Bow down to your Queen.
Shokugeki no Souma
Will Rindô-sama join them ?
Is he?
Even Takumi has been more cool than him these last chapters.
Erina a best.
I hope so.
>Shokugeki no Erina
Nah his only purpose now is to smirk and give commentary on Erina.
literally perfect
It will be skipped, right?
I don't have mary sues as my queen.
Not a chance.
>Erina's secretary
>Erina's cousin
The pattern with best girls is obvious
We just need a connection between Erina and Rindou and it'll be completely foolproof
>Kubo Tite
I love these random votes.
Is Kubo also a meme in nipland or it was someone here.
>Erina's secretary
>Erina's cousin
>Erina's future husband
>Why exactly is Erina in first place?
GOOD question
Erina's more or less the actual focal character of this arc, Soma's just there as a viewpoint character and to do cool things.
>GOOD question
"Why do we need to breath air?" is also a good question.
Because she's the character that they have mostly have been focusing on in these chapters and she's the most exposed.
Meme magic
time to catch up again i guess. the arcs tend to be really enjoyable when read in one sitting.
Will Erina take the 1st seat?
>Y-san from Chiba Prefecture - 12 votes
His legacy continues
Which is next in the non stop meme train?
Marui's glasses and the mezzaluna
>not KuboxTsukuda.
>Azami's face next week
>kikuchi sonoka's boobs
>Rindou went down the mountain on a pulk
>Saeki Shun
I was hoping "Tosh" would be on the list.
This is all part of his master plan. It will open with a smug satisfied picture of Azami saying that's fine. Then when the rebels lose it will finally completely mindbreak Erina now that she see's how hopeless resistance is and turn her back into daddy's submissive little girl.
Holy shit has nobody noticed how badly drawn mehgoo is here?
Why is she so best?
Nobody cares about the Kangaroo
He's only Erina's Husband now.
Always works.
Fuck yes. Hope this pushes them to give her another arc.
They'd censor it.
Do we define all the characters as Erina's now?
We have her secretary, cousin, husband, friend, bro and lackey too.
>hisako starts hanging around souma a lot more than before
>erina gets mad jealous
It'll be glorious.
He is a dominant force that lives with a fucking open lid like a madman, best shounen protagonist after luffy
Nah, she needs another story away from Erina (Like Stagiaire was), otherwise she'll just spend the whole time fussing about her.
I missed her ojou mode.
She didn't deserve it anyway, so it's not like this is a loss or anything. Getting a seat while other fight your battles for you, just because you have the Nakiri name, is bullshit anyway.
Let me go ahead and fix that for you...
>Erina's dad ruined the arc
For what purpose
and Idol.
Has Erina been redeemed?
Hishoko is fucking hot
Yeah like 50 chapters ago.
I'm so tired of all this Nakiri wanking already. Erina's arc has felt longer and more exhausting than everything that came before it. The pacing is all fucked up.
I wonder how he's doing with his waifu?
>All among top 10
It's a good day.
D-does this mean she's got a shot at the Somabowl? Or at least gets in on a threesome?
She will take care of their children when they travel the world.
>I don't think I deserve this, but I'm happy nonetheless
They're already planning on making Megumi a side character. How sad.
Azami plz
Imagine if one of the nonsense votes made it to top 10 though. They would have to make drawings of them.
>ywn see Y-san in manga form.
>its a drawing of a pregnant marika with wedding band praising y-san
Huh, whats the difference?
Soumas eyes.
>see this
What to do.
Erina and Soma already decided to use Megumi as the middle of their sex sandwich as she's more honest.
What a guy.
Of course the worst character would win the popularity poll, nips have shit tastes.
>Nakiri wanking
That's basically what this manga is now. I was hoping that the other girls that aren't Alice, Hisako, nor Rindou would get something. Like Ryou, that other chick, and well the other Polar characters. Erina is only popular because she's loved by basically everyone and everything centered around her.
Hug the lizard girl before she freezes to death
I want to taste Meat's meat.
>implying she wouldn't put on a strap-on and rail her from both ends with Souma
>poorly written generic tsundere mary sue isn't the worst character
Callin it that the former eliten ten will join in the regimental shokugeki and Kuga and all 1st years will job (including Erina and Souma will beat Aizen again before jobbing). Isshiki and Pacha will then carry the rebels to victory.
Isshiki will then be revealed as the best cook in the school. You read it here first.
>poorly written
If that'd be the case you would have to hate almost every character in this series
>generic tsundere
what the fuck, are we reading same manga
>mary sue
well I can at least see this, but I would still disagree with her actually being one
>not jobbing.
I can agree on Isshiki since they love to suck his dick and make him Mr. Perfect man.
At some point. Then Souma will finally have to face her to get it. Not now though, but when things normalize again at the school.
This chart continues to amaze me.
The story is centered around their school user. The family has been wanked non stop since the very beginning.
This is a wsj manga, no so. The strongest people like the former #3 will get btfo to create despair for the main characters, but in the end Souma and probably Erina will win the day.
Assuming that the former E10 compete in the match, what kind of rivalries/history is there? Eizan wants his rematch with Soma, Kuga wants his rematch with the autist, Isshiki and Nene were probably the finalists of the autumn election in their year.
>Marui's Glasses (2)
>Souma's knife (2)
>Grilled Squid With Peanut Butter (9)
Nice ones, especially the squid.
He's a very mysterious and laid back character (from what we've seen) so I doubt he'll job.
If that happened they might as well end the manga. That'd be horrible writing.
>literally whos saving the day.
>Giganigga 28th
fucking Japan and their shit taste.
>1 month training arc
>It's winter
So their 1st year will end after this arc.
Well yeah, those were supposed to be the promotion exams anyway.
The 1st yeas will win with the power of teamwork.
It would be very much standard shounen manga writing. If you can't abide that level of quality at all, you probably should avoid them.
What was Yuugi's name? what position did he get?
Meat is the only good thing about his series
Said no one ever.
He just said it though.
He's a nobody. Unlike me. I happen to be a pretty big deal.
You mean Kuga? He's 17th
hisako is fucking trash
even meatchan is better
>waifu dominated poll
Are waifufags finally getting tired of fujo catering?
>All I can see is...
>Azami's face!
Nothing At All
Nothing at all
nothing at all