Is there such thing as good BL anime?
Is there such thing as good BL anime?
Doukyuusei, its easily one of the best anime's i've seen in general
Nigga you gay and have shit taste.
does OHSHC count?
Doukyuusei is the only one.
Kill yourself
It can't be gay if they're anthropomorphic personifications, faggot.
No. 6 and Your pic is not BL.
Pico x Chico was superior
1. the one you posted is a good anime
2. it isn't BL
3. why post that?
I want to marry a fish.
>yuri can be kino
>yaoi can't
Purest form etc.
Does Gankutsuou count? It was kino and shit was pretty gay
I forgot about that one. The gay was too subtle, I think. Plus
>mature man/teenage boy
is not my thing.
Fuck off and take your anime recommendation thread to
But the homo died and the MC ended up with the childhood friend.
>tfw best girl, pepo, gets sidelined
Stop samefagging, retard.
Stop being a cancerous newfag, fujoshit
How much of a faggot do you have to be for not tapping this while she's serving you 24/7.
Well it wasn't just Albert and the Count, you also had Franz and Peppo who was a girl(male)
While it's true the homo died or went on unrequited it wasn't clear that Albert and Eugenie ended up together, after she went to America and he became an space ambassador or some shit it seems they did not continue their relationship, and when they meet each other at the end they probably were different people from where they were young so it's not clear if their feelings were still the same (like what happened with Edmond and Mercedes)
>implying BL
Because you can't idealize men the same way you can with girls. It would only show weakness and make everything look faggy.
Who /moyashimon/ here
Never heard of it.
A faggot who wants big blue alien cock
>tfw translations never so I'll never know the full context of why Kei rejected Tadayasu
I miss Hetalia and its threads. ;_;
They're making a third musical of it. Himaruya must be drowning in fujobux by now.
I want to be the best man to Haru and Yuki's wedding!
But a boy can't marry an alien fish!
Tsuritama isn't BL you massive fucking faggot.
I mean, if there are yuri without yurifag pandering, there must be yaoi with fujo pandering.
It's the other way around though
Is this bestiality
>>mature man/teenage boy
>is not my thing.
My condolences.
>Tfw to cute dorky depressed bf to grope his back in a sandbox after he got drunk for the first time at your last concert
That is not BL, user. That is just cute boys doing cute boy things or SoL (male).
Pic related, one of the good running CBDCBT mango.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that he's probably in his early thirties now and more successful than I'll ever be.
It's vastly superior the other way around.
>you will never have a cute alien pet friend boyfriend
No because BL anime would be made purely for a niche audience and be crammed full of fanservice and poor plot because it's only goal is to try to attract fujobucks.
Anime that has a plot besides just being a "BL anime" while carrying homo undertones, however, can be great and are what usually attract said fujobucks.
nah man