Zexal was fucking weird sometimes.
Also, what is everyone looking forward to in VRAINS?
Zexal was fucking weird sometimes.
Also, what is everyone looking forward to in VRAINS?
>fucking weird
It was just gay, like every decent YGO should be.
I'm glad Yugioh will never end.
What am I looking at here?
Hopefully a more silent/cool MC.
Alit was dueling Yuma to win over Kotori, who he had the same angel vision about earlier in the ep. After dueling Yuma he started crushing on him instead, hence the angel vision.
I've been looking through folders of stuff I've saved from early arc-v, and it's unfortunate how accurate some of them turned out to be.
If ZeXal was the alternate timeline equivalent of DM and Arc-V was GX, then VRAINS is gonna be 5D's
Are you hype?
calling it now, dueling on trains
All we'll get is this.
but it's called vrains
it's almost trains
it's gotta mean something
It's closer to brains. Maybe the MC will use a zombie deck?
ZeXal was the only gay yugioh
Zexal and GX and DSOD are the gay YGOs.
Funny, ZeXal did better than the two straighter YGO series (5D's and Arc-V) with Arc-V being the straightest and it's anime failing miserably. Every decent YGO is gay.
Zexal wasn't decent though. Neither was GX. Both were quite literally half-unwatchable.
Same thing with 5Ds and ARC-V actually. the difference is that zexal and gx finish with their stronger halves while 5Ds and ARC-V begin with theirs.
>Zexal wasn't decent though. Neither was GX. Both were quite literally half-unwatchable.
Nice shit taste.
Here's your (You)
And here's yours. I will never understand people who didn't like GX in particular.
I'd say closer to 1/4 unwatchable, as things like Kaito episodes marked occasional high points in the first half, but that's still a lot of painful content to get through.
I still don't get why the early half of arc-v seems so loved, though. Sure, a lot of the speculation going on was fun, but in terms of actual content, there were a lot of painfully uninteresting episodes.
1/4 unwatchable sure, but even then, most of the rest wasn't really good unless Anna, the Arclights, Shark or Kaito were a part of it. And a good 25 eps of Zexal 2 were largely mediocre and you could really feel it during that arc since there was such a huge disparity in quality between how the stuff with vector was handled and the eps before and right after, only really picking up again when the arclights pop back in again.
Not saying the show didn't have highs, but when it hit its lows, you could really feel it due to the abrupt shift.
Standard arc I felt worked because there was an ongoing sense of suspense from ep to ep from 7 onward and it managed to give just enough to keep you enthusiastic about it before Sora and the Obelisk Force attacked during the battle royale. It definitely falls to some of the same issues zexal 1 and early zexal 2 have, but it paced itself better and aside the three little kids there was a greater sense of everyone having an important part to play, so it was easier to get engaged in their actions than say: the numbers club of zexal for instance.
The only really amazing first part of any ygo is probably Dark Signers though, honestly.
I make no statements regarding objective quality, but I honestly love Judai/Jaden as the only protagonist who seemed to honestly love dueling.
Yugi loved all games, and only played cards as much as he did because of its connection to ancient Egyptian magic.
Yusei dueled because card games was how problems are solved in 5ds.
Yuma claimed to love dueling, but people constantly noted his near 100% loss rate in casual duels. If you play that much without ever getting better, I question how much you actually care. It feels more like he likes it as a means to hang with his friends.
Yuya duels to become famous and live up to his dad, and spread egao.
For Yugi, Yusei, and Yuya, (and Yuma, although that's more debatable) dueling is a means to an end, and not something they enjoy in and of itself. Judai is the only protagonist that actually shows, in his dialogue, actions, and duels, that he legitimately loves the game. Which makes seeing what happens to him in season 3 onward hit like it did, and why the ending really stuck.
I fully agree that nothing in yugioh approaches some of the lows in Zexal.
>The only really amazing first part of any ygo is probably Dark Signers
*Fortune Cup
Even Dark Signers started to show pretty noticeable holes if you're going to put up Yugioh anime to a regular standard
I agree with this. It's possibly what I like the most about Judai.
>Everyone forgets how gay DM was
This series has always been about the homo
>Yugi loved all games
>For Yugi [...] dueling is a means to an end
That's not how logic works.
The only time DM even comes close to being as gay as Zexal and GX is with DSOD.
Isn't zexal an alternate to 5D's?
Like, they mention monsters from GX and DM as legendary, but never once mention 5D's' nor Synchros
I may not have phrased that well, but in DM, there were very few duels that started because Yugi wanted to have a fun game. Everything was so caught up in the shadow games and kaiba's raging dragon-boner that there was very little enjoyment in DM's duels.
I dunno. Marik seemed to enjoy himself. Bakura as well.
Most villains quite like what they do and that's what make villains like that lovable
This. Marik was a fun guy because of how he enjoyed himself.
Was there full files or videos for these subs or just these screenshots? Any more context on this particular image?
I think it was just the fansubber goofing off.
Episode 145: 別のタイムライン! 5つ星のヒーロー! - Betsu no Taimu Rain! Itsutsu Hoshi no Hiro (Another Timeline! The Hero of the Five Stars!)
Episode 146: バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー!ゆずの最後のメッセージ。 - Bakku tou Za Fuyucha! Yuzu no Saigo no Messeji. (Back to the Future! Yuzu's Last Message.)
Episode 147:
Z-ARCの帰還!サイベネットの中の無限のコンボ! - Zaku no Kikan! Saibenetto no Naka no Mugen no Konbo! (The Return of Z-ARC! Endless Combo inside the Cybenet!)
what even is this show anymore
I knew someone would fall for it. They always do
tbqh familia I just vrains already
Who doesn't? Even if it's just to finally mark Arc-V as done and be free
Is this a Vrains crossover or something?
I don't care if this is fake, I want it.
5Ds hit a low point after Dark Signers, got good at Crash Town, hit a few more snags, had a few good things in the big tournament near the end, and then finished okay.
Wouldn't be surprised if arc-v has a "The Adventure Continues" kind of ending.
What series has the best ost and why is it Arc-V?
He's using Cyverse monsters
what program was he using? I want to sub in the future.
Sort of but to me it went to waste the way this anime was left so unsupported story wise. hopefully the next series isn't a mess