there was no thread so im gonna post them.
This week we go full NTR on toda
there was no thread so im gonna post them.
This week we go full NTR on toda
He's so bold, going directly for the hand holding
3 chapters today >This week we go full NTR on toda
Meant to write today, damn i fucked the OP
>3 chapters today
>last chapter is a cliffhanger
I'm calling this now like I did last thread
Shimuzu and Mana will end up together by the end of this series
Screencap this
I can't load helveticascans, anyone else?
It can't be NTR when Nakano is the MC.
Well that escalated quickly
Took me a whole to figure out the preview was in Akira's head. This guy is fucking based.
They said their provider is having issues.
/our guy/
Would you watch an anime adaptation of this? I think it could be pretty good for a 13 episode series, with additional content
Every fucking day around the time they release, idk if the provider is such shit that after 2-3 weeks of constant downtime in the same time slot they still didn't figure it out or if the audience is so big that no matter what the IT intern does he just gives up and cries in a corner hoping for the best.
I've never had an issue with their site every day around release. This is the first time in a long while actually.
So is Mana go try to get them together so she get Toda on rebound?
Reminder that lewd thoughts to yourself>>>>>talking about marriage before even going on a date
This. Who can blame Toda for being a horny teenager? For all we know he could be a real sweetheart in a relationship, if we was just a bit more brave.
She should know better than anyone that all boys that age have lewd thoughts.
I would think something is wrong with him if he's not horny as a teenager.
>She should know better than anyone that all boys that age have lewd thoughts.
i think its because she makes an active effort to ignore any and all thoughts that she can, but she can't ignore thoughts about her.
thats why toda is so loud to her, she can't turn off the channel whenever he thinks "nakano-san" or thinks about doing lewd things to her
Does she? I thought she couldn't ignore anyone.
toda is 176... hes taller than me....
what are your estimates on shimizu's height? he looks at the very least 195cm tallm thats huge for a nip
>hes taller than me....
How do you get out of bed in the morning?
The madman actually did it.
>taller than me
God damn, user. You're definitely a manlet.
You know, NTR suppose that at least two are a couple before the cucking.
toda-kun needs to fight back against this threat to the sanctity of marriage
185 reporting
>Hand holding in front of romantic rival
Fucking Brutal
>That whole Panel 4
Fucking Akira man.
my dad is 171 and my grandpa is 163, i got some shitty genes user.
btw, my dads younger sister is 176 and his younger brother is 196.
so i definitely got the shitty genes.
sorry for blogging
so i definitely picked
>so i definitely picked
ignore that, i don't know where it came from and why it is in my post
Generally things in green are Akira.
I don't think user meant ignore as in not hear them or anything. More just that because he's thinking about her specifically, it's like how you notice someone saying your own name easily even if there's lots of people around you talking. As he keeps thinking about her it draws her attention rather than being background noise.
Akira is so based, kek.
Akira is truly best boy.
If Nakano is serious about smoothing things between Toda and Croissant she'll accept. Then she'll always hang out with her new bf when her, toda, and croissant are chilling. Toda will get jealous and want a gf more than he cares about dating Nakano and will ask out croissant in a cute way and she'll say yes.
I don't like any of this.
I don't think Nakano is shitty enough to play the new guy that way just to help out Mana. Also that would only make Toda feel worse and if he did get with Mana to ease his depression the relationship would still be terribly one-sided.
>1000x That girl is so hot.
>1x Nanako is an angel. I'd love to make love to her.
Poor toda.
Croissant and Toda belong together. They're much more compatible. If Nakano just pity dates Toda and throws the relationship she'll lose him as a friend, and then if/when Croissant hooks up with him, the relationship will be cheapened as she's a "rebound". The only way to avoid that is for Nakano to become unavailable romantically. Stringing this new guy along for a few weeks and allowing Toda and Croissant to work their feelings out in the absence of Nakano is infinitely better than this endless waiting game we're playing.
so best
And dropped
Is Akira /ourguy/?
he's always been /ourguy/, except for the part where he has a gf
>That fucking file name
Anyways I'm excited to see how Toda will deal with this. I wonder if he'll go full yandere.
He can't be. He stands above the rest of us.
how far are we from the raws? nakano san is starting to piss me off desu. are the later chapters any good?
He'll cry about it in his head probably.
I mean its not like Toda is the main character. Just stop self inserting
Can we get back to how great Mana is? I need more little devil.
won't happen
>are the later chapters any good?
I hope you like Shimizu.