Director when?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-VRAINS
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confirmed to be ono
>Pendulum Evolution turned from structure deck into booster packs
fucking TEWART
Just a few days left until the glorious second return of Dennis.
Supreme King Dragon Zarc also confirmed to be Supreme King Z-Arc in tcg
1. Gonna need a source on that.
2. Does this also confirm that Ray's name will be unchanged in the dub if they're going to go by this scene? Even if so, I bet you that scene will be edited or cut just to remove JOERI and SERENA.
3. How is it going to be pronounced in the dub and TCG? Zee-Arc? Is the cowboy also going to be called Z-Arc in the dub or just Zarc with the dragon being Z-Arc?
near bottom of page
I think they may just cut this scene out as a whole.
Is it just me, or is the sound mixing out of whack in Arc-V?
The music and sound effects are much louder than the voices. Like, it's hard to hear what Gongenzaka said during duels, since his voice gets drowned out easily.
I've seen DM and 5D's and the sound levels for those is much more balanced.
Only new piece of info is that Leo is regretting his decision to fuse the Ruris into Ray, create Arc-V, and ruin everyone's lives.
>Leo is regretting his decision to fuse the Ruris into Ray, create Arc-V, and ruin everyone's lives
Well, would you look at that. At least 1 thing Arc-V finally did right after this mess
I hope he also regrets being a fucking retard and never tries to do anything ever again.
>from structure to booster
High chance Dimension Box's cards come in it as well.
Also probabiliy of Crystal Wing and Break Sword reprint. Those last two I'd put cause are Yuus cards and have been over a year since printed
why sophia? It's a good card?
>he sees the new rules
She needs 3 extra deck monsters to summon, so she got affected by the links
>Link summoning will slow the game down I swear. It will make the game more technical I swear
Konami cucks believe this.
Where the fuck were these thoughts BEFORE he ruined so many people's lives? Where was this when he nurtured Yuri into a fucking sadistic duelist knowing that he was a fragment of Zarc from the get go?
Yuya does not look pleased, I haven't seen him look serious like that since he took the mike and challenged Jack for a second time.
"Arc-V was a mistake." -Leo Akaba
It may not slow the game but it will make it a little more balances.
It's just resetting the game. XYZ made Synchros and Fusions obsolete. Links will simply be the new degenerate meta that everybody must run or lose. I can already see the massive potential for Synchro-style solitaire.
If most people could think ahead of what they are doing, we would have less regrets and far less idiots in this world.
>it will make it a little more balances.
Kkonami has no idea about balance. Yugioh is the worst trading card game out there. Its pay to play nothing more.
Leo did nothing wrong.
Except being a complete retard in the way he went about executing his plan.
user, we had synchro masturbation, fusion masturbation and now fucking xyz masturbation. Link masturbation seems one of the easiest things possible considering they don't need to even pay attention to levels
>i've never played mtg
So many people forgetting Links have specific requirements, such as using effect or normal monsters.
Guys I am a purist. I recently got into yugioh because of the new movie. I've watched duelist before but that was a long time ago. I bought all the volumes of the original manga. My question is now is R canon? Also ehat is the follow up? Gx manga/anime etc.
The support for it will come its just a matter of time.
Only TWO have those. And in the case of the one needing effect monsters, you can just use an effectless mosnter to summon a link and then another in the link zone the previous ones open and do that again and THEN summon the Link you want.
See? Masturbation starts. Also, Konami abandons all those specificness after like 6 months
Episode 145: 終わりなき反逆 – Owarinaki Hangyaku
(Unending Rebellion)
A Decisive Duel!
Kurosaki vs. Yuya!
Still can’t accept that he has lost his sister, Kurosaki turns his violent rage toward Yuya…! Yuya then challenges Kurosaki to a Duel. A sorrowful and intense battle between the two begin!
This week’s Leo: regretting his plan!
Leo regrets that his plan to revive his daughter has ruined many people’s lives and relationships. Leo then reveals the truth about the connection between Ray and Ruri to Kurosaki and Yuya…
Saying the worst is an opinion. I respect your view but I don't agree with it.
And no, there is no worse card game for me, but if I have to say one that I don't like, is Pokemon, mostly because, if you think Yu-Gi-Oh! Is full aggro, then you haven't see Pokemon TCG.
It's too early to say that, also this
>Leo then reveals the truth about the connection between Ray and Ruri to Kurosaki and Yuya…
What truth?
Ruri embodies Ray's broconess. The reason Ruri violated Shun and Ray violated Reiji is because of that
Its funny how the two have never really interacted with each other since Shun accused Yuya of killing Yuto.
Is that why Shun can't live without her?
R isnt technically canon, but I mean if you really want it to be then fuck it. And basically every ygo series has an 'anime canon' and 'manga canon' so follow that.
>They turned a structure deck into a pack
Can we burn down KoA yet? I want Tewart's head on a pike.
But I like turtles.
Welp. Im not gonna outright quit from the game, but Ill go into a hiatus until I have enough money, time, gas to go to a locals 3 hours away.
Links probably put the game on life support for me when I was trying to save whatever I could before Links showed up
Unending Rebellion's a pretty neat name for an ep.
How hammy will the dueling be in Vrains? Yusaku doesn't strike me as the type of protagonist who'll really "get in to it" as much as Judai,Yuma and Yuya do. They would tend to throw a punch whenever commanding their monsters to attack and they shouted attack and effect names all the time like they were doing them themselves.
Hes probably a second Yusei.
I feel sorry for the people who think fusion,synchro,xyz and pendulum will be getting some screen time in Vrains. Arc-V was an anniversary series and pendulum was billed as something to the help all summoning types, which it did, problem is Konami wouldn't let it help any other type as much as xyz, pendulum tuners have stupid ass restrictions, synchro monsters have weaker effects than the easier rank 4 xyz monsters and fusion monsters still need to plus out the ass to be worth using even with pendulum.
Yusei doesn't resonate with kids. They won't make another him. Yusaku is a celebrity online. He'll be chuuni as fuck.
They should get somebody whose meek on the outside but give them a stage where they don't have to reveal themselves they become hammy as fuck. The guy who plays the persona 5 protagonist and Lelouche would be good
I just realized that the Reiji duel is after the Shun duel. That means they aren't going back to Synchro. That means even the producers realize it was shitty filler.
The obvious thing to do would be to make him a chill nerd normally who lets himself loose as Playmaker. Like Spider-Man (or some versions of him?). Kids love Spider-Man, right?
Now I want Takumi as MC.
>Implying synchro isn't getting a movie with Crow and Jack as protagonists in their travel to save all the Ruri's.
>Implying the main hero won't be:
>I just realized that the Reiji duel is after the Shun duel
Y'know, they could just have the Reiji duel take place in Synchro dimension.
But then they'd have to go through the trouble of moving the baby to Synchro, since he still needs to egao to save the world
This is truly the best plot in all of Yu-Gi-Oh. Simply sublime.
I'd make babies with that Shun.
If the goal is to make Reira egao because somehow that will make Zarc's spirit leave forever, why isn't Yusho taking any effort to try at it? It's not like he's busy with anything else
All are understood and forgiven.
But wow. Lol
All are understood and forgiven.
But wow. Lol
RaY signing ouT
Shout ouT to BabY BOi
You have to be a manchild of 18 years or older to post here
It's because it needs to be Yuuya's egao, because Zarc is his darkness.
>Yuya uses Smile Universe/World to win against Reiji
>creepy baby smiles
Why is this anime so bad?
I dont understand this fucking card at all. its more mysterious than pot of greed
The funny thing is, it's another original idea of ARC-V's that could actually work if the people working on the show gave a fuck and provided proper buildup to support it.
How bout you call me.
I'm not so sure. The whole 'Yuya! Only you can make this baby smile!' seems like the end result of the show giving up rather than something it failed to do right. Because it failed at its own main plot first
Don't you mean his Zarcness?
Man, yugioh really went down the shitter.