Late to the party but I just finished reading volume 9.
Come on.. that confession was pretty cute
Late to the party but I just finished reading volume 9.
Come on.. that confession was pretty cute
Other urls found in this thread:
What do?
[X] Hold tightly.
deploy emergency spaghetti
Megumin has awakened me to Chuuni's.
Though that might have been Kobato I just didn't realise.
Was this part of his plan?
Fuck off.
Boring cunt.
Yeah but it was to Megumin. Washboards aren't girls.
Is she wearing panties?
No, because Kazuma would just steal them if they do.
kazuma stole them in like chapter 3.
Best whisper
I don't think you'd be able to see them from this angle. They're pretty low-profile and naughty.
Is that her VA quoting that scene?
I only understood the last word
Yes. That's right.
On the radio program VA acted that scene.
Although it is gentle in reality it is not frank
I love you.
(More accurate translations will be left to others.)
The only thing you got right was the "anata suki desu" part
Please translate it instead.
It was this broadcast.
Why is there a wet dot on her panties? Does she need to pee?
Finally best girl won
In the latest story, according to the type of kazuma
She started to grow her hair.
Wiz is still best girl and Kazuma's ideal mate.
Nice ship that you got over there, would be a shame that someone do something about it
She's wet from the huge Bakaretsu she made.
>literal who
Okay then Mr Falseflagger
Literally Megumin is losing against a loli
I wanna fug that pile of bones
She's his little sister, literally nothing to worry about. Megumin and Kazuma are basically a couple already
Yeah, nothing at all, and Kazuma is not a lolicon
Megumin a cute!
wait so kazuma and megumin got together?
I really love her I hope kazuma plows her tight little slit
Strike zone.
Is there any good Hentai of these two? Something cute and vanilla, preferably.
>I didn't even look
She is already part of Harlem.
Usually there isn't any overlap between girls I like as characters and girls I want to pound furiously. However, I love Megumin and want to split her in half with my cock in equal measure.
Season 3 never.
She's just the cutest
That's not Komekko
Thank you kind user, without you I wouldn't have found this
They would be retards if they don't animate the two best vols
You say this why?
Where can I read the light novels (more importantly the side stories involving Megumin)?
season 2 remaining 3 episodes
What LN?
Darkness is in the game but after the effort the author used in volume 9 it's no contest really
Here you go friend, enjoy
Can you read Japanese?
Goddamn spoonfeeder
>when you OTP so hard you self-insert as your friend in succubus dreams
Were all friends in this thread
You can't read the VN. It's not translated. However, you can read a fanfic about what the VN would be about if it was translated. Note that it's DEFINITELY not the translated VN, it's JUST a fanfic. It's VERY important that you understand this.
Also I'm retarded and just woke up, replace all instances of "VN" with "LN".
I can take a hint, user. Thanks.
Too bad the WN was taken down would've liked to compare
>reading fanfics
Megumin is cute in general.
It's weird, but now I know what a shipper feels.
>Bare shoulders.
What a slut
but she's dead
Its not the first time nippon went full retard like that
Its not shipfaggin if its canon
>when your team leader and husbando says he's giving up on adventure and so no more Explosions either.
The feels truly are strange, a kind of feel that I've never felt before.
How is her top still on if she doesn't have anime tiddies?
It's connected to the choker
An archwizard did it.
Mutual hair stroking, the lewdest act known to mankind.
it's been printing money and they do it on a shoe string budget why wouldn't they continue with it
Sup Forums sings Konosuba ED 2 - Ouchi ni Kaeritai
-Record the FULL song with headphones (No instrumental tracks)
-Send your submission to [email protected]
-If you have any other questions, just send me an e-mail
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And if you missed the first Sup Forums Sings Konosuba:
Deadline is whenever the last episode airs.
so megumin and kazuma start dating?
Not yet, they've only confessed
Megumin is shit tier and you're retarded if you would choose her.
Kazuma did say "Anyway, based on what happened, Megumin and I are now in a relationship," though.
But they just kinda haven't talked about it since.