What is the worst anime Sup Forums tricked you into watching?
What is the worst anime Sup Forums tricked you into watching?
Yuru Yuri
the grimoire was nice
Not entirely relevant, but some user tricked me into reading Arifureta.
I can't really understand how anyone likes this crap or why it gets so much praise here
G-reco was a waste of a great character designer's resources.
That anime with the girl who changes into a boy when it's night, but actually the boy is her brother from the real world.
Can't remember the name.
Pic related.
>Top answer isn't LWA or Maid Dragon
The hive mind is weakening. Anyway probably Bakemonogatari.
At least you have that excuse, I did it on my own free will ...
Sup Forums told me it was so bad it was hilarious, but it was actually just bad and the threads weren't even that entertaining.
Everything is top tier other than the writing really.
Same problem happened with AO.
I wasn't tricked into watching that mess though, I chose to.
I feel for you user, I really do. The worst part is that the start is sort of promising - but it all goes to shit the moment he rescues the loli vampire. If it were a survival story albeit an edgy one, it could've been alright.
Not even Bones writing can't compete with Tomino in shittyness.
>All those people ITT who can't make the difference between their own taste and objective quality
G-Reco is an incredible anime.
Guilty Crown. Sup Forums told me it was a trainwreck so I expected a fun show. It was just a regular shitshow.
Berserk, saw the shit cgi and dropped after episode 1
What trick? It was a joke series from the very beginning.
Incredibly terrible.
People expected another Turn A and got an even worse Brain Powerd instead.
Please, refer to the first phrase. You are objectively wrong.
No such thing as objective quality. Everything posted on Sup Forums is just opinions of random people.
The worst show Sup Forums tricked me into watching was Kodomo no Jikan.
Worst show I've watched with Sup Forums? Probably Comet Lucifer. That or Mayoiga