The virtues of "larping."

"Larping" is good.

"Larping" is a healthy way of signaling ideology and expressing political thought. It is a way of propagating ideas without the need for debate. Only those who would like to see right wing ideas beaten back into the dark corners of thought and out of the sunlight would say otherwise.

Would you call a Christian who practices his faith and goes to church a larper? Would you call a Muslim who praises the name of his prophet and dresses and studies according to Islamic law a larper? No you wouldn't. Yet they're the same thing, the outward expression of what the mind believes.

Inb4 pictures of fat virgins losers. Activists who are vat virgin losers would always be fat virgin losers even if they weren't activists. In fact, their activism probably made them lose some weight, plus it made them go outside.

Larping, for lack of a better term, denotes commitment, outward signaling, and an energy needed to treat openly, exactly what /leftypol/ fears. Let it flourish.

Other urls found in this thread:

That women is just upset her sexual prime (her value) has peaked long ago.

She secretly wants to trigger the male so she can claim victim status.

Honestly who looks more ridiculous here?

The young portly man standing up for his beliefs or the vulgar mutt offending the world with her beef jerky face.

Exactly the fucking opposite. This is 2017; optics are everything.

Richard spencer is good at LOOKING the part despite the fact he's a fucking idiot, but that's what each of you should be aiming for. Lead be example

Certainly the girl with the "easier blowjobs" haircut from the year 2000.

who looks like a miserable diseased faggot with that shitty trend haircut

Honestly never really understood the LARPing meme.


It just seems so pathetic tbqh.

I'm not LARPing. I'm ready to gas the kikes.

You're way too funny to be german.

Wow look at this POWERFUL image of a fat racist basement dweller getting HUMILIATED by a strong free thinking woman!

you neetsocs are so fucking stupid, in spite of his wealth, spencie looks like a confused poorfag who shops at retro second hand shops and his acolytes who wear shitty Walmart polos and khakis look like fucking telemarketers. at least those GI and nordfront people are capable of doing the "optics" thing correctly

American living here since 2013. Everything about Germany on Sup Forums is true.

Major realization. All the social justice fag bullshit and feminism is just a LARP.

Nothing more, nothing less.

That's what the MSM may paint it as, but the picture contradicts it.

>LARPing so hard that you think you even exist as a material entity

Oh shit nigger what are you doing

Pretty much, not to mention the ones who go out with Commie flags.
They can larp (i.e. signal a visual identity) but we cannot? Please.

I wouldn't consider the pic related dude to be LARPing too hard; if he's a Southerner then that's part of his heritage. Neo-nazi imagery is a different story (although the original Nazis were kind of LARPy too so it's authentic in that sense, lol)

Op is correct
Heil Hitler

How would you define modern naziism as larping? We're displaying our political beliefs. What makes that a LARP?

Honestly how would one even define LARPing?

People who act like normies and work regular jobs are the real larpers

It's just the difference between a real tradition that your grandad taught you versus something you read about online. It's not a big deal really, just because something can be considered LARPy doesn't mean it's bad or dumb. It's just something people bring up from time to time to remind everyone that something isn't automatically capital-T Traditional just because it's anti-modern in some way.

i would like to see a flashmob in white polos pull this song off

There's not enough of the real tradition to go around. All that tomorrow's grandparents are going to teach their kids is how to suck Tyrone's cock and dissolve borders.
"Fake" tradition that comes out of nothing and is spread online by its followers has a bigger chance of succeeding. Redpilled grannies are gonna die out soon.

Who is larping?

>"Larping" is
> good
> healthy
> without debate
> signaling
Oi boy.
LARPing is faking it. The only good that comes from it is if you larp for different sides, you can learn how other people think and project that knowledge.
So you can have meaningful debate with those who want to listen.

Think about it, where do you draw the line between larping and belief?
All larps are filling some kind of unmet need. Just at what point does the larp grow into a belief. The belief into action. The actions into consquences. Is not all roles roleplaying at some point?

Maybe a larp is the breeding ground of a belief and there are folks high up that understand this to be true.

I was more making a joke along the lines of the "breathing the gaseous jew" meme. Y'know, everything is a LARP if you think about it hard enough.

>Romans LARPing as greeks
>Founding fathers LARPing as Roman republic-era senators
>ISIS LARPing as mohammed-era caliphate

And so on. Is anything not a LARP?

Unless you're really ugly, stupid, fat, etc... then you should LARP as a leftist/globalist.

Memesoc LARPers gtfo my board

>kekistani flag

Holy fuck, how old is that pimply motherfucker supposed to be?