretty much objectively fact.

is there a higher quality version of this

I need this for poster purposes

McGillis is 100% in the right. Gjallarhorn needs reform and the only want he can do it is through cunning brute force. It sucks he killed his best friends, but they would never have backed his plan. Gaelio wouldn't let his best friend fuck over his dad.

I think it is gonna be less that he betrays them and more that Bael does.

The thing gonna hijack Choco-Broco after he ends up doing a deal with the devil to beat up team meat, and then presumably it would want to remove the other Pilot-Machine combo with the power to threaten them, Barbie and Manlet after Cyborg Garma and his Oyaji-con powered EXAM-system are dealt with.

The thing about Bael housing Agnika's soul is just a myth that started after gjallarhorn went full retard with banning AV and then wondering why nobody could start up Bael afterwards. McGillis flat out explained it.

>the true american hero

God Speed Fareed

There in is the BANDAI TWEESSSST user.

They can always play it off as McGillis Aloha Vaginas system malfunctioning due the backlash after overexertion or something, i think it is a pretty sure shot that they will go with "Deal With the Devil" imagery since that is something Mika has done already and they probably wanna draw some parallels between them,

McGillis has already shown his Agnika obsession too, so him getting "possessed" in a fit of insanity isn't entirely out there. Especially if he wanna play up the idea that the soul IS in there to strengthen his claim post-battle.

he's a worse char than Zeheart which is a hell of a feat
>okada made the first gundam with rape
I'll never get over that

I'm pretty sure Unicorn had prostitution/rape too.

This glorious lolicon bastard.

This man fights for lolis.
He is your friend.

God speed, Fareed!

He's a shit, like original Char, but he's our shit.

>He's a shit
But the original Char was also a hero who did nothing wrong, other than fail.

>first gundam with rape
Found the newfag. Fuck off and don't come back until you've watched every single Gundam.

Holy shit does Beleth look good

>haha candy

Jesus Christ.

The anime didn't
I have, your move whiny man

he got fucked by old corrupt men and wants to get rid of them

What other gundam series had rape? I'm drawing a blank here.

God speed, Fareed!


What's this from? looks like a really poor scan of something.

I'd like a better scan pls

Gendums with mechanical wings give me the hardest boner.

None, that guy is a troll

This month Gundam ace apparently

Stranger danger!

A true hero

Lovely midgets!