Savannah no ouja! Zyuoh Serval!
Kemono Friends
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im surprised how careful they are at not showing serval's pantsu.
99% other anime would have shown it in a heartbeat, even if its PG13
I think we're overlooking the possibility of the anime ending with humans just coming back to the park. Kaban can stay with the Friends as a tour guide and no one has to be torn apart. And to fit the storyline, they simultaneously reopen the game to the new audience.
Surely the anime staff realizes this is a possible ending and doesn't fuck us over because muh tragedy right?
>humans just coming back to the park
well, if she can actually find humans that exist sure, but finding them is the problem.
also, it still doesn't solve Cerulean problem. we dont know where they come from, how many exist, or what happens when a human is consumed
But why would the humans come back?
/m/ please stay
Why do these threads always have so many obvious japs posting in them?
Because they want to experience the tanoshii of Japari Park?
>abandoned area full of curious cute girls dressed as animals
>Barely any art of extinct Kaban
I can't be the only person who wants more of that, am I? Not for mindbreak or any of that shit-tier fetish crap, but because it gave her more of a huggable "needs to be protected" look.
Is that a tiger poster?
They don't want people to focus on that. That's why we have fanart
That takes me back
Hello friends.
Please don't bully arai-san ;_;
Because you can't talk about this anime with westerns in any other site. We are not going to send our japs to Reddit.
/m/ is always somewhere near. Modern Japanese culture is unimaginable without giant robots.
they can do it in a way that seems accidental..
i just want a sneak peak at serval's pantsu
That would be nice, but you guys are overlooking some pretty important things. Like implied, the fact that humans are apparently gone is the problem. If they do still exist (which I think they do, WHY did they leave? WHERE did they go? It certainly has something to do with the incident that Tsuchinoko mentioned, which we also need to know the details of.
And what's more, what of Kaban? Where did she come from and why did she suddenly show up in Japari Park, if no humans have been seen in the park for ages?
First we need to ansewer somethin. Why did they left? The park is abandoned for a reason and it needs to be solved or they would already be there. You don't leave what seems like a little country full of AI and pseudo-humans if it's not for a good reason.
The Ceruleans don't even seem that though so they are not the cause unless we are only seeing the weak ones.
The dopest shit. I used to want that fucking tiger poster more than anything.
She is obviously nopan.
Don't worry. When they release the official models you can do it yourself.
Toki, doing her part to save the crested ibis.
>When they release the official models you can do it yourself.
This will never happen.
welcome to youkoso friend.
Tsuchinoko didn't really mention an event, she just assumed they went extinct like the owls did based on the fact that they aren't there anymore.
Maybe they left because Sandstar was causing weird shit to happen and they decided it was too dangerous to keep coming to the park. If that's the case, then Kaban can explain to the rest of the humans that it's still ok and fun for humans to visit the park and they can come back.
>Tsuchinoko didn't really mention an event
No, she definitely did.
They probably analized that thing. You don't leave what probably costs more money than what japan makes in a year because a little of sparkly dust.
It mutates animals turning them into humans.
To a human maybe it gives super cancer or something if it can restructure your body and DNA to that point.
>yoshizaki mine is doing art for kemono friends
>didnt realize it was THE yoshizaki, the same artists for otomedius series
damn i didnt even know the guy still drew
And also Keroro Gunsou
If we take the owls seriously, then it's possible that bringing more humans back to Japari Park would agitate the Ceruleans and make it less safe for everyone.
Japari Park re-opening doesn't really feel right to me.
Maybe humans are fighting a war against Ceruleans outside the park. Muv-Luv style Ceruleans.
You just made me remember Ranger Rick too.
White owl holding the spoon the same way as I do.
This heals my heart, but I also feel bad because it's bullying
The fact that the animals know Ceruleans were often found around humans implies that they are somehow related to them, like maybe they're human constructions gone wrong or something. Anyways I think if the humans really had to they could just destroy them all and make the park safe again.
>Proper emulation for Otomedius never
>Emulation for all the other Otomedius games not likely for years
The only Gradius parody I have yet to play, fuck. Top tier designer though, what with all the perfect blends of cute and sexy.
>the same way as I do.
So you're saying you hold your utensils like a preschooler?
Posting friends
Too much Kemono Friends. His head is now a happy meal
>humans destroying shit
>making things safer
Please don't bomb Japari Park into democracy, Bald Eagle-chan. I don't want my Friends to be collateral damage.
OST is amazing for it too. I've probably listened to most of the tracks 100 times now. I'm guessing it's just one of those games that was only popular in Japan, so we'll never get a PC port
So this is a friend who's good at disguises! Sugoi!
>The fact that the animals know Ceruleans were often found around humans implies that they are somehow related to them, like maybe they're human constructions gone wrong or something.
Or, maybe Ceruleans just have it out to get humans.
Maybe because humans just suck.
>idol episode
Incoming shitposters will ruin future threads.
>Or, maybe Ceruleans just have it out to get humans.
no because they attack Friends too, though I guess that makes sense considering Friends are humans now.
maybe ceruleans are just giant viruses/bacteria turned into Friends.
Watching Kemono Friends I feel like I used to feel watching MLP S1
>Shitposters shitposting about future shitposting.
I happen to love raccoons
Moose, obviously.
Miniature water bear.
Best name for a racoon.
I wonder what Shoebill's dark meat taste like.
There is a Sloth Friend?
Wasn't Trash Panda a popular name too?
That's some incredible concealment.
Pretty cool to see some male lions hunting
A moment of silence for our poor orangutan friend
>that lion who goes straight for the baby
It's got a 360 port, so just buy____ that.
what is this creature
Reminds me of oyakodon rape doujinshi.
looks like a ferret
It's a weasel
That's just a picture of a cow, user.
It has happened before.
Remember to love your pets. Someday thay may turn into Friends.
Some friends you should stay away from.
Dinosaurs still live among us
>first 10 seconds
>last 10 seconds
Fact: turtles aren't very expressive
Source: Autistic turtle that was given a human body from another series
Fact: Small tortoises make cute squeaking sounds when they hump things. Large tortoises make horrifying sounds when they hump things.
Even as bird Dinosaurs would be pretty scary.
Miyubi best girl.
Jesus christ, at least have the decency to kill it.
it's easy to feel sorry for the prey, but you need to realize that being a predator is extremely difficult. Prey has a higher chance of living than predators do.
You should watch "The Hunt" 2015 to get a better picture. Most predators only catch prey 60% of the time/starve.
How did Bag-chan lose her memories?