What are some of the most overused anime tropes? The ones you always expect to see when you start a new series.
What are some of the most overused anime tropes? The ones you always expect to see when you start a new series
>characters are living beings
>characters breathe
>characters actively avoid death like it's a bad thing
I hate this fleshy propaganda.
Worst girl wins.
agreed. they need to stop this shit.
>pathetic mc
>girl protects him
____ ____ ____ ____
Best girls never win.
Walking into a room where girls are undressing.
I fucking hate this shit so much
Fuck all of this
You mean "pathetic MC defends girl who's much stronger than him".
There is something good, there is something bad.
We must fight to defend dis.
>girl falls in love with the geeky, unappealing mc that she once hated after finding that one special quirk about him that suddenly makes him seem cute
>mc somehow oblivious and continues to fumble through his days, while 2-3 girls pine for his affection
>mc has physical violence committed against him for no reason
>doesnt respond in kind
>anyone can see it
>romantic tension never gets resolved before the end of the show
>mc lives alone while in high school
>one parent dead
>other parent somewhere in europe
I watched Bahamut last week and it's almost scary how much it fits your image. It had everything minus the fire powers on the girl.
>fight scene
>a billion split-second cuts
>disconnected shots where you rarely see both fighters at once
>constantly jumping at each other from off-screen
>zero spacial integrity
And often times the problem has nothing to do with budget. Just look at this tripe; plenty of technical effort to spare, and they just fall back on shitty editing anyway. It's just a shoddily planned sequence.
I actually hate Bahamut the most.
It literally starts with the MC falling into a bathhouse.
It's the same with movies to. It's a trend in the whole action genre, regardless of medium.
To be fair, good fight choreography takes a ton of time and effort in live action, so it's a bit more understandable when studios resort to editing tricks. But what's stopping anyone in animation?
>lethal chef
I just want some goddamn food porn.
Every. Single. Time.
>posts one of the few exceptions
Using the same goddamn settings and having the same goddamn episode concepts. I can name like a dozen animes off the top of my head that follow the scheme of "Takes place in a school, and has a beach episode, a summer house episode, a cultural festival one, fireworks, unnecessary drama that splits main couple episode, and the obligatory bathhouse episode"
I agree that it can be annoying, but sometimes understated romantic tensions are the better for it. Just off the top of my head, Temari/Shikamaru and Roy/Riza are good examples of this.
What else do you want school anime to be about?
>gun fight
>one of them has a machine-gun
>opponent easily dodges bullets
>boob jokes
Name an anime without them.
You silly westerner. You don't understand the ancient art of bullet evasion.
Don't try to get out of the way of the bullets. That is impossible.
Instead, get out of the way of the gun direction before the trigger is pulled.
Watch more anime.
>opponent runs straight at the shooter
>every shot misses