has an anime ever made you cry?
Has an anime ever made you cry?
Plenty of times.
He stole her life( she was 16 and he was 300+) and I should be sad for him? Fuck you OP for having shit taste.
I think you are supposed to feel sad for her dying user....
Just finished Clannad the other day.
I think it will be a while before I've fully recovered from that feels trip...
Why did you remind me user ? ;_;
I like that manga end scene when the girl cry her heart out.
The whole last portion of the latest episode
Crying is for the weak. And the weak should fear the strong. I am the fucking strong.
Yeah, FMA, the last episodes of Azumanga, Licenseless rider vs King of the Sea. It happens a lot actually.
So edgy.
Usagi drop
Fucking Sports anime man, Hits the spots.
Go fuck CC or something Lelouch
Stop posting here
>Kittan's death
>Kamina meeting Simon one last time
>the wedding and everything after
Bitch tears every time. I can't believe it's been almost 10 years.
Didn't cried with anime.
Katawa Shoujo is another story though.
>inb4 StrikerS a shit.
Yeah, I tend to cry a little when animated little girls are being very cute. I can't be the only one doing that
On occasion, even when I see it coming. Its always the kids that get me too, like FMA and the end of Madoka. Although pic related absolutely obliterated me, didn't thing moe could get me to actually break down so badly
Not really but manga did plenty of times.
I cried so much at Viral's hallucination. So very very much.