Penis in vagina
Penis in vagina
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That wouldn't embarrass Hanabi, she's way too sexually experienced for that.
I disagree. Although yeah, with her experience it SHOULDN'T embarrass her, but if it didn't, the purity nerds would stop watching.
I hate this show and its fanbase more than I hate myself. Herkz loves it, too, which is reason enough to drop it. I mean, where exactly is the discussion in these threads? It's nearly akin to "3DPD Blogposting - The Show". Not to mention the complete and utter lack of any artistic substance whatsoever.
Might as well bring it up here. Does it bother anyone else when a 2D girl goes "You won't dislike me because I'm a virgin?" or anything along those lines?
1. Where are they getting their info on guys?
2. We have to do 90 percent of the work anyway, so don't pretend your inexperience matters.
>purity fags will stop watching
I think that ship has sailed after all the dick she's been having
>fucked like eleventy different guys
>still blushes like a schoolgirl to some lewdspeak
At this point she's basically seen and felt everything under the sun. What sex act could possibly turn this hotdog-hallway into a red jabbering mess?
>Does it bother anyone else when a 2D girl goes "You won't dislike me because I'm a virgin?"
Its like they don't realize that virginal women are the single most highly valued class of women by men.
Mugi gets some friends and fills all her holes while Sensei watches.
Shes a virgin guys
>fucked like eleventy different guys
When did this happen?
>by men
Which ones though?
I know it's a big deal in religious circles and 'wait 'till marriage' types but those are all old money. I figure the average attractive young person sexin' it up in the city would find pushin' through the pain to be more trouble than it's worth. The values that make virgins worth something are pretty dead outside of Sup Forums and kentucky sunday school.
Do you think she'll pull off the manipulative cunt role?
I don't like it but this is true. Mature people don't care about virginity.
Do remember Sup Forums and kentucky sunday school guys are losers that no pretty girls want to be saddled with since they came with massive emotional baggage.
Ponos in vagooo
Just imagine how the girls are able to introduce those losers to their friends with feeling like someone facing the death penalty.
To be honest, every relationship is a saddle of emotional baggage. Most social butterflies are driven to put themselves out there by pathological insecurity and a terrible fear of being alone with their own thoughts for more than a few seconds.
If you want a relationship without baggage, put an add on craigslist.
episode 7 when?
>that blush
She's so adorable.
I feel like we'll never get another scene like this with the direction the writing is going.
benis in bagina :DDD
I don't know lads, I really like this little show somehow. Usually I'm not into whatever genre it tries to be. But I couldn't tell you one single work of fiction that is as honest as this one. Truth be told I don't have much sexual experience and I never was in a serious relationship. But the reasoning and the insights on those characters seems extremely realistic. It's mostly how I envision what people in relationships truly feel.
If you know anything that is remotely as deep as this, when it comes to love and stuff, you may mention it now or be forever silent.
Also the "ecchi" turns me on. It's tasteful, but extremely erotic.
Only thing that bothers me is pic related.
I put the mayonnaise info the egg mayoegg.
you can't be serious right now
>not You Can (Not) Be Serious
also, i am.
I busted like 4 nuts to that doujin today. This artist is god tier.
Who is the artist?
>Which ones though?
Back in school, I dumped my girlfriend, when i found out that she was not a virgin. That is just disgusting, and i am glad i avoided that mistake.
not me, as a virgin i may be a hypocrite but I want one of us to know what we're doing when it finally happens.
Ah, a man of taste
Maybe like try looking at other countries besides america, there they don't mind if a 15 year old girl fucks niggers and chads until she's 24 and with three kids from different fathers but everywhere else they're harassed and treated like trash by women of all ages, specially old cunts, the "proud single mom" is only a thing in all of america; US, tacoland, BR, etc.
You're disgusting
What's wrong with not wanting your first time to be a completely deflating spaghetti fest?
Whats wrong with not wanting your first time to be with some used goods whore who is probably fantasizing about the black dick she took last week
So if you break up with a girl are you screwed for life? I mean, why should anyone have you now you've lost your virginity?
Why would you be with a girl in the first place, take your disgusting 3D blogshit and fuck off. No one wants that here.
Honk honk.
Someone make a better one my paintfu is pitiful at best
Fuck I didn't even crop out the bottom, my point stands.
Moca is a good girl who deserves a happy ending.
>Caught up with latest episode
>This happened
God damn. Moka is so cute, it just feels wrong to defile her.
>God damn. Moka is so cute, it just feels wrong to defile her
Thats what makes it so hot, Mugi is confirmed homo. He doesn't seem to realize when a japanese woman says no it means yes yes yes
>Thats what makes it so hot
Not saying that isn't true, but it just feels wrong.
If I was Mugi, I would have done her and make her mine. No one else would be allowed to touch her who's my treasure. Only I can defile her and keep her pure at the same time in my mind.
Well without wasting too much time on an analysis of her character
She just happens to like him back. The fact that he is so accepting of her is part of that. The difference between how Mugi loves her and how Sensei loves is that Mugi is in-love with the pretending she does, he loves that she's evil he loves that she acts like a "woman" a "teacher" and other things. Sensei just loves "her" and that's why it scares her (and touches her) so much. Akane never wanted to be known by someone she was scared of opening her heart (just like Ecchan) so she pretended to be a lot of other things and found validation in other ways. However like Hanabi said when she and Ecchan broke up "Isn't that [closing your heart] just the same as being alone? Which is why Akane always felt so dead inside despite the happiness she felt from being loved. She felt the same shallow happiness Ecchan felt when raping Hanabi.
The end result is that she wants to change or rather be herself, but she wants herself to be just someone who loves Sensei
Only a rapist could maintain a boner here
Yeah so am I, but it doesn't mean I'm not a depraved sex-hungry degenerate.
>Those legs
Not gonna lie. This episode gave me a little pot marked chub.
>No Kuzu in OP
come on man it's like you want people to spam the catalog
let me ask you this: would you prefer an unopened can of soda?
or one that had like 10 penises in it?
But user, I like the taste of dicks
>there can only be one thread per anime
my hand and your hand
I want Hanabi to light up my world.
I'm just putting myself in Hanabi's shoes
shrotly afterwards
How are you so familiar with reddit to know if they only allow one thread per anime?
But what if the girl takes a bath?
Or she could also pretend to be a virgin to trick you.
maybe guys that prefer virgin girls are insecure like this guy ?
Fuck off
It's free real estate.
Oh, man, I remember that doujin. All of them were kuzus.
>manipulative cunt role
That's Akane's role, Hanabi plays the retarded virgin role.
OST when?
>is this nigga srs?
Dear tripfag no kuzu,
Your post was not important enough to warrant the use of a tripcode, I suggest you be careful next time. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Sup Forums is first and foremost an anonymous image board, please understand.
Sincerely, Sup Forumsnon.
I think it's kuzu tripfag not tripfag no kuzu.
Read manga or watch anime?
how about tripfag no honkai
Manga for character exposition
Anime for lewds
Half of me wants to beat the hell out of Mugi, but the other half wants to pat Mugi on the back for his decision that showed restraint for not defiling Mako. What to do?
that would just be "tripfag's wish"
im not that user but i havent read manga because i dont want to spoil the anime
maybe i should anyways, but maybe i'll wait until the last volume gets scanlated and binge it all at once
I want to know that tripfag's wish
It's been said in other threads that the manga and anime are supposed to end at the same time if that makes it easier for you to decide what to do
well fug
I want to protect this blush.
why is that slut blushing
Virginity is only a big deal in High School, after that it becomes increasingly irrelevant and is replaced by "number of partners" as a concern instead. In fact, virginity is sort of like a red flag at a certain age and cause for concern.
One obnoxious thing in anime/VN/Etc. is all of these virgin "Christmas Cakes". Like a 26 year old chick did not somehow find a way to have a single meaningful relationship in all that time? It's ridiculous. The only thing worse is Loli-Teachers.
What I don't get is why virginity is such a big deal to dudes on the internet. But whatever floats boats, etc.
Damn, where is all this underage cherry-popping taking place? Because I didn't get any in High School.
You just were not a part of the popular kids :^)
You're right.
Whether conscious or not virginity, especially of females , at marriage correlate strongly against divorce and cheating. Divorce rates sky rocket the more "experienced" a non-virgin is with multiple partners.
Non-virgins are meant to be pumped then dumped. Virgins are for long term commitment and love.
The only circumstance when non-virgins are ok is past 30-40. This is because people are no longer marrying at 13-16 but instead at 30ish on average.
Sexual experience only goes as far as physical pleasure. Virginal experience goes beyond that and instead exhibits concentrated romance unsullied, pure, and innocent.
Exclusivity in love drives up the value of virginity.
Crime feels less important the more it is done after all.
>highly valued class of women
They are overrated. They can't do shit in bed and they get clingy as fuck like Moka does.
>clingy as fuck
>bad thing