Which is more attractive for female characters?
Which is more attractive for female characters?
Other urls found in this thread:
The younger one whichever it is.
Fully matured females.
Hebe, they have to have some semblance of secondary sexual characteristics to be attractive.
Skirt > shorts
Whatever steer your boat, they aren't real anyways.
The puffier, the better.
Teleiofags plz go.
Nothing > Skirt > Shorts.
ara ara
As far as I can tell the main differences between the two are their pose, their expression, and their clothing. Is that what the image is trying to portray? Could you explain the message this image is trying to convey?
I think there might be something wrong with your brain. Right is very clearly older than left.
Left is a prepubescent girl, right is early pubescent
Both are completely tappable.
the one with the nicer butt
Complete the sentence:
I _____ want to have sex with these children.
Go see a doctor.
The younger the better.
Kill yourself, crossboarder.
, for the reason that it is illegal, do not
Kill yourself autist
Disgusting as fuck.
You're right, the right does look a bit taller than the left. Is that the only factor that distinguishes the two? Normally I try to judge age from people's faces and their skin but that's hard to do with anime girls. I can see that the girl on the right's eyes are spaced a bit further apart and her expression kind of makes her look like she has down syndrome or something, is that it? Or is it the difference in the way the girls' legs extend from their hips that distinguishes the two?
Why is she sitting in a pool of blood?
I like both, to be honest.
No JY?
Those are only for protecting.
Pre-puberty and mid puberty are god like.
But fully grown young girl is great, though kind of vanilla.
There's something really good about ara ara mature girls too.
Pretty much all ages are great.
Though I have a hard time appreciating them below 9, that's my only shame.
Oldest I've fapped was like almost 60 but looked really good, artist really knew how to make her look cute.
Girls are wonderful regardless of their age basically.
>most people actually think that's unattractive
>like this hypocrite faggot
Sup Forums has gone Sup Forums level of shit.
The right one. pic related.
What's better?
Christmas cake, or a young wife?
>Anyone who doesn't appreciate my fetish is a hypocrite.
Hi toddler-fag. back to shit up /l/ again? I noticed you stopped for a while, why was that?
Please fuck off with your thinly veiled "LOLI IS BAD"+ shitposting, Sup Forums-kun and masturbate to your "really good looking" 60 year old.
Yep, it's you again. How've you been? I'm not the user you quoted by the way, I just remember your particular brand of shitposting.
I don't know what you're referring to, I just know that you're a filthy normalfag who really should go back fucking your good looking grand mother.
Both at the same time: 姉妹丼 is the best.
Yep, just like all the other times that it was totally your first time shitposting in the exact same way with the exact same arguments about everyone who doesn't like toddlers being a hypocrite.
>under 9
Okay, Sup Forums
Show me where I called anything under 9 a toddler.
But they're the lewdest ones.
Over aged
>mexican on the left
>jewish on the right
Legal lolis
Why is she wearing a bread
>both are lolis
>forcing hebe to happen
>>both are lolis
Yes, and? OP is asking which kind of lolis people like, would you get bitchy if user was asking whether you liked glasses or non-glasses lolis?
Who would ever like non-glasses lolis?
Who would ever like Pedo loli?
Where's the epheb at?
here She's hiding because she is a disgusting old hag.
Is that the same girl growing up?
That's not epheb, tits too big
That's like post motherhood tits disgusting
Unless she's soaked in urine, she doesn't belong in this thread.
Epheb = mid/late pubescent, so if a girl is going to grow up to have big tits, she's going to have big tits in her hebe stage.
So what are the stages, by age ranges ?
At 16-18 they're usually fully grown.
They tend to start puberty at about 9-11 right.
So that is the range of a pre-puberty girl, and once it's started it's the mid pubescent stage, which I guess can reach its midway point at 14-15 before ending at the full grown stage.
That gives us 5 stages based on puberty.
Pre, early, halfway, late and post.
Pedo: 0-10
Hebe: 10-14
Ephebo 14-18
is she married to someone else?
Basically NTR vs. vanilla.
then the choice is obvious, i hope he raises my kids well
NTR is only acceptable when it is a loli stealing away an onii-chan from an old hag.
oh i read that one
Which is better for lolis, gentle loving or rough sex?
Gentle loving, in a princess carry position.
You mean:
Basically Netori* vs. vanilla.
We wouldn't want guys who want to steal women and guys who want to get their woman stolen unite under the same name.
How do we remove Sup Forums's obsession with lolis?
tell japan to stop designing characters like this
You make it mainstream
The right
why would you want to do that?
You hire more mods from reddit who enjoy shitting all over Sup Forums's culture
>Gerontophilia is the sexual preference for the elderly. A person with such a sexual preference is a gerontophile. The word gerontophilia was coined in 1901 by Richard von Krafft-Ebing. It derives from Greek: geron, meaning "old man or woman" and philie, meaning "love"
fucking hell, if maya was real right now it'd be serving life for committing the heinous crime of breaking into her house and stealing her first everythings
You would need to replace all of the old posters on Sup Forums with new ones.
>younger better
No. Nobody would fuck an egg cell.
Not on /d/.
In the name of the lord jesus christ
shit i'm in the wrong place
JCs are the best!
Have sjws unironically defend pedos and pedo rights
Some have, see:
Lana Dunham
Sarah Nighberg
And there were articles on Salon defending pedos, though I think they were deleted when they wanted to smear Milo by saying he defends pedophiles.
Sundress + Spats > *
Feminism is inherently pro-pedo.
Bottomless lolis are a 10.
They were deleted, but
I said I think they were deleted. I haven't gone and confirmed, and I don't care enough to check it.
>never get to fuck her in the VN when she wears those slutty sandals
The flip-flop footjob would have made such a great scene for it.
>That outfit
what the fuck
I just want to put my palm on her cunny and rub like crazy
To be honest with you.
I see almost no difference at all.
/no tits, no waist
One on left gives illusion off something childish and one on right has itty bitty waist. Even I got bigger ass.
I want to HUG a loli.